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Everything posted by vanity

  1. We love Rune System and once again No Stibba, the world is not rosy, both big sides buying/bought adena to russian farmers and so it's not a skelth only thing. If you could stop crying about everything on the forums you would make us a big favour, thanks.
  2. No stibba, we love this class chage system and it's one of the main features this project have to get incomes and you guys are biggest hypocrites of this community because there are lot of bought characters in perkunas as in vigilance too, there are atleast 2 characters unbanned more than 2 times ( hello imxo and salaras ) in your lovely side aswell, stop acting like a lil baby, take it as an advice so people doesn't laugh every single time your fingers smash the keyboard arround forums.
  3. Someone tell those mages what to do against deflect magic, funny to watch.
  4. ​since when u can get +15 dex? do u count doom light armor to it? coz i am not using that one feel free to challenge me 1vs1 with your sorry mage whatsoever, my feelings are not even close to be hurt, just dont see reason behind this hate towards this movie, which is overall fine (maybe not best, but good enough to enjoy) ​meh, my intention is not to measure my e-Dick, i'm sorry again
  5. ​i wasnt in any of those fights, but numbers were +- same i guess (for sure not some big zerg), he showed even fight were our side lost, because he played decent there the thing u dont like resolution of video doesnt mean the frapses are actually bad, i would rather watch sh1tty resolution video with some decent pvps than watch tip top 4k 60 fps video when the pov sucks balls I'm really sorry if i did hurt your feelings in previous topics, anyway what can we expect from +15 dex archer
  6. these are the guys telling us we like every single pvp fraps from our side good trolls right there
  7. vanity

    Return to Lineage

    no idea how many parties they had on that LoA fight but we had 9, maybe 1-2 more than them ? not sure tho [ not a zerg definetly ]
  8. vanity


    ​Nobody in my party has 2+ bans, what you talking about lol ​thats why RobFord (EE) and UroxBP (BP) are on banlist? ​I think the only 2 chars alive in this server with 2+ bans are imxo and salaras, remember. ​wrong, i doubt those are only 2 ​enlighten us then
  9. vanity


    ​Nobody in my party has 2+ bans, what you talking about lol ​thats why RobFord (EE) and UroxBP (BP) are on banlist? ​I think the only 2 chars alive in this server with 2+ bans are imxo and salaras, remember.
  10. vanity


    ​Nobody in my party has 2+ bans, what you talking about lol
  11. vanity

    A more video

    we like it, specially the fight arround abg
  12. vanity


    ​stop bleeding ma'am
  13. vanity


    so yeah these forum warriors still mad
  14. vanity


    damn fish whatever you did to all these forum warriors, they don't forget
  15. ​Bought it thanks, still looking for aura flash
  16. ​dunno, i found fishfood frapses looking better, maybe because u have messed up interface maybe because it takes few hours to upload @2k resolution, interface position is weird for majority of people but for me that's fine
  17. my video quality is better tho, you forgot about that Modoy!!
  18. ​ We had 9 parties in those 2 fights if you are looking for that information btw.
  19. I wasn't going to post this, but since you guys like to talk shit here you go Just another zerg point of view #yourtearsaredelicious
  20. vanity


    ​yes we are, was a pleasure see you all
  21. vanity

    OOC CP #2

    ​papa oppa wasn't able to carry you guys this time so let's blame the numbers ahaaam. ​Vanity in the first pvp we had 5 parties and after that 6 , u had atleast 2-3 more. I really like how during the last 2 weeks where u lost 90% of loa pvp's you kept quite, but as soon as u brought the zerg you started being pro trash talker on the forum. You should keep quite until you are relevant in pvp's, mb at lvl 76 if u dont get banned for botaki room. Just by memory i can recall atleast 8 parties u had there yesterday and im sure im missing 1-2 meatshields. ​A simple '' good fight '' would make you guys look better, more rational and less butthurt. I'm not going to dig into numbers and whatnot since l2 was never a fair game, Not even close to good fight ​stop confirming my theory
  22. vanity

    OOC CP #2

    ​papa oppa wasn't able to carry you guys this time so let's blame the numbers ahaaam. ​Vanity in the first pvp we had 5 parties and after that 6 , u had atleast 2-3 more. I really like how during the last 2 weeks where u lost 90% of loa pvp's you kept quite, but as soon as u brought the zerg you started being pro trash talker on the forum. You should keep quite until you are relevant in pvp's, mb at lvl 76 if u dont get banned for botaki room. Just by memory i can recall atleast 8 parties u had there yesterday and im sure im missing 1-2 meatshields. ​A simple '' good fight '' would make you guys look better, more rational and less butthurt. I'm not going to dig into numbers and whatnot since l2 was never a fair game,