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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Come Skype or TS and tell me that there
  2. No matter what they say, I play with these people for almost half a year now and I accept it. If you consider them as trashes, then yes I am trash too.
  3. You are retard or what? If you lose your chars, you would be happy about all that time (and possibly money) lost in this game that you never gonna take back? Your useless comments are not need here.
  4. Ofc. they have every right to be angry. First of all, he lost money for rerolls to make our CP working. He lost many time in this server, no matter if he botted or not first char. He got 2 chars 70+. Chars that been banned weren't his and one was our WH. For fck sake. Think because you press the buton San0 You didn't harm here just one guy.
  5. Atm. We have full two CPs completed. So, we are good. But ty for caring our good friend
  6. You probably killed some lowbie, cuz you are in EV and also pked some low lvl. If I was "event manager" I wouldn't give you a single adena for that screen.
  7. Myrtan

    Jungle Wars (6)

    Btw, just realized that 4,2 k damage on Poseidon 0:16. LOL
  8. Myrtan

    Jungle Wars (6)

    Just tell me what TT don't have to learn
  9. Hate/Dislike? Same sthing, just constructed in other words. You still admitted it that you don't like me or Jungle, and Im not saying its a conspiracy. Why do you trying to be pistolas's white knight here? Ah I know, because he is talking with KingLeonidas, not any other DA that you wouldn't give single sh1t about.
  10. Dude, you are saying this like Perkunas members, and especially you (with your 2,5k posts and you joined the forum few months before me) never did anything like that on forum. C'mon dont be a hypocrite, and it's nothing about the forum. Just read the posts from "Rumble in the Jungle" and double check if they mean anything there about forum... ok that's enough for me I don't wanna start flame like I used to everyday 100 posts so Im out. Have a good night.
  11. Never said whole server, but you always say what is convenient for you. I could give you tons of examples. Posts from for example sieges threads,"rumble in the jungle" topic etc. but Im not gonna do this.
  12. I tell you what, if it wasnt been like that, Perk wouldn't care to pick on Leo with pistolasand comment here. But they hate him, and hate our clan in general. So this is not bullshit, look at the comments in this thread and any other. Think again if that what I said is bullsh1t. Anyways,.. my words wont change anything, have a good day.
  13. Thats not my point. My point is WS + EU SM members dickholding in this forum against Jungle. And you can see that everyday
  14. He defend himself well He don't need protectors. But admit that I am right, you guys and Perks hate us more than you hate eachother (an Im not talking about Asian part of SM, they stay out of it) I see that but bullsh1tting everyday about Jungle and liking eachother's posts, flaming together Leo videos, Legiana videos etc. Mby joining WS is better idea for you than dickholding together as enemies in this forum. I heard Bizz still lookingfor active Cps...
  15. I like how they understimated you, and in the end you came victorious from this fight. I hope that managed to shut them. Only thing is that they trash you because you are in JF, and these two sides dislike us more than eachother but mby they should make together one big happy family if they always picking on us together. Also respect to Pistolas, who accepted the challenge not just talk big in forum. GZ Leo, very good job. I hope you frapsed
  16. Come join us! We have free bananas, especially me
  17. I told you already one way to have conversation with me. Don't expect me to argue with you here with tons of posts. You refused and I won't change my mind.
  18. Just start clearing forum of the dramas/offtopic and all these bullsh1ts. You know some warnings etc. They clearly start make drama in every single topic. Trash posts from people like Modoy are basically everywhere in this forum. I used to do the same so Im not any better but if I will receive warning even ban for these things I will accept it.
  19. Organizing another 1 v 1 isn't a hard thing. On fair rules, same buffs and without epics. Im pretty sure Leo will acccept the challenge.
  20. Shut up Shut up Shut up Go cry and make your funny dramas somwhere else. If you wanna fair fight, challlenge Leo to Coliseum. So I will repeat for all of you, shut the fck up with your useless dramas under every single topic.
  21. Profanation! Jungle song, but no Jungle members...