dear friend,
I hate sumonners probably much more than u, BUT, the class is stronger just in this moment of the game.
imagine when we have +++ weapons, and armors, the sumon will have exactly same status than now.
if u think play against sumonner is hard, just get a WC active and in lvl just to sleep this summon when it is coming to u.
also imagine to send pet far, u must have a half position to get target and send pet. pet cant run 1200 unitys distance (aprox) . it must have a midle poiint to go there.
ex. in siege, sumonners send pet to the guard in the door of castle, than send it to a box camara, than send it to the enemys in 3k unity distance. DONT SEND A BOX CAMARA TO THE MIDLE POINT OF U AND THE ENEMYS. go with the camara in the other side.
but sumonners have only 1 positive point to play, win in range, be safe on back line during his pets do the job. in all games/animes when some1 sumon a monster they just sit and w8 u fight vs his pets.
be smart, sleep the pet, rush them.
in 1 year of server u will see sumonners strong only inside oly. the rest sucks couse of equipaments.
PS. u cant tourn on a othel in the unicon waffle.