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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Ah I see, finally we reached to the point that you have 0 arguments so u try to lie out. We never made cry topic in forum, unlike you. What can I say? More Q_Q about JF, such a delicious tears
  2. And of course you don't act like clowns flaming forum, mentioning us everywhere what in fact shows your obsession, making cry topics about us outnumbering you. Hypocrisy as its finest
  3. You with Perkunas (not to mention enemies) were licking eachother asses very hard against us for past few months here in forum. Don't even try to deny that fact hypocrite.
  4. Should I remind you how forum looked for past few months? You are the masters of deepthroat here not us in this case.
  5. Ohhhh, you are so tough! glad I was taught a lesson by such a strong hero
  6. No, you can get lost attention whore
  7. Unfinished buggy update, just to say the job is done
  8. Nice offtop you have there guys
  9. You can post screen of your CC here ^.-
  10. I was told WuKong had +/- 240
  11. How was it guys? what were your CC numbers ^^? Ours 85
  12. Too bad you leaving, good luck in the new server!
  13. Mby, pay more attention to my videos and see who we focus, instead of bullshitting. And of course, if sws take our target, we use skill on him without knowing it. In that situation I use blunt 8 sec stun. We can solve it easily in 9 v 9 Forest, np. for us
  14. Myrtan

    Spy POV #1 - SM x JG

    Tough man, that I can tell
  15. Myrtan

    Spy POV #1 - SM x JG

    Well bro, it's quite sad to see that zerg strategy don't help anymore on which your ally was based since the beginning
  16. Myrtan

    Spy POV #1 - SM x JG

    Watch my, King's, Eulo's videos, there you have enough of evidences.
  17. Myrtan

    Spy POV #1 - SM x JG

    Ah! you can see now, what we are doing with your ally without, guess what would be with ^.-
  18. Myrtan

    Spy POV #1 - SM x JG

    Luckily, we don't need epics to fuck our enemies and when we get epics... There will be too much Violence...
  19. Omg, dude just stop making a fcking drama over one battle. I didn't record it, even if I would, I wouldn't post it so obviously I won't remember every single party member from that battle. Want 9 v 9, you know who to contact. Just fuck off already, it's getting fcking sick...
  20. Yes you win with us overall yesterday. I can admit that. I informed because I that's what I was thinking, but after some 3 ppl joined also so yeah. If you guys wanna 9 v 9 no problem, we are up no matter if we lose and the level difference. Every lose make us stronger. I don't wanna argue with you anymore, just contact with Eulogist and talk about 9 v 9. Cya around
  21. Pistolas, RIBOS, ganja, warpole, slonjaboy and that WC/ol I forgot name there were more highest lvls in this fight so their average can not be 74, first of all. I don't look for any excuses, they just lost and started to flame on shout also spamming my pm like a typical bitches. Really, creating drama topic that enemy brought 3 more ppl which were one more DD + BP + ee in a gank fight. We fight outnumbered everyday basically yet we don't release our tears in forum about how bad they outnumber us. What a pity, party 75-76 with epics cry in forum looking for your support. Thats just lame ^.-
  22. Feels like sarcasm but truth is strong with this one ^.-