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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Boy, you meant to finish posting here few posts before yet you still replying so where is your man's firmness? I'm pretty sure your still young age makes you lack of self control. No, real arguments, just blah blah. You know Im right, that's why I made u mad to the point where you act like BabyRage crew and insulting.
  2. Well, we could do the same when we had no Chance to kick Perkunas ot of AB. But for this is just wasting of a time, logging 10 cameras, comming and trying bug mogs, bringing RBs, and trying to steal drops. These are just low tricks, that we don't use. Instead, we fight even in hopeless cases.
  3. Such strong words in the internet. But hey, it's fine, here no one will hurt you. I don't know your discussion with Phoenix, I know what you were telling me about Perkunas, but not gonna say this in public, they won't kick you anyway. They need their numbers
  4. The thing is you didn't decline, we declined
  5. At the end of the video you can see my computer got enough of these bullsh1ts so I got bluescreen
  6. If you are bored at work, you can watch this Yeah, hard advertising!
  7. No questions what you are watching in your free time
  8. Probably Im secret object of his desires. Too bad, 69 can be performed only by two people.
  9. Too bad, you don't or don't want to remember your own words. How you were ready to join us, just telling me that you must wait for clan leader to log then, you all will convince him to join. Yes, that is what i said because this is how it was. Perkunas didn't give a single sh1t about you, untill Anathema left and they lost advantage in LOA. We had plan to give you a Chance, but after all these Cowardice actions we decided that you can stay where you are and we don't care.
  10. I wonder when you finally realize that you are boring... Myrtan, Myrtan, Myrtan... Myrciu, Myrtan
  11. You guys arguying here if SM or TFD is better, but two respected clan leaders gave their vote for new power that is rising nowadays Totally Toxic! I know you two can't compare to mighty ruler of this legend clan, so get lost now. Case closed
  12. Yes, you were crying as a little bitches you are. And yes, you were using some low levels boxes to bug the mobs in BS or near Aden, wasting your time. When Perkunas hold AB, we never reached so low lvl to bug mobs, steal drops with milion boxes. The final decision of you joining us was made by Capone and was negative (and was made after this mob stealing), so don't try to convince me that you didn't beg us to join Jungle. I regret I didn't screen your, and Tekmar's PMs with me. Later when Perkunas holded AB, we fought in a hopeless fight instead coming with bunch of low levels and bug mobs like cowards. Now get lost, you are not even worth my attention...
  13. Yes, as 2.0 SOON if admins wont organize for us tournament like this, then we can do it ourselves. Coli isn't closed I guess
  14. Well, most people pick their own clan and ally, so Im waiting now when they start fighting about which clan is the best. Hope, tommorow will have something to read in work! as kktnxbye said to make server more "living" and exciting we should make an tournament of clans and cps, and see not speculate. @San0 mby some event like this hmm?
  15. I Wonder why no one taking into account CHN, who would crush every single clan with their activity. They would throw at every single clan double or triple r even more numbers and GG. You would lose all your mana yet you will not manage to kill them all.
  16. "Imagine if every clan has to fight for themselves.. Who would win?" As many Times as I disagree with Stiba this time I must admit he is right. I would consider you the best clan few months ago after Vigi fall. The question was who would came up victorious from that fight. If author of the post talk about your siege activity, then yes maybe. But if he talking about prime, sorry but 1/1,5 mixed party wouldn't stand a Chance with 3-4 full CPS from other clan, well maybe apart from TERRORISTAS.
  17. Can't decide between TT and TERRORISTAS. It's very hard decision Anyways, @Hanniball this is not right forum to put pool like this. Majority will vote for their clans, or clans from their ally no matter the activity, pvp efficiency and stuff like this.
  18. Hmmm, Im in too good mood to talk wbout this sh1t. So no this time mr. WeeeeD