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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/15 in Posts
3 pointsпосле объявления войны стартует 3-дневное перемирие. после 3 дней перемирия война кланов заканчивается автоматически, если в течение 3-дневного перемирия противники примут войну, она начнется без ожидания.в 3-дневный период перемирия можно отменить объявление войны в любой момент.с момента объявления войны и до момента начала войны оба клана теряют стандартные 10% опыта в схватках между собой. после начала войны оба клана теряют 1/4 (т.е. 2,5%) от стандартной потери опыта.если враждующие кланы атакуют друг друга во время 3-дневного периода объявления войны, то применяются обычные правила сражения между персонажами. т.е. при убийстве «белого» персонажа, персонаж-убийца станет хаотическим (pk).после старта войны кланов, при убийстве «белого» персонажа, персонаж-убийца не станет хаотическим, однако у него повысится счетчик pvp.даже во время войны кланов противники должны использовать принудительную атаку (через клавишу ctrl), чтобы атаковать противника, тогда цвет имени персонажа изменится на фиолетовый.следить за статистикой по войнам клана можно в окне клана (alt + n). ситуация может быть доминирующей / выигрывающей / равной / проигрывающей / очень проигрывающей.если клану объявляют войны, над врагами появится соответствующий символ: во время 3-дневного объявления обе стороны будут видеть символ с одним кинжалом над персонажами клана-противника.когда война начнется, персонажи кланов-противников будут видеть над персонажами противоположного клана символ скрещённых кинжалов.война кланов длится до принудительного завершения.https://4gameforum.com/threads/484846/
2 pointsi for one, got sick of innova. servers allways come down to the same, if you have a couple extra bucks in the pocket you gonna get the op shirt, and the talisman, and the extra vit pots and the extra enchant box and the extra of the extra... fuk that. If i have to give Money to someone i prefer giving it to this guys then to a company that already milked their community for so long. also a lot of ppl i play with are from the americas, what by default makes it not a option for me cus i dont want to leave this pwople i play with for so long just becus that beloved Money milker company decided to not let them play on their servers. + the bots. its like in here you see the bots from time to time, but u also see the ban lists at end of the day filled with everything and everyone what means that at least they try to metigate the problm, on innova servers it takes 3 months til someone gets banned for botting and till then you are making a quest and next to you theres 100 ponys with names that go from 11111100 to 11111200 ksing, killing, piking drops, its a fukin madness. also the rates are a bit more confurtable for the time i have available to play.
2 pointsНу, вот, похоже, что игра началась - появились драмы на форуме, а то всё "бот", да "баги".
1 point
1 point
1 pointDepends on wich RACE you are... This is only a suggestion, you can put whatever u want and check it... Human => + 4 STR + 4 DEX -8CON and u chose the tird one... You have a good amount of CON to take out... in fact DEX is not even so much necessary, u can put +8STR... Light Elf => + 4 STR - 4 DEX and u chose the rest.... Try not to take CON, but if u think its necessary is still fine to take out some... Dark Elf => + 4 WIT - 4 INT // U can check + 4 STR -4DEX but if u miss a lot than chose another one... Dont take out CON from dark elves or you will be a Stun magnet...
1 pointThis is not Chronicle 1. This is new Chronicles. NCsoft made Classic based on last GoD update, but decreased max level, equip, drop, exp and etc. We giving you right now same as will be on official, but 3 times easier.
1 pointWith the recent patch, they increased the minimum lvl requirement to chat in "!" and whipers to lvl 21, but it seems they forgot to modify the in game warning.
1 pointcan't afford and even if i could i live in south america, so yeah, fuck it
1 point
1 pointThat's true, people from USA cannot play Innova's Classic Server. You "can," but I personally won't. If a company doesn't want my money, that's enough for me to not go out of my way to give it to them.
1 pointЗаброшеный залегерь называется Abon... Camp, а я про форт ресистанс, вроде как лагерь партизан, соски юзал за 18 только ради скорости каста, качался на париках через яд.
1 pointТы ебанутый? На л2к так и должно быть. Translate: ti ebanutiy? tak i doljno bit'.
1 pointI will stay here. Admins are doing a good job, and it's for free. And on March is probably that I move to USA, so I will can't play on Innova servers without proxy or something.
1 pointDefinitely staying; can't afford the monthly subscription neither. And the population is pretty huge here, too.
1 pointProtect the donators, let them bot cause they give a lot of money, and ban the others, give them a second chance if they pay. Lineage 2 is dead, retail or private server, it's all about money and corruption, no more skills involved, deal with it or find another game to play
1 pointКстати, мб кому полезно будет, если кто не знает, /loc показывает в какой город вас тпшнет, если юзнуть сое. и напротив входа в ДВ на холме есть место, откуда можно сое в Дион, Гиран и Орен.
1 point
1 point
1 pointNo, no existe, voy a intentar adaptar el de interlude aquí. Muchas gracias por las molestias que te tomas. Una duda, exactamente como traduces esas cosas? Es muy difícil? Pregunto porque el día que salga el classic ofi seguramente me vaya para allá y creo que estaría buenisimo hacerlo allí también. Un saludo! Y muchas gracias de nuevo Estos archivos tambien te sirven para el ofi. Un saludo
1 pointНет,от варов потеря в пару процентов. На этом сервере проблемы с варом.
1 pointNow PK system is 100% Like on RuOff but x3, since our rates are x3 from RuOff servers.(It's 3 times easier to clean karma here than on RuOff)
1 point
1 pointI think you should read PLAKIS interview... search on forum or google it.... You are targetting the wrong people anyway... BOTs are there so we can kill them and take their items.... Adena Sellers are the ones wich should have perma-ban....
1 pointPues eso, lo que te dijo khaligoth. Ya lo repetí varias veces, pero quédense tranquilos. Apenas esté solucionado van a anunciarlo. La cuestión (lo que me explicaron a mi) es que el subsistema de party aparentemente afecta a muchísimas cosas más de las previstas, entonces les está tomando mucho tiempo, pero es la prioridad absoluta de los devs. Tranquilo que van a arreglarlo pronto, no se cuán pronto, pero espero que muy
1 pointjmscruzado creo que podrías usar los mismos archivos
1 pointDear friends! We plan to make a server restart on November 6th at 11:00 CET. Best regards, Classic Team
1 pointIngame rules violations and punishments §1. Bot. As you know, using 3rd party software or farming with loop macro is forbidden on our server. So if you are being caught - you are being banned. You have a right for 1 unban. Price for unban - 5 Euro. When being unbanned, you will get all your mats and most of your Adena removed. And it's not it. From 14.03.2018 all banned for botting/illegal software characters will have their level decreased to previous level(s) with 0% on it. For chars under level 70 - 5 levels with be removed For characters lvl 71-75 - 2 levels will be removed For characters 76+ - 1 level. All skills above current level (after delevel) will be deleted. Note: If you are level 67, 25%, after unban you will be level 62, 0% If you are level 73, 50%, after unban you will be level 71, 0% If you are level 78, 90%, you will be dropped to level 77, 0% And every skill, which got available and was learned on level 78 or above will be deleted. Books will not be restored. Please, don't come with "not fair" talks. Botting is not fair at first place. Farming on ingame loop macro while AFK considered as a bot. You are also considered AFK, if no reaction on admins checking happening. §2. Botting with multiple accounts. If you are caught with multiple accounts on bot, all will be banned. And we keep the right to ban every other your account, even which was not botting. Unbanning - look §1. If you will be caught on botting again, all your accounts will be banned permanently, and not botting accounts only. §3. RMT RMT is forbidden. So if you got caught selling ingame goods for Real money, you will be permanently banned. If you got caught buying ingame good for real money, you have a right for 1 unban (if this ban is your first ban). But all ingame goods, obtained by illegal way, will be removed from your character. Price for unban - 10 Euro. Next rules violation will lead to a permanent ban. Messages in chat/on shop/in title or anywhere else with WTS/WTB Adena or chars will lead to ban as well. Excuses like "it was a joke" or "but it wasn't sold" will not be considered. §4. Scam in shops. If you will be trying to scam players with similar texture items or prices in announcement and in fact are different, your account will be banned. To unban account, you need to submit a ticket to support. Single ban for this and 5, 6 cases will not count as a "real" ban. It will count as a "real" ban in case if you will break paragraph 4 or 5 or 6 again. In this case you will or have 1 unban chance, or, in case you had "real" ban before, it will be permanent. Unban for breaking this or paragraphs 5, 6 two times (if you had no real bans earlier), cost - 5 Euro. In this case we can delete the item you are scamming with + your Adena. §5. Trade in Party matching. It is forbidden as well as Clan recruiting Punishment - ban. To unban account, you need to submit a ticket to support. Single ban for this and 4, 6 cases will not count as a "real" ban. It will count as a "real" ban in case if you will break paragraph 4 or 5 or 6 again. In this case you will or have 1 unban chance, or, in case you had "real" ban before, it will be permanent. Unban for breaking this or paragraphs 4, 6 two times (if you had no real bans earlier), cost - 5 Euro. Adena/mats/levels will not be removed. §6. Trade zone restriction overcome It also forbidden and being punished with the ban, as paragraphs 4,5 To unban account, you need to submit a ticket to support. Single ban for this and 4, 5 cases will not count as a "real" ban. It will count as a "real" ban in case if you will break paragraph 4 or 5 or 6 again. In this case you will or have 1 unban chance, or, in case you had "real" ban before, it will be permanent. Unban for breaking this or paragraphs 4, 5 two times (if you had no real bans earlier), cost - 5 Euro. Adena/mats/levels will not be removed. §7. Scam cases If you will scam someone, it won't pass. Punishment - ban. The possibility of ban removal is being reviewed and is considered for each case separately. §8. Bringing Raid Bosses to Castles and closing them inside It is forbidden by ingame server rules. Punishment - ban for 24 hours at first time, real ban if it will happen again. Character will be unbanned in 24 hours. You don't need to contact anyone for that. As a report for these cases we are accepting one (or all) of Admins invitation to the "incident" place, or a video, where we can see closed in Castle Raid, and all involved in it people. We are not accepting screenshots, because screenshots may misinterpret the situation. As an example - an innocent person will be just passing by while reporter took the screen, so we will punish wrong player. §9. Bringing mobs to towns to kill traders/fishermen It is forbidden by project rules. Punishment - ban. Unban 1st time (if no bans happened before) - 5 Euro. If it is 2nd ban, it will be permanent. Adena/mats/levels will not be removed. §10. Healing / Buffing /Debuffing through textures It is forbidden to heal/buff/debuff through textures i.e. on Baium or Zaken raid etc, when the caharacter performing buffing/healing/debuffing is outside the raid zone (Baium room / outside Zaken door etc). Punishment - ban for 24 hours at first time, real ban if it will happen again. Character will be unbanned in 24 hours. You don't need to contact anyone for that. As a report for these cases we are accepting one (or all) of Admins invitation to the "incident" place, or a video, where we can see player healing/buffing/debuffing players from the forbidden area. We are not accepting screenshots, because screenshots may misinterpret the situation. If the banned character had Epic jewels or Baium talisman, they can be returned to the Clan Leader of the clan, banned character was a member of, by Clan Leader request. Because Epic jewelry and Baium talisman are being considered as a clan achievement and clan property, and not 1 person property. If we suspect abuse of this rule - we reserve the right to not transfer items on Clan Leader. Every case will be reviewed personally. If you got ban, you need not to come to forum/discord with questions "Why???", but log on your account manager and submit a ticket to support. You will get all information and answers on your questions there. Or better - play fair and you won't have the need to get back to this topic anymore. Best regards, Classic Team