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Everything posted by J4cKDan13L

  1. well it's genius idea, if I would be a GM I would do it: 1 - spawn items/adena with GM power 2 - sell items/adena in bad booi sites (profit) 3 - ban those who bought from you items/adena 4 - make ppl pay for unban and delete spawned items (more profit!!!) It's cool cuz nobody could complain about that, RMT forbidden is written everywhere and GM do everything to warn you to not do that... EDIT: I'm not saying that GM did that! but if they didn't they should =D
  2. I don't have skype, can I contact them on discord?
  3. I open the ticket for it, but I don't know if it got really sent or not, after click on "send" I check "my tickets section" but no tickets in the list, is it normal? should I open a ticket for open tickets?
  4. Tnx alot Modoy for the info, I'll try my best
  5. Ah, cool, how can I understand what they didn't like in my offer?
  6. no, this is my first and only auction, and no, there are no OE elven long swords, just one +5
  7. I followed all the step in the steps in the auction guide but my offer got rejected, how can I know the cause of this? (the item had similiar price to items of the same enchant and grade)
  8. J4cKDan13L

    Event: Summer Feast

    I really don't get why ppl was buying items for this event, I was surprised to see all my meat sold at 15k each ( raise around 20-25kk during the whole event, better than nothing meh!) am I missed something? every chest would cost 1,5kk, the chances to get something more valuabe than 1,5kk were pretty low. Where was the catch?
  9. Bella Yakiko, siamo ancora attivi (anche se con l'estate non si direbbe) il clan è full ita e in fase di crescita, ovviamente sei il benvenuto. Per quanto riguarda il server ce n'è da parlare ma per fartela breve diciamo che abbiamo peregrinato tanto tra varie chronicle, rate e custom server ma all'ennesima illusione di un nuovo shard superaffollato che si desertificava nell'arco di 1-2 mesi siamo tornati qua su club dopo circa 2 anni di assenza, al nostro ritorno abbiamo ritrovato una buona popolazione e un mercato stabile (i prezzi erano addirittura scesi da quando ce ne siamo andati, cosa mai vista in un server longevo). Ebbene sì, è abbastanza hardcore classic club e purtroppo vediamo moltissimi nuovi player entrare (anche con una certa esperienza di gioco) e mollare prima di toccare il 40, abbiamo provato a dare un supporto iniziale alle nuove reclute, sia a livello di equip che di powerexp per un certo periodo ma non è servito a nulla anzi, ha sortito l'effetto opposto: reclute sparite nel nulla (1 su 100 si prese la briga di riconsegnare eventuale equip passato). In soldoni: supporto economico per item abbiamo smesso di darne, supporto tecnico (possibilmente a voce su discord) per domande su server/farm/pg/prezzi quanto ne vuoi. Se ho dimenticato qualcosa passo la parola a Nagyn o Shynt
  10. J4cKDan13L

    WTB +16Evil Staff

    Does a soes+16 even exist?
  12. sorry, it's all fine now... my bad
  13. I just made a trade few mins ago for 26kk... the amount of adena didn't change after trade (double checked the amount and it was right) the amount of adena acquired in restart window was correct...I restarted but nothing...same amount of adena... Wtf????
  14. breaking news!!! there are ppl that plays for having fun not only for enlarge their own e-penis!!! that's why I said that hero stats should be only for 70+ Use your brain man =)
  15. toons lvl 55 will be used anyway to feed some1... actually doesn't make sense joining at lower lvls... you just join 10 times for some reward hoping to get at least a match where you can do something except to be oneshotted... A matched level system would just prevent a bit of feeding... ofc it's easy to say hard to coding such a thing (I guess) expecially when you have to fix all those crash issues.... About class balancing... I don't know enough the final meta of a classic server, I just saw that many classes got cool skills from late chronicles and some are stuck with the same skills of C2
  16. I simply asked becuz it's nosense to make oly available at lvl 55+ without a matching level system... ofc would be good if low lvl range could fight each others for some reward and mostly some fun but without any chance to get the hero status (restricted to range 70+) It would be cool Imo
  17. Like in title pm me ingame tnx
  18. Ok tnx alot, do you know where can I farm an Oly matching system? which mob drop/spoil it?
  19. Bhe insomma è parecchio pay2win, se vuoi una bella armona +12 sganci un centone e la prendi dalla auction house. La cosa buona è che puoi fartela anche farmando pian piano comprandola da altri player.
  20. There will be some chance to get some Oly matching system to avoid total rapes like lvl 50+ vs 70+?
  21. Aaaaaaah ok, my bad! you JUST need a castle and an epic jewel lvl 3 to counter stun... easy peasy cheesy... Sorry! I am kinda new here...=)
  22. XDDD really? in a server where stun lands almost 100% u are telling me that mages were ruling over archers xD??? uhauzhauzhauzhauhzuahzuahzuhauzauzauza daaaaaayummm I missed it, I should have started earlier in this server