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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Since you don't care that no one understand a single word, I will say in my language one but strong word: Wypierdalaj!
  2. I understand you are not sane person, and I don't blame you for that you are just a bit less intelligent than average. I bet all your party is by saying that you talk about me on ur TS and admitting it here. But well talking behind someone's back is such a cowardice, if you have a balls invite me to your TS and talk with me with not made up arguments that you repeat 1000 times and you actually think that someone will believe in this bullshits. We all know how many times you pred. Even against 3 ppl ganking you, and everyone knows who you are. You can't fool anyone sorry m8 Since you are +/- same levels, now you can show us how u win on coli with same numbers rather than talk big here. Are you ready, or you gonna crawl back to your nest?
  3. My point was that TT + Nosfe got their lvl by babysitting. Anyways, we survived hard times didn't pvp for some time because our goal was to PW lvl some chars to get our 2 CPS working. And formed 2 full and one near finished CPS: Melee, Archers, Mages, and we started pvp again yesterday with success. I think we came to an end of this discussion.
  4. Tell me what excuses? Don't forget back then we mostly always had random parties, not fully working CPs like now. Still, they had more than us and two higher lvls parties, so I guess we still didn't have a Chance to take back AB
  5. Let's say theoretically what would happen if even we beat 2-3 parties exping there. So if we beat thhose two parties, they would come back with Uchi/Bizz etc. and we wouldn't be able to farm anyway. All these parties were online, 2-4 parties were exping everyday, and Uchi was running around and protecting with Bizz and didn't go to loa. So in conclusion, we didn't have any Chance back then
  6. Bizz, Uchi, Stiba, Rip, Babyrage, Nosferatu - I think, I still have frapses when we tried against 5/6 parties
  7. Should I remind? Who you trying to fool? You wouldn't do nothing, without Perkunas highest lvl parties in AB everyday babysitting you for past 1,5 month. We didn't have any Chance to kick you out of AB with 3 parties against 5-6, and two very high levels. All your level, is just because free farm Perkunas granted you and that's all. I have my level hard worked. Every day wars and fighting for exp from the level 58. End of the story
  8. Last siege Perkunas ally +/- 230 in terms of numbers, and last few months outnumber their enemies 3/1, 2/1. So what sane person would actually believe that BizzQQ had the balls to kick anyone with his policy, especially a working CP?
  9. Myrtan

    Gladiator CP STR

    You really can't read guys? Clearly my first sentence was just a joke, and in that all post I admitted he play good, just said that he should start using blunt hammer crush stun in his pvps. Rly, can't realize an joke?
  10. Nice, bringing some completely random argument, because you lost rightfull ones. GJ
  11. And which castle did your clan receive for such a long nd succesfull friendship and cooperation with your gratefull allies? Don't answer, thats a rhetorical question. Case closed
  12. Bro, never said that and that is not the case of that post
  13. One person is accused of botting/possible bad behaviour, and I wrote that I like you accuse all clan because of that. Never accused Leo of botting.
  14. Myrtan

    Gladiator CP STR

    Seems you didn't get a joke as I said, when sws take ur target, you take blunt and use hammer crush on him.
  15. Dropping epics is old Perkunas tradition
  16. The reason for that mass ban was confirmed by the admin. Bad behaviour towards admin, not botting. Get your facts straight,
  17. Myrtan

    Gladiator CP STR

    Ok, you are my enemy so its time to start flaming you and saying how bad your video is and how bad you play. But lets be real here. Overall, I enjoyed the video. Good things is you showing your defeats and victories. You show all what happening when playing gladiator. Another thing, you try stun as many as you can in mass pvps, and by that you are helping your ally members in pvps. In mass pvps, first job of gladi is to stun as many as you can, when situation gets more clear, get into offensive and finish off enemies - Many gladis (me 2) forgetting about that some times. I don't understand why you dont use blunt at all. Dont you think 8 sec stun is helpfull and especially against tanks who run after you and trying to take your agro like intrusive flies? (I hate that -,-) Anyways, respect gj and see you on the battlefield. #Gladimasterrace
  18. I like your random assumptions and saying things like you know all. One char from previous Jungle was banned, rest was his cousin account who is casual player and log for 1-2 hrs every week (Leo logged him to power lvl our WC so same IP was signed), some random guy, and boxes. So as you can see, only one person from JF was banned. I like when you generalize that all JF is botting or breaking the rules, so you accuse here 30 ppl of bad behaviour GG.
  19. Epics won't help you in being for Perkunas, like Freys are for Lannisters since you watching GoT maybe you will understand. Little wodden pawns who fall easily on the board. Anyways, respect to one good party you have in your clan which is party of Apocalypse. Nothing more to add, keep clowning here, sooner or later you will face the consequences. Adios
  20. I like that butthurt of Stiba. Everyone is respective etc. and here we have Stiba not related to any good behaviour. But look at the facts man, We own a Dion, and which castle do your mighty clan owns? Ah yes...
  21. You should be more consequent like a man, when you say "peace out" you should no reply. But I see, you are very easy to provoke
  22. Too bad you took 0 this siege
  23. Here we have some threesome. Maybe, they will wait the time when homo-poligamic marriages will be allowed. Watching current EU policy - not too long boys!
  24. Sorry, can not take your words serious. You just clowning around as usual here.