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Everything posted by Myrtan

  1. Shut up, not even talking to you attention whore. Same talk over and over. No, we weren't online yesterday, only on the evening/night And at weekends we don't have prime time. We decided to fight And we told ppl to log. You can say you dominate when you win fight for certain spot And don't let enemies come. All your 3 parties did yesterday was pr, so u dominated nothing. We soed And Came back again but AB was completely empty, so some ppl from our pt decided to take a break And log later for some farm in LOA.
  2. Interesting! Chasing you, Stiba and Vagina PTS yesterday with one pt was so funny. Not even one fight. We got bored And just went afk for some time. According to your logic, we shouldnt even come to AB but yet we still fight while outnumbered what I cant say about you. No, you don't pr, you just pussy out. And this is the difference between us. You guys need Rizo And Bizz PTS behind your backs.
  3. Not only noobs, but seems like also TerroRetards are beggars. At least, you have beaten Anathema pt because you failed with us. Gf!
  4. At least we are not comming to EV to kill 40 lvl alt parties watch my videos and take your invalid arguments away from this forum.
  6. Yes, C jewels not even top epic drop.
  7. No, we dont have epics. Just chars, and all not ready
  8. Exactly, he could come with his epic chars and have fair fight but no, lets bring 60+ dont try to defend him here. And the fact that his EE pking in EV is just insane.
  9. And who we got here, Nosferatu also against low lvls
  10. And the story continue
  11. That BLOODY revenge!
  12. Not only flame me, Kure flamed us at least few times. Not just me You live in your own world probably.
  13. It doesn't mean I will report to him. Im talking with him and others about the situation everyday and we all make conclusions And you tell me that I dont understand English. Invalid arguments everywhere.
  14. Still didnt quote it. Cmon, prove your words
  15. Who is 5+ levels under me? V0da? Babyrage? mby Bizz? Stop your invalid arguments. You talk about me delusional, but all we saw your retarded topic about Anathema and how much you cried about tchem leaving your ally. Please, don't speak and embarass yourself no more. "report them to clan leader. LFMAO" quote that, because I dont remember such thing.
  16. If this was worthless fraps, why many people liked it? It is good action thats why it deserve to be posted. #NOMercy
  17. Ziomek... This is Lineage 2, you take your chances whenever you can. Who cares if mobs or not, still Bizz could run far away relog and leave mobs. Log again, his pt would inv him and he could come back to fight. All this pt instead of backing of to Manifest (except) some ppl, attacked us. It is his CP fault. Still they are much higher lvls with epics and if they all backed instead of trying to debuff Zacman like this mighty OL/WC they could regroup two parties and fight longer till the savior Stiba arrive. Just dont tell me your ally/clan never ganked on MOBS in LOA. I remmeber when I was in LOA with NF, we were comming to you and we tried kill the mobs that aggro on us. Your ally took your chances and attacked us unprepared with tons of kariks on our backs... just stop. Everyone does this... I record almost all fights, and this one was very interesting thats why I posted it.
  18. Just dont act like you dont remember. When your CP was ganking us on mobs, and then I pmed you to come but when we will be on mobs we pr and you came on our train.
  19. So? Still challenge for me and I accept it. I managed to win with SORVETE in 1 v 1. Every fight makes me better, no matter if I lose or win
  20. Yes, I accept every challenge. Losing with 75 with epic is not a big problem for me. I left him about 2k hp so it was good fight for me. Just go on my channel hit this unlike buton, and go rage to your cave pls
  21. Watch my other videos before making any assumptions here And ofc, I can 1 v 1 you. Pm me in game