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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan

    Double Window

    "which allows to automate the game process or overcome game client restrictions"
  2. Myrtan

    Double Window

    I hope, its first ban. I guess you can pay for unban for this.
  3. Myrtan

    Double Window

    Wouldn't call that bravery, he will probably get ban for all chars from his IP
  4. Myrtan

    Double Window

    And all that fight about illegal programms, when you guys dual-box for free while some people pay for that with real $ or working hard to make Adena for PA. especially lawful @MoDoy
  5. Just look, your argument is ridiculous. PR use his full potential with FC, can one hit enemy. Gladi can't use his full potential with only banana. Every retard can press Fatal Counter and one hit, or two hit enemies. While to kill with gladi, you can't achieve it with only spamming banana, you need to use triple slash (if its heavy armored enemy) triple sonic slash, double sonic slash, hammer crush (to keep him stunned) etc.
  6. I made on Tyrant 4k with triple sonic slash, used triple slash oon him and 7 loaded sonic focus. Could I achieve it with banana? Nope, I rather to be effective gladi than 1 buton gladi.
  8. No comment, I was trying to be serious here. Seems, there is no point.
  9. Yes I am so bad player, because EVEN I do it better. You should realize that switching is something that you must learn, there is no possibility you will use it sucessfully from the first day you started using another weapon for certain skills. He used to play a tank, without weapon switching, so he is used to tank's playstyle and he learning as I was when I rerolled from a dagger. You play PR, you don't have such problems like us, you don't need to switch weapons and you use very few skills so not much to remember. We have many skills that we have to use in certain situations, and remember to use it again after cooldown, use momentum Stones, use sonic focus and all self buffs and fighting skills like triple slash which is reducing enemy p.def by 20% etc. etc. Fighters are much more complicated and are not easy to master from a first day. Even tho, in pvps he is doing a good job.
  10. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Check who wrote the first post here, me about you or you about me and put that invalid argument up your ass. No one mentioned you, and yet still you trying to put your nose in this conversation, defend BabyRage supporting him and judging us with your random assumptions. 9 v 9 is a honor fight, and no one will have any excuses and it's not your business if its sense to make it or not.
  11. Well, jumping in the Enemy fighter party hands immadiately giving them close combat addvantage is the stupidest decision they could make
  12. OH NO!!! THESE 3 POOR PARTIES TFD/TERRORISTAS HAVE 60+, JUNGLE COWARDS FIGHT YOUR LEVELS!!!!!! He was so happy after they bring 4th party of Trinx WE BRING THE...
  13. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Ok, let's say we both have different point of views and its no reason to bouncing ball to you, and then you bounce it back to me over and over.
  14. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Hello, start waking up. I achieved nothing, you achieved nothing, no one achieved anything, unless they sell items in game for big $ so they have big money irl. Only things you can achieve and be proud of are in real life, so stop bullshitting. It's just a game, and it doesn't matter what lvl you made, how many epics you have and in which clan you are. In year or two, server can die and you will forget it. You will move to another server, and start from 0. So talking about where you are in this server and where I am is just pointless.
  15. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    I hope you clean your mouth after all this asslicking, before kissing your girlfriend (if you have any) It's funny you know nothing about us. You don't talk with us in TS everyday, and you still judge like retard, while you started flaming us first in this forum. Only you can judge if you talk voice by voice with real arguments. Calling us joke is just a whining of big mouth bitch you are.
  16. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    I regret I didn't screen any our talks after pvp in BS with Balu and milion boxes. Well at least Eulogist screened, how you blame him of using QHP. Trying to convince us, you are respectfully but in reality you act like dick in a game. Yes I act toxic when I defend my friends, but I admit it hypocrite.
  17. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Pointless... if you really wanna accept the challenge you know who to pm, if you wanna just clown here and pussy out then don't talk. Pce
  18. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Are you blind? I just told you, we don't have prime at weekends and not all play. Weekends are our free time from L2. From Monday to Friday, we are fully available.
  19. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Cool story, just pm him and bring it on
  20. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    He is the leader of CP, so he decide Weekends are out of our prime, so I don't know if everyone will be fully available today.
  21. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Good, pm KingLeonidas in game or here in forum, and set the date
  22. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    You speak London very best, because is hard to understand what you mean. I know f0rest left you, we saw on stream how he cried that you don't have protection anymore and got raped your 2 parties, just by one pt of AD. FInd dd then, and let us know.
  23. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    Just face the truth, you and your guys are handless. Clearly, I can see max 2 boxes in ur pt, rest are taking active role in a fight. Everyone can see it, and you still trying to lie out of a situation. Just pathetic
  24. Myrtan

    Shall we begin?

    What about our 9 vs 9 request? You gonna pussy out and just talk big in forum?