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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/28/24 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hello, it's been a while. I saw the upcoming patch and got hyped...for a second 😄 Then I read the notes and it got a little dark. Enough with the intro, let's study the notes: Chimera Captain Cool, great start so far. A new boss with interesting functions and decent droplist, no complains here. Antharas - -20% hp - I think I speak on everyone's behalf when I say "thank you ❤️ " - PvP zone - Hell yeah! No more pk'ing the 20 untagged boxes that were spamming ress. - Teleport inside antharas nest can now be used even if antharas is already awake - Jesus F. Christ! Ok, let's calm down, apply logic and see why this is I N S A N E. Did you think this is like Baium? NOPE. Baium is a boss that dies relatively fast; around 30 mins is all it takes if it's just 1 party and has a time limit of 2 hours, which is fair game tbh. You can lose pvp, regroup, win and get a few more chances. Antharas has no limit and it's a long long farm, around 4h as it has been so far. 20% hp decrease will cut let's say 1 hour. STILL you'll be under constant attacks during these 3 hours? Really try to think about how absurd that is. You can win 30 pvps and still lose 1 and that's it. No wait...you don't even need to lose the pvp inside,all the enemy has to do is stop the puller and Antharas will clean the rest that were farming. At this point noone will be able to kill Antharas, because the pvp setups will simply never allow the pve setups to farm. Don;t believe me? Go ahead make 1 try for a single Antharas and see how hilariously endless that day will be. Are you worried that people will run inside antharas all day to waste time? Even if it hasn't happened for over a year, just put a 6-hour time limit to it - problem solved. So far most mechanics were perfect, 20 min window limit to enter allowed 2 big pvps to happen, so no lucky pvp fluke excuses. The winner is rewarded by getting attacked non-stop for 3 hours, are you crazy? Why you had to change that? The winner gets to farm- period. Another thing, just for info, the window was ninja-changed to be 0, last 6-7 Antharas, the big boy spawned at the exact same minute of previous kill so there is no doubt that something went wrong there, but I think it's actually ok, it motivates more people to prepare for pvp at a standard time once every 10 days. Both sides are aware of that fact and only group a few minutes before the expected spawn. Honestly, better keep it as it is, nobody has complained or will. Ok that was the big yikes of this season, let's move on. Priests 82 lv Good, no need to delevel destros every day. Bracelet 7 Oh well whatever, maybe we can convince some people to hit dinos. Antharas Earring lv 2 Lv 4 would have been too much, so that's fine too. Nerfed Cubics Pretty good, you could literally spend a match stun/para/bleed-locked vs a pet that already hits like a truck. Gem S Finally! Maybe enchanted S grades will start being used allthough set effects will still be way inferior to A. Overall, besides the Antharas craziness, most things are ok. A bit underwhelming patch though in terms of new zones/mobs/RBs. I heard rumors of a new tower, let's wait I guess. Would like to hear what other people think of the patch.