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Everything posted by valkynic
yeah WC are really strong, not only are they great in grps but they are really good in solo pvp specific oly once that hits!
There isent really a "best" class for solo play, sure some classes are stronger then others but in the end it comes down to what you like. l2 classic is not a sprint and to be able to compete you need to put in months of work and for the amount of time you spend you gotta play something you love or your gonna end up getting bored and quit. so you should pla the class you enjoy the most. that being said, there is a few classes that will get grps faster, mages/tank/sws/bd/wc/ol/ee/se/bp/archers Aoe is the main way to xp on here it seems for non CP players so unless you plan on soloing your best bet it to make a class that is usefull in aoe grps and due to the 1 client limit even SE are in high demand on here as i hardly see any mages have a recharger boxed and a mage party with no Se is just meh. so agian the best advice i can give you about class is: play what you enjoy becourse your gonna have to spend alot of hours playing it. i hope this helps.
another tyrant movie this time in oly, should give a good ide of how well a tyrant can do
it seems like fun have been on a PK spree last 2 days killing anyone they can find. i ran into them a few times in fom yesterday and today and was pk'd for no reason mistaken identity ? i dunno but just find it fun 70+ pking in fom with a fg and no iam not their enemy as iam new to the server and untagged not loyal to anyside yet so thats not why
i havent been here for that long so it could be a one time thing, but damn your grp is not very organized, no assisting 5 diffrent targets being nuked at once not leading to anything. for some reason ive allways liked watching Pr's vids but no offence this was just messy it seems like your counting waay to much on your FC, saw you quite a few time FC then just stand there doing nothing untill FC is rdy again:P not trying to bash you or anything, just wondering if thats a common thing on here? and please do keep posting pr vids i tend to enjoy them most of the time
ive played agains both on skelth and GK in 2.0 as a necro, and ive played both 76+ tyrants and destros so i do know a wee bit about both but iam no expert, Destro is an insane killing machine for about 1 min, if you managed to stay alive while he burns his buffs your most likely to win the fight but if he do catch you with buffs up your fucked, ive seen the hero desto on GK 3 shot a hero DA from full hp/cp to death in 3 hits but once your buffs are down destros are kinda useless unless u got a bow as your slow and easy to kite around, in oly they can be awesome if played right and with the correct gear. Tyrants are not as insane as destros can be but they are really really strong at all times, they can burst down a target fast and if your target tries to run away you got an strong ranged attack aswell, they are better at aoeing so should be faster to lvl up(i had a tyrant in a mage cp for a few months are he did great), but again they are abit gear dependent, for oly they are deadly againts most classes as they can sustain a high dps and take quite a few hits aswell, and tyrants are by far the fastest class in the game noone can run away from a tyrant unless they use super speed pot and u dont. as a high lvl necro ive fought both quite abit(tyrant mroe then destro as there just is more tyrants) and in open world pvp i dont think ive ever lost a 1v1 agains a destro but i have lost to tyrants, in oly destro have killed me but again tyrants are harder to deal with, when fighting agains destro's its more about who uses toys first so its a more demanding class but if your good at it its an insane killing machine for a short amount of time where tyrants are better all around and easier to play. When it comes to melee v melee i do belive destro is really hard to beat if same lvl/gear, they are more tanky then glads/tyrants and with buffs up they do alot mroe dmg then both glad/tyrant but again if you fuck up your buffs/rotation your easy picking and playing a destro you have to be at low hp to be good and againt good burst classes thats not allways a good thing if they know what they are doing, your allso suppose to carry more weapons/armor sets if you want to compete so its allso a more expensive class then the others. there is alot of good tyrant and destro vids on youtube from both GK and skelth(granted skelth only really have 1 destro at 70+ atm) and i dont think he makes any vids so the GK vids are your best bet if you want to see them in action,
Hey guys iam looking to form a new mage CP and iam hopeing that theres ppl around who might be interrested in forming a new cp aswell. Forming a CP takes time and ill rather wait then get a cp going that crumbles in 2 weeks, so if your interrested in this, make sure your here for the long haul. As iam new to this server i have no affiliation with any sides, but iam open to joining a side if the majority of the CP have friends/alts in one side. Starting lvl Range is : 56 +- 4 lvl's (If your outside this lvl range and really want to join send me a msg and we'll figure it out) The composition isent set in stone and depending on what classes ppl are playing but the prefered setup would be something like this. Main Setup: Tank : Filled Bishop: Open Elven Elder: Open Overlord: Open SwS: Open(can be box'd if someone has one) BD: Open(Can be box'd if someone has one) Necro: Open Necro: Open Sorc: Open Box'd Classes: Prophet: Filled SE: Open It's prefered that each MAGE have a box'd recharger, this might not be a big issue atm but once 2.0 hits and ppl want to do toi box'd recharger is a must. All box'd chars will be swapped in and out of the main party to keep them within lvl range. Play time and days isent set in stone, but i do expect that everyone in the cp would be able to play atleast 12 hours a week, in sessions of 2-3+ hours, ofcourse the more time the faster we progress. Days and time will be set once the first few ppl "sign up" Its a requriment that your able to be on discord/ts3/vent(you do not have to speak if your shy, but you need to atleast hear and understand english) when the grp is going, not only does this help alot during pvp but it allso helps with some of the boring moments of pve'ing. Ive run CP's for years in L2, recently i ran a succesfull mage CP on Official Classic: Skelth, the cp fell apart after 14 months as ppl grew tired of skelth and i decided to come here for a fresh start, and hopefully a fresh CP. Now if your interrested in this send me a msg on here and we can have a chat about it, and remember a CP dosent get build in a few days it takes time so be patiance and if you dont plan on sticking around for the long haul dont waste both our times ty.
iam confused? its DA v DA and one da is complaning that the other DA used wit dye ? its not like both could not use it? or am i missing something?
once your ingame open up the map and take a look at "hunting zones" it will tell you what lvl range zones are.
and the only ETA is: soon, do you think that your special and they would give you an excatly date when the other 653455665 posts about it didnt get an date??
he might not, but if you spend 5 min looking in other posts you would get your answer, they have said it time and time agian _ THERE IS NO CURRENT DATE _
there are 10000's pf mobs that can drop something good, it all comes down to what your looking for and how much time you want to spend trying to get it. the only "big" drop chance are RB's all other mobs have low full drop chance, you should take a look on the classic wiki and try to look in the zones you can solo for what kinda items/books/mats you feel like farming and then take a llok at GH for what sells for a decent amount. there is sadly no Best" spot to farm drops.
it sounds alot like this is what happen in Skelth, one side is out numbering everyone 2to1 or more and epics are a free farm fest, slowly the server started to die at its worst it was down to 3-400ppl at prime time. This is a normal state of the game when the opp side quit, its gonna take some time for a new opp to form and some of the smaller clan need to stop fihting eachother and unite. Give it time and even the winning side will start to get bored and end up splitting up it allways happens.
necro with a se will never go oom cdling, if so they are doing it wrong.
its really ahrd to say what is the best mage, it depends on your playstyle. are you gonna duo all the time? do you plan on doing aoe, pvp? theres alot of factors. imo necro are the stronger one at higher lvls but untill u get cdl its a pain to lvl in a non aoe grp, sph and sps are better at soloing pre cdl (if not better cheaper then) but they are allso more of a glasscannot where the necro got his/her pets and dmg transfere. for some reason u dont see as many sph as you do the other 2, if you want a cdl toon then why not a necro that has a billions tools to use or if u want a stright up nuker then sps seems like the better choice, but in the end its all about your own play style. as Stiba said, sorc are allso really strong maybe not as much in a duo but in a grp they are a must have imo
if you think its better anywhere else... Skelth, ppl stun you for loot, theres 70+ archer pk grps GK, ppl stun you for loot they run 76+ pk grps its the l2 way if you cant handle how l2 is ment to be played then you might wanna check out tetis.
send me some aswell, that would be an awesome monday morning if we had what he is smoking!
she will get more m.atk from a mage weapon and better regen from robe, so overall robe*mage weapon works better
the hats from the 2.0 reward systems are kinda awesome, the gold one has a 75% res on it and 5% xp buff if i remember right, the white/green one have 3 dances/songs wind/cons/fury, and best part is that they stack with the original song/dance only 1 can be up at a time though. so assuming we will have the same here thees hats are a must have for pvp
kep in mind there are no pet SS so your panther isent that op atm DA is for sure a strong class and a good soloer aswell, but so is an SK some would say SK is stronger due to LS and cubics,hex, but i think its a matter of personal choice.
it works like that on here? hmm oki didnt know that. thanks for clearing that up
both are great in aoe parties. there is 2 real diffrances from OL and WC when it comes to aoe parties. OL: can aoe root / silence, and have all the buffs that a mage party need(compared to wc) however if the OL isent in the same clan as the party he/she can only buff himself and whatever clan members is around him, so in this case the grp would need an external buffer. if the grp went with a WC: main buffer, but not aoe root/silence, as a WC you can allso fit into a melee aoe party as the main buffer and OL lacks focus/dw/haste to do this. ive seen grp inv OL to aoe parties just to get the aoe root so if you go this route itsnot like you wont get grps, but you would be better off as an OL if you have a CP. Both WC and OL are really strog in pvp, both are great cc machines and when oly hits both are really strong 1v1 aswell so you cant really go wrong with either of them. its more of a personal choice, do you intend to just go with random grps, WC might be better if you plan on getting a CP OL might be better but again you cant go wrong with either of them.
sure theres "lots" of ppl in towns(there is lots of offline shopt in gh that isent an indication of an activ server :P, thats like logging on skelth and claiming the server has 2k+ all the time becourse you see 500+ ppl afk fishing) and on the ewd spoil spots but that dosent excatly meen that theres alot of grping going on, ive just gone from 1 to 50 and it wasent untill 40+ i started to see ppl in the none ewd/c or main aoe spots, and if your not a mage or an archer getting a grp at sub 40 is not easy and rarely happens, just becourse you can get grps on your alts dosent meen that there is alot of grps, i dont know what type of alts your playing but iam guessing its an archer or mage and yes the grp becomes easier but as a whole sub 40 is not really activ for the none aoe/archer classes. And sure the op might roll one of the said classes and find that its alive but for the none aoe/archer classes its a whole other story, atleast it was in the week or so i spend in 1-40, once 40 it got alot better and even in the more uncommon spots theres ppl.
untill 40+ 45+ you wont see alot of ppl and the server at times seems empty, this however is jsut an illusion and the state that the server 1½ year old. Once you get to 40+ your gonna start to see alot more ppl around and more grps, its x3 rates so it dosent take long to get to 40 unless your completly new to lineage 2. Staff are still around though i havent seen an event in the time ive been her (just over a month) but iam sure someone who has been playing here longer then me could tell you more about that.
so you want ppl to afk xp? let me guess you allso want ppl to be allowed to bot? becourse thats what this is, with loop macros you can afk xp for days without haveing to do anything, that is the excatly same as botting.