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Posts posted by Pendragon

  1. @Kse @San0 @Koll Are you guys going to have same scamming is illegal approach in new server as you did in old? Investigating and returning items etc?

    If yes, i suggest increasing price for it, what was it, 20e? It's a joke, make it 30,40,50?It would still be worth it, scamming is a plague. The feeling you have knowing you're safe is priceless, in most cases scammed items are worth far more than paying 30-50e for investigation. No other servers i played in had this, because it's alot of work and headaches i quess, this is unique thing you had, i haven't gotten scammed in 4 years while sharing items with 50+ people.

  2. Id like to offer some custom amount of slots to be available in clans and in allies.
    For those who don't know, classic(atleast up to 2.5, i didnt play later patches) had max 40 members slots in clan and max 3 clans in ally. As an ally leader myself, i remember it being hard to recruit people past 120 members, because some didn't want to join secondary alliance where they couldnt see ally chat or chat with other members, basically it makes people feel isolated.

    Wouldnt it be nice(since im quessing academy is hard to implement) to increase clan slots to 50-60 and ally slots to 4-5, it's obviously big OOF by our korean overlords to make clans and allies so small, but we can fix bullshit where we see it, it would make our community more connected...

    • Thanks 1

  3. I thought i would make a new thread for this one, because forgot to mention  in my other thread, and now i feel like it would get lost inbetween messages.

    How about 1 or 2 special CH, maybe our hackerman admins can make something like fortress of resistance ch or devastated castle ch being monthly auction biddable clan halls for COL(Coin of luck, ingame donation currency for those who don't know, tradeable between players, used for premiums and cosmetics aswell).

    This way its more moneyz for the admins and server, more clan halls in the server,  extra 'perks' for people who donate and support server, but people who buy COLs for adena can bid for them aswell, also another way to flush out COL out of server, so again, good for the market, keeps their price valuable, im not a smart man, but also wouldnt it be almost more worth to buy COL, for people who want to spent money on a game, rather than RMT from adena sellers, risk bans etc.

    I get that this is a little out of the ordinary, spicy suggestion, but as far as i know, there will be no auction in site ;) So this would be cool thank you for the admins, noone will spend 400 euros for monthly ch, so i dont think it would be hard to get it. Same like any other CH bid, if you loose, you get 90% COL back instead of 100%.


    Before you go shouting PAY2WIN, we already have PAY2WIN with premium accounts, i think lets be mature about it and support a server we love, with a promise @San0 wouldnt spend it all on strippers. It would be 2 CH for col only and obviously if people dont like it later, it can be removed.

  4. 46 minutes ago, San0 said:

    1 - the CH going back to NPCs over time its something we have been discussing on for long time in case we would make new project.

    i like the fact of adena removal and the fact that dead clans cant just keep a CH forever even with 2 or 3 dudes active only.

    Im not 100% good with the 1 month time tho. maybe a slightly longer period. I can easily see less hardcore clans not being interested on spending all their adena on something they will with big chances loose in a month.

    2 - no dual box is not a good option for us and i will explain why from our point of view.

    - Many of the servers you see running a no box politics they run different chronicles then classic this means, buffs from NPC, herbs while hunting, in many of the cases (with some exceptions) shorter longevity and also in most of the cases less casual players who do not play on the top clans or some of them not even in middle clans and like to play only with couple of friends, wife/husband/kids, or even by themselves. for this people going into a 1 box only way it would make it impossible for them to play and enjoy it if they have few time to play or play out of main prime zones.

    - Server sustain. yes its a black sheep that no admin likes to talk about but we are not afraid of the subject. premium accounts is a big part of server income, with the box function premium account becomes less attractive to most of the people meaning less people will buy it meaning less income for the server which may end up in server being literally unsustainable, or other methods that go against the hardcore no pay2win mentality ending up being necessary.

    - With all this being said we still pulled back from what we have on TIx3 and decided to go a bit harder with the boxing limits, therefor we believe the 1 client +1 box with premium brings the balance between keeping people active playing on all classes at all times being it high peak times or low activity times and still provides a somewhat steady income to keep us running for as long as possible (will we go another 7 years + server?   )

    3 - About the rates. x3 of classic 1.5 was about 5 or 6 years ago, meanwhile people played on TIx3 that has been HIGHLY increased the leveling speed by boosted locations, level shrinks, bosses EXP, new zones with high EXP etc, Other have been playing other version of the game like h5s and interludes where exp is by base higher then classic and the exp needed per level is less then on classic. so im not sure if going lower then x3 is the best choice for everyone. We do understand a lot of people want it hardcore, but in this hardcore some want it hardcore and others want it REALLY hardcore, our judgement here is that going REALLY hardcore might turn way some people that would like it to be hard and long process but not to the point of ending up having the gran children finishing the char just cuz they didnt had enough play time to do it during all their life time.

     ALSO: we are open to improvements and discussion about exp boosts that will or not exist in start or opening. like no exp increase from Strix npc, or no exp scrolls on daily missions making it exist only from achievement and events meaning they will be limited and this kind of stuff.


    with all this being said and i feel i forgot about something during the next month we will run a couple of polls on forum/discord and gauging what and if we can or should or need to change.

    1. On elmore it worked extremely well, the prices for main CHs even were surprisingly low, then there's mind tricks, you bid for ch, loose it, and overbid it next time while same clan goes for another ch. You can make it every 2 months if you want, but in general this is good for server, imo.

    2. You havent seen how it worked in reborn, randoms are looking for raid or xp parties through party making, inviting each other to friendslist, even main cps look for randoms when they don't have main people to fill, it is legit auto community builder, people are talking to each other through pm, this is what you want. IT IS WHOLE DIFFERENT VIBE TO THE GAME, in a good way too.

    Your second point about server sustain, make premium give 25% xp more, 30%, more? NOONE IS COMPLAINING  about this, we understand that you need to make money, make lower rates in general, lets say 1x 1.5x or 2x and compensate it with premium giving more alooot more xp, make premium account give special hats and cosmetics available just for premium, make special SEASONAL premiums, something like battle pass in dota, make specific cool hats appear once every 3 or 6 months for a short time or whatever, dunno thats just some idea off the top of my head. 

    Boxing kills the game, boxing kills community, and again YOU CAN ALWAYS ENABLE IT if people end up not liking it or online goes lower.

    3. Im not particularly saying make 1x, im saying make 1-2x range and then make premium give extra xp. 


    I've seen first hand how these settings works, they do work, and they serve a purpose,  and you see that most of people want these kind of settings, some might not want these settings but will still try them out and they will get used to it.


    • Like 1

  5. Before you go 'YUCK!!', hear me out as a guy who had competetive sides in club, reborn and elmore, which had some version of these settings, i thought they were weird when i joined there, but later fell in love with them.
    1st Gonna begin with biddable monthly clan halls, basically there are so many benefits to NO downsides, except a new intresting and unique mechanic. This mechanic i found in elmorelab and thought it was 1000iq, it serves multiple purposes:

    1) It sucks out adena out of main, dominating clans, they will bid top adena or risk loosing top CH, for example when i joined elmorelab, main clans did not have stacks upon stacks of money and it was far esier for me to make a comeback, we could easily bid for a ch they own and get it just as they could bid for ours.

    2) Sucks out adena out of market in general, good for the market.

    3) Small CHs will be available for small clans, instead of them being bought out by big clan in the beggining of the server and being perma locked out,

    4) -1 RMT option for RMT people, less chance for some pepeg to be scammed

    5) A clan quits? Innactive? CH doesnt get uselessly abbandoned, it goes back into circuit.

    6) Intead of big clans just buying out all chs or atleast main ones, everyone gets a fair shot at CH with some cunning, luck and timing, alongside strategy. 

    2nd Thing i want to suggest is no boxing, 'HELL NO!!!!', says Igariok from Yakutsk, 'I want to log 9 boxes solo and farm toi 5', but hear me out again.

    1) No boxing forces people to build a community, instead of Igariok farming toi 5 at 3am alone in a dark, Igariok finds a clan or a cp, and cures his depression at the same time.

    2) Boxing fucking sucks, everyone knows that, its so freeing to log just 1 box and play alongside other people. Thats how l2 is meant to be, simple, relaxing time with friends.

    3) Elmore and reborn both have this, they both have 3k thriving communities, there is OBVIOUSLY a market for settings like these, we had a great party finder even with boxing, without it will make us more of a community, being you a big clan or Igariok from Yakutsk.

    3rd thing which i want to suggest, which combines alongside first two, with reborn and elmore being proof that people seek for this kind of nostalgic feeling.

    I suggest 1x or 2x rates, yes yes i know, seems hardcore, but not exactly, let me explain the benefits

    1) Since we make no boxing, we reduce the value of premium, hence perhaps less income for our lovely admins, why not then make premium give some extra xp, rates are 1x or x2 right? Let premium give 15-25% extra xp, same like on old server, COL could be buyable from other player with adena, so noone is forced to donate, but this will be far better income for admins than people cheating with proxies, adrenalines and not donating to keep the server running.

    2) No competition in 1x genre, skelth and grankain is gone, as i said because of examples of reborn and elmore, people want x1 servers, obviously, they have 3k online, come on, 3k online for elmore c1 x1, its like low budget, shittier version of classic 1.5, reborn sucks balls with admins, files and now hellbound update and they are still thriving.

    3) 1x-2x is not that far behind from 3x if we're getting xp scrolls in 2.0 or premium which gives 20% xp.

    4) Rates are low for ALL, not just you, we will all play same rates, for longer, togheter, with better, more close community.

    5) On 2.0 you get ch scrolls, reward scrolls, x3 becomes x6, this is too high and creates no challange.

    In my opinion, all of these settings work very well togheter to have long lasting and thriving server, we have our hardcore x1, no box loving skelth, gran kain, reborn, elmorelab community who we can try to attract with our project, instead of having thise bland 1 guy 10boxes with 5 laptops thing, endgame in 3 months, top clans locking everything down thing. And the best part about all of my suggestion, YOU CAN ALWAYS REVERT THEM and go back to standard play, you have OPTIONS, you allow yourself some wiggle room, which you dont have if you go with strict, standard server settings, i say, lets fucking try this, worst case we go back to old settings, but lets atleast fucking try to be more unique. It's late, i probably made alot of grammar mistakes.

    • Like 12

  6. I personally simply don't get the reasoning behind changing wit thing, when it doesnt need to be changed, someone said you get 40lvl m crit, cast rate skill from 2.0, in 1.5, but why, whats the reasoning? Why change things? im gonna come back to play and find out at 60 level 'hey things are different, mages are crap now', not saying they are, but things are different for no reason. Club had never a problem with diversity, there were always archers, mages, melee on 1.5 patch, id say by watching bizqquit and other people's 1.5 videos melee was just as often as mages. I was struggling to win fights against melee WITH seraphim buff, i cant imagine how hard it will be without it. 
    Tldr, WHO EVEN CAME UP WITH THIS CHANGE? who asked to implement it? and why do we have to dispute it now? I dont see anyone who asked, but  yet, we have to argue against it.

  7. 8 hours ago, LSPD said:

    Instead of complaining if asia are something on l2club, you guys should prey for new server.

    The situation on current server is more then dramatic, one ally, zero pvp's during every primes (maybe sometimes rarely asia)

    I hope 1.5 times will comes and there will be again big fights in Lair of antharas or Tower of Insolence.


    Tower of insolence is on 2.0... Come on, stop embarassing us all infront of  @huoshan115...

    Please @huoshan115 dont come to new server, we cannot win against our asian overlords...