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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan

    Cyane TH Videos

    Make compilations PVP videos, will be much better there are no TH POV compilations from this server. Be the first!
  2. Dude, if you help WS in pvp, and can make us -4 it's better to war you. Logical or no?
  3. Maybe you didn't take into account that your guys were seen with WS players, and also helped against us in pvp. And you wonder why you got war, when you didn't inform your clan to not get involved. When we see neutral clan, we don't do nothing but when neutral clan start to get a long with WS then you get war. Simple as that
  4. Are you retard or you just act like one? What is the main point of this topic? Harrasing/PKing low levels neutral guys untagged. I wrote CERTAIN CP OR CLAN you idiot. You just need something to flame about that's why you bother. Can't call you different just a simple attention whore, get lost.
  5. Now you start acting like typical clown you are. This conversation ends here.
  6. First of all I don't lie, second of all rest of your argument can be addressed to you as well. Just because you don't understand what I say and I didn't think even for a second about Manifest CP when posting my statements it's your and your intelligence's problem. You mentioned BabyRage here first so what is your problem dude? As I said. Seeking for my attention.
  7. It's not flame, it's my point of view of situation, and it is addressed to neutral clans or CPs actions. You mentioned BabyRage in the first place, not me.
  8. The fact you mentioned BabyRage when I wasnt even thinking when posting about them means what you think about their CP. How do you know how I would call them? Are you reading my mind or something?
  9. Where did I say anything about BabyRage in this topic? That was example not mentioning certain CP. I simply ignored the fact you mentioned their CP cuz it's another story. I was talking about new neutral CPs/Clans Stop living in your imagination, then you will understand what I write.
  10. He alongside with Modoy always trying to make flame wars in every topic. Attention whore plague is real
  11. Dude what are you taking about? We both know how Bizzquit was spamming eulogist's pm when we had very hard time as a Jungle and we were basically alone, yet still he refused all offers. We didn't join to ally which was wrecking us, we decided to leave not when our ally had big problems, we decided to leave when we got enough of that ally overall not because ES was wrecking us. If wrecking us would be the case and we were some weak faggots we would join perks. But there were much more factors against staying in this ally. Yet, still you don't understand and your need of flame is stronger than you and you think you can wreck me with it weak arguments. Think and read carefully before you say anything. #mustnotflame
  12. We didn't hug, we were fighting you. No point to stay in ally which don't share same Prime and also don't respect you. Not gonna start again, said the reasons many times. Yes still you don't understand and say what is more convenient
  13. Simple, if certain CP or clan are weak blowjobers, then they join ally who harras them from fear. If harrased people are not weak, they will join enemy side to fck the side who harrased them
  14. BabyRage in my alliance? I missed something or really strong sarcasm...?
  15. LOL wut? WS noob friendly? What are you taking? Want some too
  16. People just don't understand by performing actions like this, they giving away the potential future allies into enemie's hands
  17. LMAO, very generous We should make simmilar topic like "Anathema greyvard event" but called "WS epic giveaway"
  18. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    BRUHH, please! I wanna be 74/75 just fast like you
  19. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Advice me which bots to use for successful farm with 2 boxes please
  20. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    Yes, I thought they don't give a fck about LOA And concentrate only on BS and AB which are full of them every morning.
  21. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    I was sure about this, because back then I was in LOA in the mornings and never saw them but BS was full of them. If you think of something that is true and you say that doesn't mean you want to lie to people. Means you are just wrong. And this was only thing that I said wrong. So why you sticking your nose between my conversation with them? Are you tired of exping with your bots?
  22. Myrtan

    SoulMate PvP

    I admitted I was wrong, so what is ur problem? Seeking attention?