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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan


    Have a good evening Balu
  2. Myrtan


    Just a friendly advice to new friend
  3. Myrtan


    But carefull, WLs drop Orfens lvl 3 these days.
  4. Myrtan

    My intro project

    Yes I kow what you mean but atm Im not using proffesional program like Sony Vegas because its not free I will have to buy or pirate,
  5. Myrtan

    My intro project

    I keep working on my intro
  6. Myrtan

    My intro project

    What it have to do with this topic? You really don't see the real reason of creating this topic? Stop useless comments. You can pm me such things. Here I'm looking for feedback about my intro project.
  7. Myrtan

    My intro project

    I said clearly I'm looking for feedback, so every single criticism is welcomed so I can sum opinions up and make good intro.
  8. Myrtan

    My intro project

    I have put few first random kills from two videos I opened. My recordings last like 2-4 hrs, I never stop recording when playing L2
  9. Myrtan

    My intro project

    Thanks mate, appreciate your feedback
  10. Myrtan

    mpafos good guy

    Such a rare view in L2
  11. Dude, do you really need to start flame everywhere? Do you suffer from some low lvl of self-esteem so you trying to attract everyone's attention? What the fck is your problem?
  12. Myrtan

    My intro project

    Yes, I can see by your avatar Paint best program ever!
  13. Myrtan

    My intro project

    You know I didnt make it in proffesional program so I couldn't add such thing as smoke. But probably I will have to download sony vegas or some program and try "pimp my intro" Thanks bro
  14. Myrtan

    My intro project

    As I said, no need useless comments and start flaming. This isn't the final project.
  15. Myrtan

    My intro project

    Yes I won't of course put that to any video yet before I make it perfect. The scenes are made short like this to fit the soundtrack. For me background shouldn't be packed. With that amount of objects for me look fine. Thanks for feedback, I will work on it.
  16. Myrtan

    My intro project

    Just go back where you came from. Looking for feedback, not useless comments.
  17. Myrtan

    My intro project

    Hi, recently I decided to make some more proffesional videos by for example adding intro. Of course I didn't want to choose ready template from the internet so I decided to make my own (I like to be original) . Im not skilled in making intros, but this is what I made. Looking for any feedback. Thanks Also I have no idea, why YT didn't render my video in 1080. Mby it was too short or smth, because my pvp videos YouTube renders in 1080.
  18. Not to mention, but going to loa with 4 boxed chars on follow and main char included is pretty stupid. You can easily lose control, causing them die from mobs and drop.
  19. Myrtan

    Weird cooldown?

    Didn't work unfortunately
  20. You really saying about spreading gossips while your commenting here about jungle and its members is usually random speculation and made up bullshits. I see not worth to continue discussion with you here. If you will eventually change decision, pm me where we can talk. For now, fck off.
  21. A clown you can call yourself or your friends if they let you. I'm gonna talk with whatever I want and you can not change that. I see, you have big ego so I suggest you talk with me on Skype/Discord/TS rather than releasing your hatred language on forum. The choice is yours.
  22. From what I heard (don't take it 100% real) ROKDevil scammed all of them, and someone of SM had the connection with it. But truth always is located somewhere in the middle from the gossip. But I agree they were such a strong team, who was taking huge part in clan wars with their levels. Too bad you can meet thieves even in a game but here they don't steal to survive, just are shamefull rats...