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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/29/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    L2 is life. L2 is love!
  2. 1 point
    В последнее время стало очень много тем о поиске КП. Все темы "Ищу", а не "Предлагаю" - удалены. Данная тема закреплена. Искать можете здесь, в свободной форме. Оффтопик запрещен, любое пост не имеющий отношения к теме - будет удален. Пример: Сяду за саппорта, вечерний прайм, после 19:00 по МСК. Писать в лс или в скайп:tipa_skype
  3. 1 point
    Hello future Clan-Mates! (Clan name pending ; also, I wouldn't want someone to steal it), Please see bottom of post if interested. I'll be starting an EU based clan at launch. I'll be aiming to recruit a mature, consistent, reliable demographic of players. This clan is not a 24/7 No-Life 'race-to-the-top' clan. We will work together to steadily grow and carve out our place on this server. Our emblem and names will be recognised, we'll be known serverwide; Like minded players will then be attracted to us and we'll grow: Let's see where it takes us. Our environment will be highly supportive: People will feel safe playing support classes as there'll be consistent groups available.We'll maintain a highly co-operative ethos when crafting/gathering materials. (Clan prices, swap systems managed by myself and officers.)I'll appoint Class-Type Officers (Knight, Summoner etc.) and leadership positions to keep the structure alive and kicking.Group-play highly encouraged - I myself will group in any group combo, I'm hoping others will follow in this; I never want to see a Clannie unwillingly playing alone. Some Rules (Can be discussed and changed): No botting (except an irregular shop advertisement or similar).No buying/selling server assets with real-world currency. Dual-box policy is whatever server publishes. English is primary language (others not a problem, have functional English, don't spam clan/ally chat with non-English.) Respect: we are not profanity/humour Nazis but please respect Clan members. (It'll be easy, you'll soon LOVE all your clannies).You are a representative of the clan; please be respectful and pleasant to everyone who you interact with on server, we want to maintain a good reputation. Players outside of EU are welcome; just be advised that organised events may not suit your schedule. Okay, you are interested. GREAT! The only REQUIREMENT to become a member is that you either; know you are going to play for a long-period of time (6months+) or if just trying/curious - Declare that you'll let us know if you need to quit and offload any assets you have into CWH/Clan leader. And.. for sake of organisation pre-launch and to ensure we have all class roles covered please fill out the following in a reply on this topic. Class you will play :Estimate online activity (Hours per day, which days of week):How many months you will play for: Where do you live:Languages:Declare that you'll let us know if you need quit/take a break and offload any assets you have into CWH/Clan leader (upon return we'll re-gear you as best we can):
  4. 1 point
    what about to get any banners/advertisement in l2topzone/l2.hopzone/pmfun to atrack more ppl? .. it always help too much to do it !
  5. 1 point
    Yes this is for REAL: A group of us players are starting an international casual clan. After some private discussion, we feel there is a need to for a community that brings a laid back and fun environment. I will be coordinating the organization of the group, but the group as a whole has a voice and no one directly is in charge. We form goals as a group, we take actions as a group, and we play as a group. The rules are as follows: No DramaRespectMaturityNo play time requirementsNo class requirementsNo donation requirementsLanguage will be English - good or bad Voice Comms will be option, but encouragedFamilies and friends are encouragedMembers will trade, barter, share in the best interest of their peers"Realistic Goals"and No DRAMAWe will politely ask those to leave that act inappropriately. Many players will come and go, but casuals will stand the test of time! For those interested PM Me or send me your email address to [email protected] All our coordination will be through Google
  6. 1 point
    ​Тоисть ты думаешь , что тебе просто так все дают такой ответ ? Можем потому-что никто не знает , логично ?
  7. 1 point
    ​1st place : Keyboard 2nd place : Headphones 3rd place : Mouse
  8. 1 point
    ​ помним любим скорбимÂ
  9. 1 point
    there is no Olympiad in Lineage 2 Classic 1.0
  10. 1 point
    Again, nice BR servers with mana pots and NPC buffers.
  11. 1 point
    karlitos above GOD i SAy
  12. 1 point
    se estan calentando mucha la cabeza con la cp.. y veo qe solo unos pocos saben como es jugar en c1 x1... cuando gludio era una ciudad llenisima de gente (mas qe dion) y se jugaba sin soulshots o caminabai a elven village a comprar shots no grade para usarlos o para revenderlos en gludio aca no van a poder rushear con sus cps, mejor busquense gente agradable con quien jugar y disfruten del juego, pke ese sera su mayor factor para seguir leveleando no esperen un L2 como las ultimas crónicas, esto será duro jaja saludos
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    ​Нет,не забыли ) просто КДЛ это замечательно и классно,но совсем не безопасно))))
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    u never play c1-c2-c3 , u never feel the real l2 sensation, when it was just a GAME and not a competition, in 2006, when i have to take a ship from talking island to gludin, then run from gludin to ruins of agony, scream cause of soul scavengar was killing all people that was leveling there, that was the game, the Funniest l2 game. the game u never played. the game we're gonna play right now PD: sry for my english, i do my bests :P
  17. 1 point
    через чур вы флудите в темке не по темке , по сабжу - такой клан (али ) определенно будет , кто успеет подмутить его , запарится по этому поводу , получит лавры . но для этого нужна не просто темка на форуме )
  18. 1 point
    после ит х50 у тебя тут знатно подгорит после 20 уровня. Думаю придется искать бомбоубежище
  19. 1 point
    I really dont want to start a flaming thread... However if the data are like this... I would prefer to have either the exact RU server rates or maximum x2. In my opinion it will extend servers life and and project team will have the time to work on classic 2.0 later :-)
  20. 1 point
    What is the exp difference between Classic x1 to for example GOD x1 or GF x1? I heard that adena is 1/6 = x0,17~~ XP? there is some nonconfirmed informations on the net, i saw some opinion it can be around x0,85 so on Classic x3 it would be like x2,55 with compare to "earlier" chronicles?