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a1ex last won the day on October 26 2019

a1ex had the most liked content!

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16 Good

About a1ex

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/09/1993

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  1. a1ex

    CP LFP

    u played on E-Global GVE?)
  2. Что ты хотел показать этим видео?
  3. a1ex


    Думаю пару обновлений тут точно будет еще, дальнейшее развитие зависит от игроков. а по поводу патчей, то особых отличий от ру офф серверов тут нет и вряд ли будут.
  4. a1ex


    you motivate me to play more and better. GF WP GL
  5. dont have problems with dark assasins transformations. they can be obtained. about mana potions so 1 se/ee its not panacea. for example u need 120 mp for kill)
  6. Pirates and special dragon fruits mast have in events. Mana potions? why not?
  7. a1ex

    Non-Hero Mage Pov

    it's easy when they don't try to kill you first
  8. go to youtube and watch guides how to play in l2 classic. guides about classes and rasses. and go to discord on this server and ask ppl there. ppl answer u faster there.
  9. someone behaved well and Santa came to him
  10. relax. soon the holidays. u know? P.S. marry christmas
  11. and we will fight once every two week? in Siege? best propose