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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/15 in Posts
2 pointsHey id decided to help you guys make the server better. so here is a few things i would think would make it better. Anti-bot poltiics. Bot protection. towards the multiple bot programs. Bot rewards. for reporting those you dont have protecting against. ( we dont get our rewards. we just get stupid replys from the person in charge ) or get ignored. No bot policy. if they was caugt botting dont allow them to have their character back, Even if they pay you. like the system is now. Right now this is the persective a anti bot player have. I hate bots and i want to play the game as an player with other players. Ofc no bots at all is impossible cos there will allways be cheaters in a game. we shuld be rewarded for finding them and get them perma ban. Right now bots can pay a fee and they get their character back and they can go on botting makeing adena for their main or sell it online. Community. Community managers would help this server alot. there is right now a Russia vs Everyone policy there is also some other countrys that decided they dont like other. This is a bigger issue then you think. people getting pked for not being russian and people trashtalk you on other langs. My advice. Strickt English Policy./chat English Global/trade/common chat. Managers of chat to mute people that spam global chat or is racist or hate speech. And a third advice/bug report. Set death penelty to -10% xp for all classes and races. ( Dark elf shilling oracle loses 12-13%)
2 pointsMy deepest condolences to all french players on the server. My prayers are with you and your families. I visited France several times and I love the country and the culture, studied french for a few yeas, so I'm really saddened by these attacks. I hope you get back on your feet soon! We all need to unite against terrorism, and today more than ever: Un pour tous, tous pour un!
1 point that means you most likely have been a bad boy and you got banned. Write a ticket to support and they will let you know what happened. não entendi porque algumas contas com "suspeita" de bot foram penalizadas com reclusão ou prisão, enquanto outras foram banidas permanentemente, no meu entendimento vocês não estão sendo imparciais, estão tendo conduta diferente com players diferentes. estou aberto ao dialogo seriously..... you play with people of the entire world and you speak the language that only you understand?
1 point
1 pointЗадачи на первое время: 1. Вкачать чара 2. Одеть чара 3. Найти группу или клан 4. Кланом объявить вар и раздать люлей врагам (по возможности). 5. Развить клан, дождаться 2.0, начать участвовать в осадах. 6. Там видно будет.
1 pointНе стоит слушать унылое говно аля Upson и иже с ним. Это всё же фришка, возможности у админов ограниченные, но они работают и сообщают о своей работе. Кстати, вот недавно появилась тема: http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5242-the-answer-on-most-recent-questions/ Всё честно сказано, стараются исправить и сделать как можно скорее. А нетерпеливые сучки могут свалить куда подальше и не портить другим атмосферу.
1 pointQuit the game and re-enter. It fixes the bug most of the time.
1 point
1 pointИдиоты нахрен вы юзаете ботов, потом создаете темы на форуме типа вы ещё нихуя не юзали.
1 pointplease tell me what was put in prison I was playing quietly Seeb s Friends Farm near posileniya Jasher Lang and then I m in tyurmu and other identity niky PixBa and Kiissa and who nisot for UTB otvetstvinost ??????
1 pointoh and not to forget. a Server wipe. afte rthe bot protection so we are all equal. and they are not rich for botting.
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
1 pointSo if i get this right: 1)HapIo left Fate (that was not interested on this server) made Exiles because he wanted to create a good clan. 2)HapIo invited random people in clan and a single CP. 3)Clan didn't have synergy so he kicked everyone. CoolStoryBro If you wanted to make a good clan why did you invite randoms? after 15 years of L2 as you say, dont you know that randoms in clan cant make a good clan unless you put a lot of effort in it? (kick bad members, try new ones, repeat until you have almost all good members). But what did you do? You went on selfish mode and just kicked everyone WITHOUT EVEN SAY A REASON TO THEM. and your excuse is that you went on vacation... whatever man. Conclusions: 1)You are a selfish b****rd. 2)After 15 years of L2 you are still a noob and don't even know how a clan works. 3)If 2) is not valid, then you just "used" your members for your own advantage. 4) Your excuses are crap.
1 pointМне откровенно поебать на данную тему, могу и с 70% шансом на дроп адены играть, но ответить пиздаболам от хардкора хочу! Люди шли играть на сервер и их рейты устраивали, 70% сделали не по их просьбе, всё чего они хотят - вернуть как было.
1 pointI`ve found temporary clan halls near dion just outside town gates... And NPC Auctioneer is missing. Where is our special Classic Auctioneer have gone? If for example people would wish to rent a clan hall??? NO AUCTIONEER NPC , NO DOORMANS. Why this system is nonexistant if it used to be on Classic V1?
1 pointПорезали ток дроп адены, было 100% что выпадет, сейчас стало 70%, не так уж и критично
1 pointNUNCA LEÍ TANTA ESTUPIDÉZ JUNTA XDDDDD, muchacho vaya a jugar a un frutita
1 point
1 pointFor now Color Title can be obtained only from events, contests and socially active work. If you want one - stay tuned, new events and contests will be showing up soon
1 pointIf you start playing on project, you automatically accept the rules of the project. In project concept there are info that you allowed play only 1 box for free. And yes, we are supporting only Eng.
1 pointна руоффе с сосками качаться начали месяца через 3, а то и больше... По словам, шанс выпадения сделали таким, как он должен быть. Вы или не играли в хард, или я хз. Хотите халявы - куча пвп серваков с бешенными рейтами. Это игра, где необходимо пользоваться услугами спойлеров, крафтеров и т.д. Бесплатная игра в 1 окно создана для того, чтобы игроки организовывались в пати, а не солодрочили с трейнами, рейты подбираются так, чтобы нужны были все профы, в т.ч. живые гномы, а не окна и чтобы крафтились все вещи. А вы хотите всё и сразу. Ну серьезно, руофф достиг капа на 3 месяца раньше Кореи и по итогу превратился в болото, потому что кто-то трейнил по 24/7, а кто-то спокойно играл по 3-4ч.
1 point-Fixed CRP loss while canceling clan war from -5000 to -500 -Fixed Adena drop chance to 70% to match classic 1.0. -Fixed craft crit. -Added new level requirements: - to send email 10+. - To use Shout channel 21+. - to use PM 20+. - to use trade channel 10+. - to use shop function 10. (PA are not affected by this level requirements.)