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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Myrtan

    PvP and FUN!

    Awww, how cute! all big boyzzz here argue who is better, and telling to other ppl who can and who can`t play. Keep going
  2. Myrtan

    Weird cooldown?

    Yes bro, but you dont know what is the real cooldown. It's the graphic bug, but can affect in pvps
  3. Myrtan

    Weird cooldown?

    When I use Sonic Move from the skill bar Im getting it's cooldown for different skills. But I don't have the cooldown, because I can use other skills and cooldown still count down. I checked using the skill from the skill book and it didn't happen like that. Same happening to Battle Roar for some reason. I checked even with moving both skills to different positions, and still same result.
  4. Myrtan

    PvP and FUN!

    I Wonder if its a new trend to hate on your videos, because these fights are nice especially that 1 v 1 vs TH, which is in most cases lost battle if dagger get close to archer like PR. Good reactions, he didn't even land one backstab. And siege fights were also nice to show
  5. I like how you call someone stupid while you don't know nothing about him from real life. You don't know his education or job which he got as a reward of his studying. You know 0, yet still you can't shut your mouth because you are the biggest attention whore in this forum.
  6. For fck sake, you all still missing my point. Not talkin about Oren or whatever, Didn't even say once that you didn't do nothing at siege. All I said, you haven't been even bothered once while casting the castle, because everyone was in Aden, trying to take it. And Kure bragging about taking castle without any resistance is just hilarious. No more words from me, read all carefully. Im out
  7. Yes we have a lot to improve and work on. We are not yet close to be as Jerna pt or Sayo who are very good parties. For example I'm the guy for who this server is first real server. Because last time, I was playing I was 10 yo. But I don't agree that we don't know how to play when we win many fights with equal/more numbers and levels opponents what you will see on my new video. All for me what was idiotic here, just Kure bragging that 30+/- ppl defeated 130 ppl by taking the castle, while they haven't meet any opponents for it. Congratulations, and see you on the next siege. I hope you will keep castle, it's important for SM to rebuild ally.
  8. Dude, you blind? I said that we had ally who could help us get it back if the strategy was different. Yes, we wouldn't have chances alone with SM with higher lvls, good parties and epics. All Im saying, that posting screen of your CC, while you had 0 fights for this castle and bragging that you taken it from us its just pathetic. I wouldn;t care if Kure wouldn't post that screen how 30 heroes took castle from the whole zerg. We lost it, because all force was concentrated on Aden, and its the same reason why OOC lost castle too.
  9. I agree, SM gave it to us, but at the last moment of last siege we were protecting it alone, and we had every right to be proud that our plan worked and we took it and we kept it just because this plan, not because no one attacked it to take back.
  10. Look, simple fact, You have taken the castle with 0 resistance. Im not talking only about Jungle, Im talking about all ally which is more helpfull than our previous one. You brag that you taken the castle with 30 ppl, while you didnt face anybody which is pathetic. You just came and casted, while Jungle was defending this castle last 2 sieges. It's all for me, be happy that you taken castle and brag in forum you took it with 30 ppl mighty heroes.
  11. They taken the castle, because AD sent full force to Aden. Simple as that.
  12. In two my videos, I realized two chinesse Glads were hitting without SS, so what did you expect from Chinesse gladiator? to use brain?
  13. Just came up to that crazy meme idea
  14. No need to argue which fights were worth to put and which were not. He liked these fights, so he put them and of course evryone has right for opinion. All that matters is action on the video, and of course he lost to one guy, but look. That guy rooted him with box PP, and was recharging himself. He didnt have Chance to win without mana anyway It's very hard to win with WL with such a lack of mana, with that lvl difference. In 4 my video I managed to win with WL who was at that time about 3-4 lvls higher than me, but I played smart. Recharge before every attack to deal as many damage as possible, If you lose too much mana, youre done as a gladi Im pretty sure Eulogist wouldn't even put this fight to the video, but look how much Balu started to cry excusing himself that Eulogist using QHP and this convinced him to do that.
  15. Hello Comrades and Malakas!!! Clan Jungle Forces is looking for fully active CPs 65+ lvl. At the moment we have one more slot for CP in our clan. Preferable CP will be Archers or Nukers (But as long as you are active and have will to fight you can be any cp and you are welcomed in our forces) You know the Jungle rule? ''Stronger survives! You win or you DIE,, What can we offer? Good company, Cryers, Spamming Malakas, Clan hall. We are part of Rebirth Ally. If you are active CP, but under lvl 65, you can still contact Eulogist, Nagath0r, MyrtaN or KingLeonidas and make Blood Pact to join us later Time to bring the violence!!!see you on the battlefield!!! Some Soviet Propaganda:
  16. Good video, nice frapses overall. But one fight was 3-4 our parties vs 2 parties Perkunas in LOA, so they couldn't win anyway. But many Times we fight 3 parties vs 5. This is how L2 ganking looks, many Times numbers win.
  17. You are such a big talker here in forum, admitting everyone except your side is bad, and you guys are the only lawful white knights in this server. All what you see, are just bad side of other alliances members. You never look at your guys, how big clowns some of them are and their actions because simply every herd has its black sheep. But nevermind, rejection of my suggestion to go talk on Skype which is more convenient than forum of course made you lose even more in my eyes. Such a big mouth hypocrite in forum, but you don't wanna talk with me voice to voice and try prove me your arguments there. Here, all you seek is just BizzQQ approval. Whatever you saying now is to suck up to Bizz. You don't have your own opinion, you just like the mad dog who is raised in hate and sent by Bizz and doing exactly what he wants. If you don't wanna talk me in Skype, don't wait for any more replies here, bcs for me, you lost. Peace out
  18. Enough of forum talk, add me on Skype - myrtan119
  19. Myrtan

    ''I'm done, break it!''

    No, you hit the bottom, when you start flame in every single topic even not related to Alliance politics. And Eulogist is a retard