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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/15 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Prometia - Welcome garra479 - This is an English speaking Clan, you are welcome if you comply. @ garra479, Torch. To prevent spam on this Topic, can I suggest the following: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_languagePrivate messages to discuss the Spanish LanguageA Spanish Language forum (Get a room )
  2. 1 point
    Here everyone expresses his own feelings about Lineage 2 Classic on this server and what features make it so authentic. This topic will uncover the best of Lineage 2 and its emotional value to gamers. The collection of meanings will then become a part of server's heritage for future generations of gamers who change the current community at some point in time. The methodology to uncover the value of both the game and this particular server will distinguish these two entities. Therefore, the first sentence should cover the game itself, while the second would cover this game server. I will start The game catched my attention in 2004 with its amazing music composed by Bill Brown (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Brown_(composer)) accompanied with the symphonic orchestra. Since that time I only run Lineage 2 with music turned on. Although the server is in stage of preparation it already seems to me as a promising project because it is international, has appealing and user-friendly website, and minimalistic design which makes it look so modern.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Googleboon Tank Ireland Torch Overlord Spain seppe Warsmith Belgium Prometia Elven Elder Belgium Prague Bounty Hunter Czech Republic Tiomestre Warcryer Argentina Neversummer Silver Ranger/Warsmith United States CoCo Bladedancer Germany Legolas Dark Avenger Brazil PuffyP Swordsinger or Silver Ranger Belgium Squid Temple Knight/Warsmith Slovakia Tody Elemental Summoner Romania deken suport class, sorc or archer Greece cruzer18 Warcryer United States
  5. 1 point
    Классик -- это не спринт, это марафон. Если ты играешь по 3 часа в день, то КП имеет смысл собирать, если найдешь таких же, как и ты, и вы будете двигаться со своей скоростью вместе. Я, например, иду за "экспириенсом" от игры, иду с друзьями.
  6. 1 point
    ​te apunto como nuker, cuando empiece la obt y veamos cosas ya hablamos y decides
  7. 1 point
    ​извиняюсь где то написано что бы меня комментировали всякие ноу неймы???? тут четко написано нужен биш и все ! ​а где написано что ты нейм ? я тебя 1 раз вижу . ​кто надо тот знает я тебя то тоже не знаю ​ясно все , если кто то признается о твоем нейме кроме твоего кп, дай знать. ​вот норм пачка...жаль не успел(( Â
  8. 1 point
    ​@Googleboon I will play both, not sure when I will have time Just wanted to give everyone some tips, who are not sure what Classic is like: D Craft WILL be a thing, don't just sell all mats and or recsDon't just go for sets, I saw many players in classic running leather armor instead of wooden Non-grade, Brigandine will be an absolute, insane, hard setNo shame in buying Low D WeaponLearn to save money, if you are terrible out of game, learn to be good in gameEverytime you see shots being used, they are crippling themselvesIn Gludin I saw PK'ers camping all exists, so be prepared to PVP for areas such as Abandoned Camp
  9. 1 point
    This group will be merging with http://lineage2classic.com/forum/index.php?/topic/200-starting-an-eu-clan-not-247-no-life-consistencyclan-wide-co-operationlong-term-players-6m/ /Thread
  10. 1 point
    Фишер не ТАЩИТ если что