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Everything posted by Jacky

  1. Jacky

    Market prices

    hardcore flame indeed..... yes now u helped him, he can become sultan of the valley. ROFL....
  2. Jacky

    Movie by 4G (3G)

    Ofc its not your problem, but there is absolutely no reason to make movie of such crappy fights and handless BD, you can keep it for yourself. Make movie where you fight equals and ppl will be all hapy with nice comments here, pretty sure about that. ​Problem is that they cannot fight equals...almost no enemies are at levels of RED pt (this one) or Reavers pt. And if some of their enemy is in similar lvl range, they just dont play in same time so they meet max on siege. And its hard to catch up their lvl when you play in their prime its like 70% of time ingame PVP and rest farm (with often enemy rushes ) ​Yes its L2, its ok nobody should be complaining about that tho. Another level is making useless movies with some hilarious bad plays and claiming its "epic", that's retarded. Another movie from same person (the one with sws running around the map) just shows how brain damaged that person is.
  3. Jacky

    Market prices

    making an empire used to be a hrad work.....how you want to make an empire without knowing the prices yourself?
  4. Jacky

    Movie by 4G (3G)

    Ofc its not your problem, but there is absolutely no reason to make movie of such crappy fights and handless BD, you can keep it for yourself. Make movie where you fight equals and ppl will be all hapy with nice comments here, pretty sure about that.
  5. Write here or ig on Jackynka,Trubiroh.
  6. Jacky

    Movie by 4G (3G)

    1st fight - worst BD EU/Rus just terrible, obliously hunting lowbies in EV not interesting.. 2nd fight - allright, getting some bigger numbers against, but mobs rape them after some time....quite boring also, you do almost nothing during the fraps, just die once stupidly. There is nothing epic on such bad movies and what more it should have been posted in media section.
  7. Jacky


    Sea of SporesGiant Monster Eye41Spellbook: Tempest (SPH)0,005% - 0,01%Silence he has correct since they had to keep it on Dire Wyrm, w/o mobs from forrest. Temepst u can drop now only from the giant monster eye tho.
  8. Jacky

    EAC Spoil

    ​Jacky is not correct i think. Hes right that you cant spoil EAx and EWx on classic official. But here admins added this possibility becouse they refused to add enchants to shops (thanks). They add it on some mobs and posted on forum.. try to look somewhere to 1.3 patch notes or similar topics, you will eventually find it ​What about searching it yourself first, they put in only weapon enchants according to the list.
  9. Jacky

    EAC Spoil

    You cant spoil eanchant armor C in 1.5
  10. Well, this is at least something, much better than "PLEAS NO KILL US, WE NEUTRAL, I AM BESTEST LEADUR"
  11. Jacky

    New need help

    ​with mass sweep....dude...rly
  12. Jacky


    its called ​Broad Sweep SB, Fline in Ev drops it.
  13. Jacky


  14. Jacky

    restart time

    ​Stop fucking cry, restart times are planned perfectly. Only "crowd" here seems to be you, you have no work to do at that time?
  15. Jacky


    WTS Spellbooks: Death Whisper - 2,2kk Shield Deflect Magic - 500k Sacrifice - 100k Spirit Sharing - 200k EWC - 2,3kk WTB - Full Plate Armor, Divine - Tunic, Stockings, Gloves Offers here or pm or in game mail Jackynka.
  16. Jacky


    viz. topic v cz sekci
  17. Jacky


    Nabízíme začínajícím nebo osamělým hráčům exp +6% bonus v klanu, místa je zatím dost. Hledejte v clan entry dle jména klanu ETC. Nebo pište tady. Nenabízíme zatím žádný free equip jelikož jsme začali nedávno a teprv se rozjíždíme.
  18. Tady je nějakej českej klan?
  19. Jacky

    WTS/T Chant of Rage

    ​I will have Death Whisper for trade for sure.
  20. Jacky

    WTB SB: Haste

    as title says buying spellbook Haste, pm here or ig Jackynka, Trubiroh.
  21. Jacky


    Reinforced Steel Golem in Ivory Tower Crater
  22. ​Pa'agrio's rage - Spore Zombie - Sea of Spores Suspension - Formor Elder Silence Trisalim Tarantula ​Broad sweep is fell sweep that is on the list. was also said after the update that in the cases where none of the monsters that drop it now exist, the book would stay droping on the monsters it was before on 1.0 till the new monster show up. making the drops as 1.5 it was not a mistake, it was a way to devide our time for updates into a more efficient way giving to the players a easyer acess to the information since the decent databases out there were already on 1.5. in case of more doubts, instead of making posts saying that it was a bad decision, players can just say "yo son, i cant find this drop anywhere can u pls tell me where to get it from? " "San0: Sure son, np, tell me what you need" Quite simple and looks better. ​At least I made you make this comprehensive poste where its explained how it was done since it didnt make sence to "search forum" for example for "silence" never found out that somebody said some of the SBs will remain. Yo son, thanks (and ye I still dont like tha fact that some SB are now harder to get since a lot of them are missing second mob dropping them, but yeah I can live with that until 1.5 is finished)
  23. Jacky


    More SB and Amulets missing completly added to topic with patch notes here 1.3 version patch notes Since you ignore this topic it seems.