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Everything posted by Nevalon

  1. Nevalon


    old yes. classic no
  2. Nevalon

    WTS Top XP 68-80

    Nice fairy tale over here.
  3. Nevalon

    WTS Top XP 68-80

    Alright. But remember to forget about Mental Shield ok? and no epics
  4. Nevalon

    WTS Top XP 68-80

    Are you trying to tell me that at high level it's different?
  5. Propably already asking for cc for zaken in order to "help farm".
  6. Tell me... What expression of your thoughts is here from you. You basically says how it's been when parents were feeding you and giving you an access to an internet so they would feel better themselves that they don't need to take care anyhow more for you cause you had something to do? You're the only person crying over those "rare" things. Rest of people that plays here treats you already just like a bonus content that started up funny and now it's becoming cringy. And i still wonder how long have you been playing here and what sort of casual you are. Nobody here accept your shit. Even admins appeared here and i believe that san0 still holds a popcorn. You really get a theraphy and take care of your responsibilities instead of leaving kids with a mother or a babysitter (or even on their own).
  7. Okay, i wonder what way are you reading everything if you have to spam later with 3 new posts under your topic, instead of typing everything in just one post. I don't know anyone who drinks this much coffee to just stare at epics every single day, not leaving it for a single second, but you seem like you drink a lot of it if you still keep this topic going and you apparently keeps staring at it. And if we talk about low level characters to farm epics like Core, AQ, Orfen, every side has them as much as they have people on each side. So pretty much everyone, or at least most of the sides has those chars and it just depends how many people are able to launch the game at moment when epic spawns. Everyone has equal chances, even those that can't play in EU prime. About benefits for real money. After August mass ban which you might to try find topic about i think number of people RMT'ing for real money (cause for some reason it really hurts your butt, like it was happening only on this server or only in this video game) just lowered. And you still can get items for real money on this server by going on an Auction for example. And guess what. Nobody really has anything against it (at least i don't know any person that has). If anyone also wants something big like those "epics" we're still talking about, will have to put some effort in it no matter what, like pretty much for everything in this game. And ye... i'm this greedy while not having this much of epic/overenchanted stuff, while still playing here since propably 3 years already. (i also have a shiny hero for a wallpaper UwU) not flexing And about playing the game. Apparently you had to treat it as your only way of entertainment. I'm not sure if you should be the one to feel bad for me while being 30 years old man that cries cause in your opinion, there's nothing happening, there is no fight for anything, and you want to be a jesus of the server that lives 4 years and doesn't need to be revived cause people are still playing here. And you're trying to tell me what being pure nolife looked like, that's my understanding. You better go watch for your childrens you mentioned before, cause they might end up like their father crying about how server looks like from your point of view while being propably some bored casual player.
  8. 1. 15 years ago been 2005. You're living in 2020. Deal with it. 1.2. Should i feel bad for you that you had to spend you're teenagehood in video game? Or you expect applause? 2. If you have childrens and family and you're lacking of a time to play a game, then instead of bitching about the video game mechanics, focus on your responsibilities and don't bitch just to make your life comfortable. Or ditch it all so you can play the game as much as you want. 3. You're still jelaous you don't have epics, which not everyone still can afford themselves even while being in top clans. And i've never seen anyone crying about it. 4. About adena, you have legal option to make it. You can buy Coins Of Luck and sell them in Giran Harbor. Sure it's expensive, but if you're mentioning that you can work, earn money and get adena, then i think it won't be a trouble for someone like you.
  9. Okay. So i think you're trying to tell us that: 1. You hate "china" and you're bitching about them like at least 60% of the server. 2. You're jelaous you don't have epics. 3. You're bored as fuck and you're lacking some action that isn't just leeching bosses. 4. You're also poor. So, this is my opinion after reading all your stuff: You know shit. Everything that you wrote here makes as much sense as the fact that people have cyrillic nicknames on European server. Also there is action on epics. There are epic fights for the looting rights. So whoever slaps Queen Ant ass first, or any other epic, gets everything and the rest can already relog. Oh and as far as i know today's Ant Queen had died... And it wasn't china who killed it.
  10. It's not ?? And why are you toxic to me ?
  11. If he is not russian then why he types in russian? And i'm not toxic ?... I am not... I don't understand anymore...
  12. We already have players with russian nicknames on the server. Do we really need general topics in russian too? Like pls... Go back to Gran Kain or some shit...
  13. I will just mention that it will land every time 100% rate, only if your dagger with bow is 10 levels higher than the target. And if any of those options above wont work for you then... What can i say? You're screwed.
  14. Nevalon

    Titan Olly POV

    Tbh i wonder how is that possible u didnt have it before. Anyway this time u will have for sure... So please stop playing so i can lose 1 match with PS less. Gz for hero already
  15. Nevalon

    Friday 13

    Im triggered. Yes.
  16. Nevalon

    Friday 13

    oh let this man be... it would prolly devastate me too if i would get literally one shoted, i've heard it's possible even if i have TP on X_X
  17. Nevalon

    Friday 13

    Alright. As i think people that are in the video liked it themselves, I decided to share it even more. Something for a change. Not much of a gameplay here, just our voices. I was so lazy to finish it, but every time I was replaying some parts, they seemed funny to me. So yeah, I hope it will be really taken with a distance and will just make you smile. Enjoy! I Also. As i'm posting it, youtube didn't change the quality since 30 minutes yet. But it's anyway the least important. Also v2. Fight against chen was also posted by @Emperior. I will just mention that for the lulz.
  18. Nevalon


    Watch me playing summoner and just laugh of the fact im playing it... I wish to have range aoe on PS v_v
  19. Nevalon

    Happy New Year!

    Nice robe user there.
  20. Nevalon

    Happy New Year!

    well i guess thats why im a summoner
  21. Nevalon

    Happy New Year!

    You really have a talent in writing stories! did anoyone count how many bsoes he burnt? did he break his record from last video?
  22. Ye i guess u understood. Just to make sure, here's like a scheme for it. 1 premium account logged ==== Non-Premium + Premium 2 premium accounts logged ==== Non-Premium + Premium + Premium 3 premium accounts logged ==== Non-Premium + Premium + Premium + Premium 4 premium accounts logged ==== Premium + Premium + Non-Premium + Premium + Premium