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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    I hate to be called a liar when I speak the truth. And also, all people who take part in any flame fights are forum warriors. Also, many of our guys, so yeah we all are
  2. Myrtan

    Old 1.0

    So can't join Perkunas now ?
  3. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Your ally friends slapped me and our clan in a face long ago, before I even started arguying with you. I Wonder why there is literally 0 drama between us and our current allies. Ah yes, most of tchem respected us, before we even joined (Rolan Party, Canito etc.) unlike our beloved ex allies who tried their best for us. I proved Im not a liar, I admitted that I stated one thing wrong so I can finally gtfo of this conversation, it always end the same way. Waste of time...
  4. Myrtan

    Old 1.0

    Thank you also, Im trying my best with m videos taking all criticism into account. Because all that criticism I got better with playing my gladi. Attack speed because full STR atm #SummerOf69
  5. Myrtan

    Old 1.0

    But you did a one good video that I liked, and was called "imbapivipi" well done there. I'm sure you could make much more vids like this.
  6. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Trying to call me a liar. interesting. When Vigilance was still around I don't remember that Sayomi party or RIBOS, or Cleef were playing in Asian prime, and some time after Soil left you still were with us in EU prime time. So why you call me a liar, when I speak the truth? Why you call me a liar, when OOC left ally. I saw many shit said from you about AD? Didn't you realize that, we stood a bit longer in this ally than AD? Im not saying about the Times when we fought with OOC, because back then we didn't leave the ally. Yes we had conflict with AD, but this is not the case. We left when your ally except Jernalove party didn't care for us having to face many Perkunas parties more than us with even high levels parties. Yes, you told us and we made agreement that we will start to farm in LOA, and guess how many days we were in this LOA? I tell you ONE! another days the excuse of the ally was "TODAY WE ARE INACTIVE" and when some people stopped to play and we faced the fact that we can lose one of our CP we left to Rebirth as that CP who wanted to quit suggested us. And maybe I was wrong about CHN not comming to LOA, because as far as I remember they weren't comming to LOA back then when I was playing with that ally and was all morning in LOA heart with archer party. I DONT BLAME ALL DRAMA TEAM, I BLAME THOSE EU PLAYERS WHO HAD THE LEVELS BUT INSTEAD OF HELPING US DIDN'T EVEN LOG, BUT WHEN WE LEFT TO REBIRTH, YOUR ALLY FOUND THE TIME TO GANK US IN OUR LATE PRIME, AND BEFORE DIDN'T EVEN COME. ONLY ONE PARTY THAT WAS HELPING US IN LATE EU PRIME WAS PARTY OF TYS0N WHO I THANK, AND ONE GUY CALLED KKTNXBYE WHO WAS WITH US IN TS AND ALSO IN PARTY FOR MANY DAYS AND HE KNOW ALL THE SITUATION AND CONVERSATIONS WE HAD.
  7. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    You just like Rizo saying what is more convenient for you. They changed their prime from. EU to Asian, and that is what I meant not changing it by one hour. /bsoe
  8. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Bla, bla, bla, Jungle bad players without dignity, botters, flamers, AD a clown, not caring for his own ally, looking only at his pofit. I can't even count how many Times I seen that statements in the forum Back then, when I was unlucky still in your "ally" I was believing about the part about AD, but when we joined this ally I realized what kind of guy he is. But I'm not gonna try to convince you, no matter how many facts I will say, you will still bitchtalk about AD. We don't regret at all that we teamed up with AD, he don't regret too. You were treating us like bunch of useless meatshields (except Jernalove) Yes, back then we were weak at some point. No activity, Perkunas fcking us in the ass everyday. When we demanded some kind of help with Perkunas, answer was always the same. You didn't even try to fight them... what we just saw as a sign of weakness. I rememeber Vigilance Times, when high levels guys never missed the opportunities to fck wars in the ass, yet still you cared only for your farm as a high levels here. If we stay in your funny ally, we would be dead clan by now cuz we can't play at the morning cuz of our jobs and other stuff, and we wouldn't get any help in the evenings/nights cuz both enemies. Decision of leaving was just a smart move. After we left what happened? People started to play again, we found guys for our CPs, we farmed and we grew stronger. As you can see from my or Eulogist videos many fights are just JF without ally help. We don't demand dickholding with us against every enemy, all we wanted you brainless tards TO FEEL LIKE WE HAVE REAL ALLY NOT SOME KIND OF JOKE But your too big EGO brought to the situation that you lost couple of active CPs and you blame us for leaving your shithole without any future. I'm done here, you know what to do to prove ur words.
  9. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Cooperation with AD works much better than the one with you. But hey, you know better
  10. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Dude, I have nothing against Asian SM, but you Greek pussies changed your prime to have the ability to farm while our prime never changed even in hard times. So please, stfu. Prove us how great are EU players from ur clan rather than pussying out in the mornings with chinesse who rarely visit LOA heart for fck sake. Action, moron, action
  11. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    But I act in game pussy, not just talk big here. I said and also Capone 9 v 9 no problem, change ur prime and hunt us in AB no problem. We are up for anything you just must start to act Yes, they handle us very well for you I approve.
  12. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Less talking and more acting. Damn you act like woman with her period... You wouldn't do nothing in our prime and this is the fact
  13. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    I wonder if you guys remember that unsuccesfull ganks against our party in AB when we were chasing you pro players one time to BS and another to Aden castle and killed most in both cases. Full high levels like:RIBOS, KAKAR etc. Or maybe you will say now that didn't happen?
  14. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Change ur prime and show us rather than stating your word after single situation. Show us what you got pro players
  15. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    We gather our 3 CPs almost everyday. When was the last time you gathered 4?
  16. Lmao, TT calling us loser clan You came to EV to kill our epic chars first with archer level 69 + some other. What happened? You died like a bitch to 40-50 range level nukers, so you took couple of high lvl guys + some Nosferatu with you to stun some random tank with mobs who was in pt with us, and kill our pt. Mby this is the reason you started a tank? So you will have izi class to play in both pvp and pve because you clearly sucked as archer. But wait, you suck as tank too... all info here.
  17. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Jungle is 3 ACTIVE CPs clan, so still same result
  18. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    I'm 72 and I wanna lose with dignity than pussy out with excuses. Better to lose when you know you have tried, but that will not make us any worse. Jungle always had huge balls, and that didn't change.
  19. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    First of all, no one expected you and some of us were afk because we were not in train. So, EE pred and that was very smart decision, because we would have been wrecked in seconds. White a fought cuz was ready for you, we were basically chilling expecting no one at this time. Do you really think AD + us would let you stay in LoA and farm safe? Haha
  20. Watch my video and see that we facing more numerous fighter + mage mixed parties these times. When it comes to fire power Mage parties take the lead. And I doubt with even 3 sonic focus + triple slash I will make 1200 from TSS.
  21. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    That's a not problem for me. Yeah I will try to convince him.
  22. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Ganking and set up 9 v 9 are two different things. If I was Eulogist, I would accept and lose with dignity.
  23. Don't try to fool anybody, he went there for your high lvl WC/OL. In that place you retard he wouldn't be flagged because he can one hit everyone. Many ppl proved how you act like scum for lower lvl guys with screens. No one believe you clown..
  24. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    We face Brazilian zerg most of the times alone. Are CHN interested in LOA like us or you have free farm in heart? We wouldn't let you free farm.
  25. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Of course, less talk and more action. Just change the prime and show us that you are the one who is right here instead of claiming it on forum. Nevertheless, I think your activity is a bit too low to survive in our, OOC, Anathema prime.