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Everything posted by valkynic
wait did you make a script for your bot to reply on forums?
i give up, your clearly to stupid to realise that the ban could have been lifed extreamly easy insted you insult the admins. well all i can say now is GJ admins one less retard on the server keep up the great work.
so by your logic they should spend hour/days on figuring out what chars took part in botting/recived items from a bot and in the meen time you can keep going and maybe harm ppl who had nothing to do with it to mask the crime? they banned everyone to stop the spread and as san0 said if the ppl who got banned for "no" reason would have talked to him in a calm manner this would have been solved but insted yall came to a pubic forum and started to insult the admin left and right... so insted of blaming admin try to look at yourself for acting like a child kicking and screaming when all you had to to do was be clam and keep in between you and the admins. yes it sucks if you got banned for no reason but do you really think it helps to come on a public forum and insult the admins??
so admins cant make a mistake? and that allows you to insult them insted of talking to them?? solid logic
ofc he can, its his server if he wanted to ban the entire server he could what would you do about it? nothing as its is right to do so. the fact is that everyone is to quick on the draw to talk to the admin to figure out what happend, insted they whine about it on forums and insult the admin even more when as your own clan leader said u dont even know who it was that triggered it so why would you not just talk to them in a calm manner insted of insulting them left and right???
GJ keep the server free of retards like that. keep up the good work.
no ty, if u want an alt make a new char. lets hope we never get subclasses
Anyone know what happened on previous ROK chars?
valkynic replied to 88262500's topic in General Discussion
so have i for 1½ year allmost and i can tell you this happens on skelth and GK aswell, box loosing follow or gets "stuck" for no reason is not a bug only on here, ive had this happend to me alot on skelth when i had alot of boxes. Most of the times it didnt happend if i had 1-2 boxes but with 5-6 boxes it happens on a daily basic, its not the players fault nor the admins on here as its a fault in the l2 files/codeing. it sucks, but its the same for everyone and cant really blame the admins on here when ncsoft cant even fix it. -
well that is just babyrage crying, cuz when he was in ooc he would cry about to much pvp and he was the one wanting to stop and wait for enemies to lgo so he could free farm abg, so once again its just an excuse for them to leave to get free farm, the fact that you would belive in his cry's is just sad as all he/they want is abg free farm and avoide pvp. and no iam not defending jungle at all, but just dont belive that babyrage left due to whatever reason other then they wanted to free farm.
iam confused, you dont accept someone trashtalking on forums but you accept a know botter in clan ? what is worse i wonder???
there is a few euro evening based clans around, most are cp based though. dunno if there are any clan that are uk based as a whole, OOC has a english speaking cp running from 19:00 -22:00 gmt+0 and i belive Anathema is playing within the same time frame, Perkunas have a good amount of ppl online in euro evenings aswell so there should be quite a few around.
you cant merge the 2 accounts into one(ma), you can still log them both in if one have PA
cmon give bishop, need someone to protect our weak daggers !!
this will give you most of the info you need: https://l2wiki.com/classic/Classes_in_Lineage_2 keep in mind something wont be here due to diffrent patch lvl atm, and some thing just isent on this server an/or something is on here that you can find info on on wiki, in that case search this forum and iam sure you will find the info you need, but overall this will show you all the skills and so on.
TK's can do quite allright, the only reason ppl tend not tp play them is due to the facts that other tanks are stronger in pvp(offensive atleast). that said a well played TK is extramly hard to kill as they are one if not the stronges tank in the game, TK do good in pvp but they arent a killing machine, so if you have played TK in the past and you enjoy it there is no reason why not to go for it. Alot of ppl dont see the value in a defensive tank why? i dunno maybe they never met a good one and therefor belive they are weak this isent the case. remember in the end it comes down to what you prefere to play and not what ppl think, its your time so pick a class you enjoy or your just gonna quit in a few weeks. and i have to agree with modoy: but saying TK is useless just because u cannot get hero is pathetic imo.
keep in mind that with the upcomming pet ss summoners are gonna out lvl every other class, so to keep them that high on the reroll list is just plain stupid, summoners should be in the same or even lower bracket as nukers are, summoner with a pp and pet ss can do more xp solo then a mage party can do aoeing in 2.0 so if the system stays like this everyone will roll a summoner and xp to 76+ in no time and then change class, it will ruin the whole random grping as why would you want to share your xp with someone when you can do more on your own! imo it should be like it is now with the only exception of summoners being moved to the lowest bracket before 2.0.
it sounds like you would like to join a clan/cp that is needing a specific class, the problem with that is that most of thoes clans/cp are 60+(most 70+) and i dont think they would want to wait months for u to reach their lvl. your best bet is to either join a lvling clan and they take whatever as they dont really do the whole cp system or send a pm to one of the higher clans looking for a driver and see if they have a high lvl char you could drive insted of lvling from 0.
Poll about class balance. Leave your opinion
valkynic replied to Cyane's topic in General Discussion
well said. l2 was never balanced around 1v1 and i for one hope that it will never be, but i guess we will allways see ppl cry about losses to better players, and then blame it on the char is OP and not balanced for 1v1..... -
keep in mind this isent officiel, ppl here plays SE/EE activ, here they are both quite good. now dunno if it would be your best bet for an archer duo but for sure an SE isent a bad combo heals/recharge//basic buffs/Root, sure there might be better duo chars but as an se you can for sure be usefull in late game aswell. but as everyone else says, archer/wc or sws/tank, it all comes down to your play style If you prefere the more kiteing play style againts 2+ ppl wc is a great pick, plenty of cc and simple heals extra stun if they come close to you + all buffs you really need (emp/zerg) if your more into the whole charging in, tank/sws might be better for you, both of them provide good utility and depending on tank good controle. both setups should have no problem getting grps, lots of rb parties wants archers/buffer/tank so it would work well in pve aswell and should you prefere to duo well that should be no problem with either setup aswell.
you should really try it the next time we fight then i might not get all them fetals from ya, id really like that yes sir i would!
most are useing othell ya(or they did before it was changed, not sure anymore), there was an official test of it and thats where the rumor of it being bugged came from, i havent tested it in 2.5 after they changed or "fix" it so i dont know how it works now but before it was insane, now granted it dosent meen that ppl would run around and crit for 5k left and right but it gave a crazy boost to everyone and for the high crit users like daggers it was insane that + the ss% on +16 weapons and blessed shots you could put out some amazing deeps! its gonna be fun testing it on here and figure out what works best.
ya the othell was changed in 2.5 and its now more inline with what its suppose to be i guess, but ya one thing is to talk about what is on official and what will be here, like i said before its not as simple as comparing the 2 and then conclude that something is wrong theres too many factors so untill we get 2.0 we cant really assume that it will be as op'd as it was in 2.0 on official
not 100% correct, the way othell works is kinda wired, the easy way to descripe it is % wise but no ofc u dont get 275% more crit dmg but as its not as simple as stating if the runes gives you 175 crit your crit dmg goes up with 175 dmg as T0sh belives it does. i dont know the formula to calc your excatly dmg(maybe admins would share it?) but if you want to look at it in a simple way its closer to giveing the % then the flat dmg boost(yes yes i know u dont get 275% more crit dmg), this is allso why you see lvl 30 with a +0 emi with a lvl 10 othell 2 shotting lvl 65 mobs outside aden in 2.0, if the runes just add'd lets keep useing the 275 to crit dmg as the rune tooltip says there is no way that a lvl 30 would be able to 2-3 shot lvl 65 mobs. That being said there are just to many factors to take into place for someone to calc the excatly dmg you should be doing and the adding of the runes just make its alot harder to being able to calc the dmg. now about the dagger dmg as i tried to explaine to t0sh you cannot compare GK in 1.58heck some of the fights are from 2.0 from what i can see) to how daggers are here, for one VS was completly bugged in 1.5(why u dont see him use it) it would give u 0 extra crit dmg but still drain your mana, you dont know what items the target has what buffs again theres to many factor that matter for you to compare this in a stright up dmg comparing. i have acces to quite a few 70+ daggers on gk/skelth and have been stabbing alot of ppl with em and one thing that is 100% true is that the current runes in 2.0 is waaaay OP as their dmg sky rocket with them and each new lvl they get8of the rune) is a big dmg boost, there have been some talk that the othell was bugged and that is why the dmg boost was so insane, this i dont know if its true but it would explaine alot. if the runes was ment to add 175 to your base crit before modyfier that would make sense but thats just not how they work/worked in 2.0
iam pretty new to the server and iam 58 and ive been pk'd a few time but this was all pre 40, since lvl 40 ive been pk'd once and that was due to mistaken identity i think, sure there are ppl that pk for no reason but its not as bad as you make it sound like or if so you might be the most unlucky person in the server or maybe you provoke someone and now they are just pking you on sight i dont know.
from my own experiance going from 1 to 40 i hardly found any grps, just the random aoe grp here and there, but after 40 it got alot better even as a glad you can join aoe grps and do just fine so stick in there and if your have a pp that you duo with it wont take long to get to 40(i did it mostly solo and took me about 5 days playing a few hours aday) this is classic l2 and even thought its an x3 it still takes a good amout of effort to get to the fun part of the game so stick in there and as ppl said join random grps/raids and get to know ppl that way before you know you might be in a CP.