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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/08/15 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    ​Ты успокоишься или нет? После моего поста закончился срач,ты опять начинаешь.... Я не могу понять,тебе что до этого на Китайском объясняли что это тема ПРО КЛАН!!! Тут ни кто,не с кем не собирается ругаться и не будет,если тебе нужно с кем-то посраться, иди в соц сети где все друг друга ненавидят,там тебе будет чем заняться и кого троллить,а тут не надо....
  2. 2 points
    We currently don't have a cap, that's the reason we made the Quest - X2 and not X3.
  3. 1 point
    Соберу лукопак c ночным праймом по МСК (ориентировочно 01.00-07.00). Желающие могут отписываться в ЛС либо в теме. Возможен вариант с формированием минипака для прокачки на первых порах. Планируемый в будущем сетап пачки: -хавк -хавк -СР/ФР/хавк -СР/ФР/хавк -БД -СВС -ЕЕ -Варк -БП
  4. 1 point
    Клан:     TheHolyTrinity 4 КП Лук - Ordos PL    Маг - Hurricane PL   Маг - FaunaInc PL         Маг - ABTOCJIECAPb PL ​фулл кландля набора в клан , будет ещё 2 разделенных клана , один для соло Игроков , второй для Других КП. Skype Ar.temka12  (Запорожье) GL HF   Â
  5. 1 point
    I will be happy to help you. Send me in private your future nick name and I`ll contact and friend you in game. It will be more easy to give you advice and answer your questions when the server will start.
  6. 1 point
    ​ L2J worthless slug. You want money to play? go get a freakin job you God damn beggar.
  7. 1 point
    ​Puede que tengamos un TS de 50 Slots, te pasaré info por mp.
  8. 1 point
    ​bem vindo parça, so entra no ts e trocar ideia com um dos 3 lideres!!
  9. 1 point
    ​and l2bu is what ? oh and thx.. 904 castspeed ? what class is that ? ​Looking at the other stats, it's a human mage.
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    where is answer c? cenario C only 1 player in party gets the quest item , randomly (all party members have quest active) because.. number 2 isnt L2.. and number 1 sucks for the support *except the quests where it is like that anways.. but they were rare.. i mean where all got the quest item*
  12. 1 point
    Все норм кп по-тихоньку набирает обороты http://lineage2classic.com/?i=max123soulja связь со мной icq : 670989998
  13. 1 point
    ​Вар начинается со стуна под париком))))
  14. 1 point
    да вы что ребят Мамбл самая качественная связь.Юзайте её и не партесь.А скайп да постоянно слушать Охи-Вздохи-Пуки-Ахи=)
  15. 1 point
    Сон будет долго кастоватся
  16. 1 point
    Я думал аськой уже никто не пользуется=) А нет=)
  17. 1 point
    ​Если у человека онлайн 12+ тут трудно быть адекватным
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    Ohh, I loved your post. I wish I could speak English, but I can only write or read. I would love to adopt a baby monkey with you, and level it to 65.
  20. 1 point
    ​ нагибаторы 17 лет ищут саппорт
  21. 1 point
    ​I will take C. A random member of the party will take the item, no matter if he did the last hit. There is no sense that supports have to do lot of quests where they need to kill mobs. where are the quests where you need to heal NPC? o buff them? where are the real buffer quests? OK ok, i know l2 has a lot of things with no sense. i will deal with it.
  22. 1 point
    NO because it have to big influence on the economy
  23. 1 point
    ​are u fucking kiddin with this ? most stupid thing i read in 2015.
  24. 1 point
    Hey haapy, I do know what the c4 was till the last version we currently are in lineage 2. Also I do know that there are no npc buffers and no mana potions. (kinda feel sad that my mana potion craft for support was swept under the table) ( is in an other post of mine) yes I agree the mobs go down faster but that does not mean the respawn time of the mobs will not go faster. so yes mobs are dead and now what ? wait wait wait. mob respawn. phinapallada thanks for that calculation. So from what I understand you need to be atleast with 9 players if you want more exp per mob than you do with solo killing since 8 players is only 80% exp from the original mob. Well it is hard to keep a party of 9 players since there is always one that needs to leave for some reason. In my opinion my party exp suggestion is still better it will allow more exp bonus for smaller parties which are the most common one. Thanks for you opinions so far. Just need to know if its even possible to do this from draqla. And maby make this into a poll later.
  25. 1 point
    How much this game has changed, karlitos is the product of these changes.
  26. 1 point
    ух Ё.... неужели нас с пиндосами ждет расселение?