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Everything posted by kktnxbye

  1. U can check "active trading of D or C stuff" in GH for yourself (free tp from any GK). All depends how do you play. If you are not stupid and at least can use search on forum - it's not a problem to make high lvl char and good equip in 3-4month. I see some new ppl in newbie locs all the time, lfp rooms are oftenly seen even for 20x lvls.
  2. Now imagine all this 76 fun zerg know how to play Tnx god they don't. Good for them that at least some ru guys in fun are bringning some competition. About epics qty. Raw calculation. 21month*30days= 630days. Let's deduct firts 2month cause no ppl and lvls to farm orf\core. Resp is 36+-8 (if standard),+delays for farm(when no ppl to farm or wars are delaying the farm). So lets roughly make it 2days\epic. So its ~285 epics killed. multiply 0.33(drop rate) = 94. Divide it to 4 (need to make lvl3)= ~23 core\orf lvl 3. Pure theory. In reality I guess it's even less, like ~18. @Stiba007
  3. 1hp moment was funny Sad class but still wp
  4. kktnxbye

    Shall we begin?

    That was so funny pvp : " we have no bd, need to work in assist, let's assist vaginapower" and then vagina looks like lagged and run too close to the enemies and all the rest of the pt run with him and died. Let's say we were not ready that TT can kill U still playing without zoom, still good for videos but bad to realize whats going on around. Not so many interesting material ye, and I personally like to see more humor in video.
  5. Where is our blood-thirsty giant elpy hunt?
  6. Find mage+tank, make SE as box, do aoe. Do RB when available. PP to 62>>reroll to OL\WC(find cp who need OL\WC).
  7. If you would been there - you wouldn't write this bullshit. I'll tell you whats wrong - when you had enough pts for free farm in loa and winning AD\Es there - you dont give a sh1t about your lowbies. Your nosferatu sucked so hard that asked to join to jangle. As soon your 2faced leader smelled the possible defeat in loa when AD joined to ES(and anathema too) he magically decided to fulltime babysit abg with top 2 perkunas parties for his lowbies. It's not normal ally relationships. It's manipulation and cowardness. Same reason you kept ES+FUN+WS zerg vs 40-60 cc enemies for 5 months. Cowardness. Same reason you continue to keep WS+FUN 220cc zerg. Cause FUN don't demand epics(rmt is enough) and providing 2 castles for ws. Any person with a bit of conscience would keep his mouth shut with the last 6 month situation. But obviously you ppl dont know any shame.
  8. Phenomenal skill to speak about things the guy even didnt participate.xD To be precise at the beginning there were 4-5pt vs 3-4 when Bizz+Uchi came and babysited abg fulltime instead of loa . They even didnt go to BS farm for the first time. After 3 day of it, Manifest moved from Jangle to Perkunas, the rest of jangle+phoenix online decreased to 2-3pt. So it became 5 pt vs 2-3. Rip have started to form cp and joined to abg farm. At that time it were already only rare ganks - cause nothing u can do 2pt vs 4 + 1-2 highlvl who is near to help. " the moment there were enough of lower lvl parties" -sure, but to make it happen they protected abg for 1+month. And we perfectly understand why. Cause without manifest on their side and with TT and Nost 65lvls there will be risk to loose LoA pvps vs ES.
  9. So is he retired or not? BTW "He knows how to start, with whom to continue, how to win." - as I remember Biz was not able to "kill the dragon". In december-january all WS+FUN+ES had no epics, not much luck with castles. The dragon has successfully died by itself. Thats quite a strange definition of "how to win". Or you mean the wise strategy to recruit everything even you outnumber your enemies 4to1? Yea, that's definetely the knowlidge "how to win".
  10. I doubt that even Bizz quited, the policy of WS will be changed. For a half of the year WS is keeping all this zerg vs the much smaller sides, even keeping to recrut new CPs.
  11. kktnxbye

    SoulMate PvP

    He saying that we are the best players ever and he appreciates our current tactics in pvp. Also that if he would be a woman - she definetely would mary us cause he likes being ressed with scroll on -4
  12. kktnxbye

    SoulMate PvP

    It's from Carmageddon game. For old ppl to feel nostalgic.
  13. Well, banning all the chars which were accessed from IP of the bad guy isnt seem logical to me. 1 guy used bots for farming adena and CP\Clan chars are banned? First time I see such a methods. It's like to cut the whole hand when the only one finger is broken. But yes, its better to make a dialog with admins anyway w\e happened. I hope you will fix it with san0, I wonder why dont u let Eulogist to solve this situation with admins.
  14. If somebody would be so nice to tell the story... Ppl have no idea whats happened and why.
  15. kktnxbye

    SoulMate PvP

    Gonna gather zerg>take castles&win mass pvp? Easy!
  16. В с4 это все. На оффе пока не ввели - и тут ждать не следует.
  17. Y I've seen that, I wanna something new
  18. Good targeting, but I guess u need to control bards\tanks(frost+cancel+freezing shakle), not try to kill them (with 500 dmg with 200 back to u). STR in first 2 rounds: "we are melee - lets kite mages!" Please make 2nd part with 9vs9 with Kiam pt. I hope this tradition of 9vs9 will spread in eur&asia prime too.
  19. nah, 2.0 first, all this crap after.
  20. If its on the making already, i doubt we can change it now. Personally - xp boost items and death sertificates would be handy. We wanna blood-thirsty giant elpy too.
  21. There was QA 3lvl for 3.5kkk in GH. So 3.5\4=875kk for single. Also it depends on current luck with epics drop. Sometimes there is 1-2 QA for 2 weeks, sometimes it dropped every day. 8m ago we've seen 300-400kk for QA in GH now its doubled. High competition on epics also seems to lift up the prices. *now its 2.5kkk in GH already
  22. kktnxbye

    Let's Get Ridiculous

    So used to lie that even cannot count DD?Or ES is dd now? Also, jsyk, they have twitch streams(not saying about friendlist), they are 72 already. And yes, they did well and we did terribly in that pvp( I mean DD, warc played greatly).
  23. аое скилл появляется на 25лвл. под гираном мобы не х2, практического смысла в этом нет. Единственно когда в этом есть смысл - соло аое если идет какой-то ивент. На лизардах можно делать парики для дуо, но для большей пати - слишком мало мобов. В лоа то можно делать парики, но нужно много регена и хорошие пухи. По сравнению с абг там до определенного уровня качаться не выгодно.
  24. As soon this topic is called "server politics", please tell to everyone what is happening in EUR prime last 2-3 weeks. Any mass pvp recently happened? OOC is still on vacation?