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Everything posted by kktnxbye

  1. ES is also an option BUT 1)its rarelly need in AOE pt till 56(clar+acu+emp+gift\regen only since 56) - ppl still will take DD\EE instead of u 2)make solo till 56 - no acu\emp - so u need SE box 3) u need demon++ or soes for solo and its at least 80kk 4) if u go solo for non-stop - its pricy(spirit ore for horses+hp pots).
  2. nope. it will make the siedges less attractive for low lvl players, it will make it less spectacular cause ppl will need more time for ress\regroup(loose even 0.5%(50% sert) on 76 is kinda painfull).
  3. Your team will drown investigating the cases "bot\cyclical macro" OR you factically will allow to use bots. Using bots\cyclic macro will decrease the need to make live pt - why to farm with live ppl if u can make box pt, farm all adena and drop for yourself and buy COLs with adena? @San0 What about new tatoo prices? it will be same as on offi (800k)? Or like on your screen(6336k)?
  4. as soon as sws\tank is needed 24\7 for aoe\rb in party matching.... U will not need even a weapon - starting dagger is good enough to make trains\tank rb. sws have wind song, some self-buffs so u can do solo as well. FP set is good enough for tanking - ~6kk - cheap. If not play in pvp - c luxor jewels is fine for trains in ev-abg.
  5. ppl usually dont use live heal on RB. So yes -sws\bd.
  6. they are playing asia prime in loa recently. we've got many pvp pt vs pt for the last month with them.
  7. 1)debuff\cancel bards\tanks 2)frost long-range targets 3)dont use aoe in loa where the mobs are(y i know - sometimes its so jucy - hard to resist). ggwp
  8. they have now 1 good pt, but I guess its ex-rok\mixed (the one with alexandro necro,athgothe pony etc.) I would place them in top 5 pt easily
  9. U just was unlucky, yday we've seen 3 karmian items dropped from 1 guy when he died to mob. Happens sometimes. One time i dropped 3 items too, and in overall statistics I didnt drop anything in 80% of cases.
  10. Well, we could do better in that pvp(doubt we could win so many stuns but still..). Hope next time we will not make same mistakes.
  11. Твинков много, но я не про твинков. твинков сразу видно по точеным пушкам и наличию саппорта, но новичков тоже все еще много. Во всяком случае в ФоМ, на лоу спотах абг. Я же не про евро прайм, а в целом.
  12. Небольшая часть игроков уже туда ушла, но особо на погоду не влияет. Цыплят по осени считают. Сейчас в завале очень много игроков которые планируют вернуться. Если протянут до конца сентября - большая часть уже забудет и забьет. Пока все нормально - новые паки регулярно появляются в абг и потихоньку вливаются в "большую войну".
  13. kktnxbye

    SoMe Fights

    At BS they went QA ~ 15 sec before we reach them. I guess if they would know they would stay for pvp. At least for not loosing face. @pistolaswe were not 8, I remember slonya offpt. That was fun, we just reacted 1-2 second faster and that solved the pvp. With prepared JF pt the result would be questionable.
  14. With your type of play - sws, warc is cp char for archers. Media section can help to decide - play here or not
  15. Yes there is a lot of RBP since ~25lvlto 60lvl. Ppl look for sws,bd(need bow too) and archers for RB so if you want to be invited - pick any of this proffs. With your type of playing i strongly suggest sws(can easily find aoe pt when no rb is available).
  16. kktnxbye

    SoulMate PvP

    I just dont like how we aggro on each others and if bother to arrange 9on9 - maybe it's better to try someone more unpredictable. Ye they are strong but it will be more interesting when they 72-73 then now.
  17. It isn't worth to play l2 at all. But if you are in the junkie-club already then yes.
  18. kktnxbye

    SoulMate PvP

    They will not let us farm in LoA, yes. We already had the situation. We were running back and forth in LoA 1 pt from 3 pt for 1.5 hour. Nobody will farm if we stay for gank in loa. Sure we can farm effectivelly in BS in this case. I still dont understand you ppl trying to bully each other. What the point to talk about 9on9 when they 71lvl? What the point to talk about 9on9 when we have at least 3h difference in primes? It's or too late for Viet or too early for Europe. As for me it's more interesting to have 9on9 with Kiam\Uchi\STR\AD\ITommy. They are 75\76 mostly...
  19. Let me explain u one thing, if something is made equal to offi it doesnt make the thing right. If we have 900-range skill which can 1 shot robes and 2 shot tanks (with lowered HP) - it's not right. "dont expect u to understand"(C)Modoy It's your brain is FIXED, not FC.
  20. Guess Fraps is better for taking videos. Funny moment "I wanna kill that archer no matter what" - could fck up your pt and all pvp. Lucky bastard, got phoenix already...
  21. L2 was always this way. As Modoy said - tell thanks that unlike good old times(c1-c4) there is no PK clans on the server. About "only ru&china ppl pk for no reason" - is pure bullsh1t. All is fine with PK system. U can learn to log out. If you cant fight\run\log out - l2 is not for you.
  22. If you will do aoe duo, you will have enough adena to pay for PA (~since ABG farm approx). Otherwise - pc+laptop(for box is ok to have a slow one).
  23. I'm not the person who should prevent the violaton of server rules (RMT). And I don't care who have sold these epics. If the fact of the RMT exists for these epics -ppl should be punished. @EMpoweR I dunno who was banned for rmt CH but i still see that china still use nightstalkers CH (cause "we like china guys" )
  24. Yes it is. Spoiler will help you to be equiped well. For my personal exp - my spoiler was bringing me 300k\hour from 15lvl, ~400k\hour from 21lvl, ~600-700k\hour from 36lvl, 700-900k\hour from 44to 48lvl, 900-1500k\hour 48-55lvl. All with SE(SO) box. Spoiling in FG(SoS) and BS on higher lvls even more profitable. I suggest you begin spoiler+se, later switch to sorc+sws (se+pp boxes) for making AOE duo. This way you will be self-sufficient.
  25. On the subject: nice soundtrack, nice destro play, nice hiding from FC on tree (these unfortunatelly dont always can hide you ) More funny that china never farmed epics but they have lvl3 full epic sets. Bought for adena?