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Everything posted by FryderykChopin

  1. 3 months... Many can easily forget after such eternity
  2. The cinematic trailer looked cool tho... But it's a lost cause - these G.o.D. and later chronicles are like a new game for those who want to play Lineage 2 and 'some old game' for people who actually want a new game...
  3. San0: "Alright, we'll do it, just give us another half year" NUUUUUUUUUUUUU... Looks cool tho that's for sure.
  4. Tbh I'm not a huge fan of the auction house in its current state for several reasons: It opens doors to people who wouldn't have bought anything before due to fear of getting caught, so in the end the ammount of P2Wining players maximizes As mentioned, the tax rate is too damn high so many people prefer RMT anyways Some shady high enchant mage weapon deals screws up the game balance Devalues adena as many people (mostly those who don't know the tax rate, that's it) chose to sell their high grade stuff for money instead The minimum price of 1€ closes the door to many deals, because the immediate and completely liquid value of 1€ (aka 10 CoLs) is always above 1 million (current bid/ask values are ~125k/~140k). So in the end it's impossible to trade things which would make the auction house interesting, aka smaller ammount of keys or mats. I kinda liked it on a paper at first but I'm not really happy with how it turned out in the end
  5. Well technically you can P2W here just as well, but I guess that's something you simply can't avoid on these kind of servers; perhaps now it's easier to sell the adena than ever before as everyone gets a bit tense as the progression gets so slow at later levels and for many people these 10 million for $5 (or whatever's the price on RMT right now) is more than two weeks of progress... About 2.0, well let's hope it will get released before players get too upset... I start to think they maybe shouldn't have started hyping the 2.0 half year ago if the progress was apparently at it's very beginning back then
  6. I used to feel similar, but this chronicle and this server in particular is very much different from what we were used to last few years When you have some x20 High Five server you obviously want to be there on server start because after 2 months people get top equip and start leaving, and after 3 months it closes. So when you join 1 month after opening you really just miss 1/3rd of the servers' life. It's entirely different story here - year and half after opening and we've reached the online record only a few weeks ago or so (if I understood it correctly) You can also check out the level stats on the website - the first page of max levels isn't even fully filled with 76's, which means that the 17th+ top level players haven't even reached the max level. Also, starting from patch 2.0 there's not going to be any level limit anymore. There's simply no such thing as reaching 'end' game here. And that's the beautiful thing about classic - the suffering never ends
  7. Ikr but if we take the official servers into a competition, that's the one thing it lacks. As far as the private servers go I don't think there's any serious competition to Classic Club right now, but official servers offer better files and more features for a subscription fee. The problem is that they're less populated so now I'd give it 50:50 as it goes.
  8. Certainly the most populated one, that's for sure. Missing the 2.0 update from the coronation tho
  9. FryderykChopin


    gl mon french amis, playing EE is a tough work here
  10. Good luck man wherever your path will lead you... Also cya next week
  11. Could be adjusted tho Anyway, how's it going to be with the reverse achievement reward picking? Afaik on offic people 50+ could've picked it all when it was implemented.
  12. Maybe he was travelling between timezones so he stayed 11:00 AM for several hours
  13. Don't worry it's just a regular restart... Every Monday and Friday there's restart at 11:00
  14. Unfortunately I'm afraid not, Classic is different client to Chronicle 2
  15. Trust me, don't worry about that H5 server. If they open it at March, it's going to be dead by Summer, because that's just how H5 servers work, they never last more than couple months. Meanwhile Classic will be still alive because people love this chronicle and this is the best server to play it on. Devs also earn tons of revenue from it, so naturally it's going to last
  16. What boys above said. We don't know the exact numbers but if online number is your main only concern then I think you'll have a great time Online numbers are very solid now but when 2.0 comes it's going to be a total golden age - I think many newbies are waiting for 2.0 and its achievement system and also many old people will be coming around again But... I think I'd argue that The huge issue here is that we don't have a Bot Report button. Right now when you spot a bot you need to a) make some evidence, screenshot and stuff b) create a forum account c) make a topic here in a special section. That's just too much work for most people to care. It's a shame really; some people argue would argue players would abuse it against enemies, but I disagree on that one - you aren't punishing the enemy, you're just punishing admins for having them to go through pointless reports, I simply don't think people would do that in any large scale, especially if they have limited Bot Report points (7 points per week IIRC)
  17. Trošku pozdě, ale přece: - určitě to smysl má; pokud máš rád starou dobrou lajnu bez kamalolců a instancí tak tohle je jeden z nejlepších serverů kde to vyzkoušet Stáří server tady nehraje moc roli, v party matching jsou furt vidět nějaké low party... Pokud jsi aktiv a seženeš dobrý klad (nejlépe CP) tak se na 'relevantní level' dostaneš cobydup - jojo, starý dobrý přestupáky, tam se oproti předchozím verzím nic moc nezměnilo - no po technické stránce je to nejblíž takové kombinaci C2 - C5, s tím rozdílem že chary jsou trochu víc povybalancovaný a vesměs se přidávají věci které té hře pomáhají. Interface je z těch nových chronicle, rozuměj Helios a takhle Nechci mluvit za Štýbu ale obecně supporti jsou vždycky třeba; z vyjmenovaných bych trefil asi kočku. Nicméně každý char se hodí, počítej že to tu jde fakt pomalu takže jeď spíš co tě víc táhne
  18. I can't speak ruskie nor ching, but what for? It's an international server, just because majority communicates in english doesn't mean we should force it upon everyone. I don't see how should that limit me in any way, if I don't understand it I can just ignore that. If they set up a partymatching or trade in a language others can't understand, it's their loss - they're losing potential party members/customers.
  19. FryderykChopin


    As for crit rate I don't know, but concerning attack speed: Current bonus: DEX 1-30: +0.9% per 1 point of DEX DEX 31-99: +0.5% per 1 point of DEX 2.0 bonus: DEX 1-30: +1.2% per 1 point of DEX DEX 31-99: +0.8% per 1 point of DEX Source:
  20. Normally you'd be right, but you're not taking into account that this is a Classic chronicle, something the L2 scene hasn't seen before. You're describing situation when e.g. a successful Interlude x25 opens a new High Five x10. These servers are obviously too similar in core it's naturally going to divide the population in two and hurt the project, because none of these projects offer too longterm game. Back then when you had an older IL or H5 server and the population dropped below 100 it was practically dead server. But Classic is different - look at Skelth for example. Before 2.0 update there were how many, 200 people online? Nobody was giving it a chance. But they released the 2.0 patch, they started releasing tons of events like crazy and they basically used on themselves, because these days more and more players are looking for a server to stay. The thing is, it doesn't really matter which rates you're going to set, Ruskies will reach 85 and ++eq in like 3 months and leave, regulars maybe a month later, casuals get there in ~half year top. And while the H5 server will go through birth, rise, peak, fall and death, on Classic you'll get like ~10 levels and nobody will sweat it too much. And people who'll grow out of the H5 server will notice that, and even though they initially came here to look for a quick fun, they might get interested in playing on a server which is going to last. What I'm trying to say, is that the new H5 server can not only not hurt, but even help the current Classic server if the cards are played correctly. However it's important to set rates (or other XP bonuses) as high as possible so the H5 server can feed it's leavers to Classic as soon as possible and be extremelly active in events and other stuff on Classic server, more than on H5 one.
  21. That's the problem, you use logic there. Check out the second reply from the mentioned topic: "Gg rekt topic closed. Wall of text about nothing. Those who want to play together will play, those who want to play more together going to clan, those who want to be best friends going to CP.. That's all folks/ " Some people can barely speak english, they don't even bother reading the post if it's longer than 2 paragraphs so sure as hell they aren't going to bother thinking about it, they just see something custom so they spew some nonsense trolling and call it a day. Such is life in this forum sometimes. But you'll get used to it
  22. You're absolutely right, newbies could definitely use some extra fun to get through the early levels. You mention lowbie events. It sounds fantastic and even though I wouldn't be participating anymore I think it would be a great addition. Some time ago I tried to suggest something similar, bonuses for newbies to partymatch more - you can read the replies here. There's simply problem with the toxic community here. Whenever somebody mentions newbies could use some extra helping hand, old 70+s start jumping around like bunch of apes because it's apparently 'custom bullshit' and they flood the topic with troll replies because they don't care since they're 70+ already. Admins prefer to listen to the troll replies because the lowbie numbers aren't that bad and rather focus on pleasing the old stable community instead. That being said, your other proposal - the academy system - is apparently already planned in 2.0 patch, as mentioned in said topic. It's not much, but it could help a bit. The major part will be releasing 2.0 obviously, as it's going to spice up the newbies gameplay with achievement system as well.