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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. No, your party are 70+ or near 70 because all of that free farm u had. And give me the proof where we PR "quite often" The numbers we face from your clan or TFD have at least few 70+, and it's still 2 or more parties vs us.
  2. @Stiba007 you think BabyRage party is good?
  3. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    Just end this madness if you guys consider yourself as a mature people (or you just talk about it) Also, some of you stop shaking hands with Perkunas trolls everywhere because #Mustnotflame is too hard for them, and they doing all of that on purpose. This reply was adressed to all, not just SM. Pce
  4. Great sense of humor man, great play but that music sucks, or mby it is just me
  5. I Wonder if you would attack Perkunas with our pt, if we meet any
  6. And before you tried to recruit me to fake against all clan : ]
  7. Seems you didn't like them before they quit
  8. Let's be honest, how could anyone realize that is Rizo? Could be different Polish guy as well.
  9. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    Doesn't matter, I came here said GF without any hate whatsoever, and the mad dogs again came to flame me I dont know for what reason.
  10. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    The thing is, I came here said that I remember that situation and said GF and you bunch of flamers, came started to flame me like I said that SM sucked etc. You are the biggest hypocrites here. Calling me a flamer, Capone clown etc. yet you still starting flame even in topics when I don't say a single bad word about you, I said GF as a sign of respect for that fight. SO tell me hypocrite @weeeeD who acted more adult in this case? You are not better than me, or Rizo or whoever in flame. You just doing the, same, your obsession tell you to keep hating me in every topic when I even didn't say a single bad word. Case closed.
  11. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    Not flame, just a simple fact, and you trying to be attention whore just like Rizo now
  12. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    Yyy, I would like to see more of his fights. Imagine GoT but with all that happened before killing the mad king. Would be much more epic than current GoT.
  13. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

  14. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    PVP depends of many factors, but whatever. I don't wanna start again and flame like clown, let's just sort things out in 9 v 9, when we will be fully active. So about next week I suppose, but I might be wrong. We are up for any 9 v 9, np.
  15. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    I had frapses that we were chasing SM party, wih our full pt to the Aden and BS, but guess what I decided they are not worth to put in the video so I didn't put them and deleted frapses. If you don't believe me ask Ribos. But whatever, that weak JF lose fights, and PR everytime because they are such a weak clan. poor us...
  16. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    And tell why you have to start flaming again? Can't say just a simple GF? You like to feed trolls like Rizo? Yes, we lost that one but we came back to fight again but I guess you delloged at that time. Idk about what situation are you talking in BS, we don't play much some ppl have break till end of the vacations, and we decide to go back as fully active CP in the end of the vacation. If you see our party farming this week, this will be probably not more than 5-6 ppl active, rest boxed.
  17. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    Natsu hits hard I remember I died in seconds
  18. Myrtan

    SoMe Fights

    First fight remember that, no songs no dances, we just randomly met you running towards TOP. Did you know we were comming? GF
  19. Modoy mby face me instead him, could be anywhere BS, AB np. ah wait "gladi op, admins pls nerf" QQ
  20. It's not about trolling, when they see JF videos, they always go full retard mode and criticize every single second of it. Never seen them posting shits on bad for example Poseidon videos (Not saying every single one is bad) Just same thing over, and over under Legiana's, King's videos and now Monster has been aimed.
  21. With such a great teacher I Wonder why your ally members continously losing fights to us when they outnumber us even 3/1