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Everything posted by Nevalon

  1. No. We win cause we don't give them clan reputation needed to cancel war. Oh wait... We were fighting china there. My bad. We are not giving them satisfaction to make their dicks grow 3 nanometers more. Thats a win!
  2. We basically lost because of your friendly-fire mode.
  3. Nevalon

    04:00am 9vs36

    i believe it's only cuz u last hitted the kills
  4. He's my senpai. For sure i will
  5. Tbh i didn't had to even stun this dwarf xd. I'm rarely stunning healers, unless mobs reagro on them.
  6. Sadly not as when i left at 1.5. These times my best drops were Demon Staff +5 and somebody dropped EWC too sooo... u can guess what i've done with these two hehe. Also some guy dropped fp helmet +6 after that he asked me if i'm gonna give it back... of course i didn't what am i lol... Right now it's just to have fun, not the items. Since also most of items are just freaking karmian parts. Oh also i just sold mass gloom spellbook i dropped 2 days ago from someone so +20kk tho :v
  7. Had in mind that he will get out of mana plus mobs would reagro on him
  8. Before some people that already know my nickname start barking on me... I'm gonna tell you, not only tell but also i'll show you that i'm not as bad as you all think i am right now. Few... heh... low levels know me already right? And some of you already know what i've been doing recently. So ya, i mean it's a bad thing what i'm doing... but at least it's legal. It's a part of the game and really there are easy ways to counter me, few people said already in another post (but the topic is not about it). But don't you think i'm doing it only this bad way... here's a pretty good example that, what i'm doing is actually a good thing too. Actually i don't even need to stun this kind of people, but it's just in case. I mean some of will just now ask yourselves why i'm even posting about instead of enjoying easy drops from him right? And why even i'm making post about some botting guy since i'm just a monster for low level aoe parties. Well... personally i don't know. It's just boring, stunning the bots. Not fun when people are not reacting to that... And i already catched him three times... like come on, this guy already should've learned. Also, why wouldn't i read some people sh*t talking me just right now. It's gonna be fun to read as much as this guy who dropped orcish poleaxe
  9. Nevalon

    WTB Emi +5

  10. Nevalon

    WTB Emi +5

  11. Nevalon

    WTB Emi +5

  12. Nevalon

    WTB Emi +5

  13. Nevalon

    WTB Emi +5

  14. Nevalon

    WTB Emi +5

    Mail/PM Nevalon
  15. Nevalon


    i checked them and they are not spoiling
  16. Nevalon


    Does anyone know where i can spoil coal with 42 spoiler?
  17. I was searching for information which set is better for BladeDancer and most of them saying that Blue Wolf is actually that what bd need. But i see in game some bd's with doom set and i would like someone to explain me which one is better and why. Thanks
  18. Okay maybe i shouldn't use word "best" i mean , 1/2000 for a book isn't too much for me. i can spend long time trying to drop stuff.i just want to know any places where i can drop something good and sell it
  19. Hello. I'm wondering is there any good place to exp and drop something good as well. Something like Sea Of Spores where i dropped some spellbooks (2x death whisper). I'm Bladedancer 46lvl right now. I mainly care about drop right now instead of exping , so if you know any good places for my or higher level , would be really great to know them.
  20. Oh tomorrow. Okay big thanks
  21. How long i have to wait to disband my clan? I Disbanded it like 4-5 days ago.
  22. Ya , we though about that but it taking too long to find a party. we are on partisan hideway just me and my friend , and we're doing alright. Breka stronghold was a good idea , but me even as a tank i was losing too much hp. On partisan hideway we're getting more xp and less hp lost.
  23. ya but i just want to exp only with her. maybe we will invite someone to heal too , but that's all we want.