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About ThugLife

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  1. Guys, why no info? How the story ended?
  2. How do you know they are not negotiating?)i think they are settling things.
  3. If it was intentional i think there would be no topic and people on their side would not say it was a mistake, they would point this out. But on ru off for example, in this kind of situations, the most important would not be the profit, but the fail and trolling.) On our server its real, admins tend to support top players, who are activ and are carrying the server.
  4. well, it also depends on the relationship between the two. ingame war is like real war, you cant miss an opportunity to weaken your opponent. but i guess the irresponsible move of the sender must be punished :)) need more info, how did he fail? nicks look alike or what? and also need some precedents from the past, did people give back epics from a ingrame moment.
  5. ThugLife

    WTS BOP GS cheap

    up i accept barter
  6. ThugLife

    WTS BOP GS cheap

    hey, would like to sell Bow of Peril and Great Sword at a good price! pm on forum
  7. sad to see those mixed parties.
  8. ThugLife

    My intro project

    i came back to this server, and my first viewed video is this. should i unpack or i can go back where i came from?
  9. we have 2 leaders, the epic сonfrontation just begins
  10. not really good fights, its just the opponents are a herd of sheep. well even i know that all those tags that die in movie are the darkeye zerg meat shield.
  11. ThugLife

    worst driver ever

    i think legiana movies must have such title
  12. i dont understand why you always talk about numbers, when one side has avg lvl lower. i see only statistic, but i think its enough to understand the situation on server.