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Reaper last won the day on January 5 2019

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About Reaper

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  1. Reaper

    haters gonna gate

    Why do you guys keep giving attention to this stubborn tard? ?
  2. Reaper

    haters gonna gate

    Holy shyt, you've made modoy's haters topic even out of my movie topic?
  3. Reaper

    haters gonna gate

    noobs get a life
  4. Sorry, i misstyped, i wanted to ask if con is good on dagger here*
  5. Events are never bad. thats all i can say, it gives big boost for newcomers and bigger motivation to farm for older players. What do you mean "free items"? You need to farm those items, its like saying "BoP is free item, because it drops from banshee in loa", which is kind of stupid i think? Because you have to make effort to get that item, it doesnt magicaly appear in your inventory. My 2 cents.
  6. Not adding some feature =/= making feature custom. For example, if they decided to put both of those but change stats/rewards, it would be garbage, if they decided to wait some time with those (especially things which affect whole server, not just some class), then its decision which can be made on private server which tries to be as close as possible to official
  7. Since when randoms cannot have opinions? Just curious to know answer for myself
  8. Trying to say "my character cannot beat DA/necro" is like saying "my PP box cannot beat other guys", same analogy. I also suggest to olympiad be more fair, everyone is allowed to go in there only in C equip+0 (armor,weapons,jewels).
  9. Good, finally we hear what this is about, so you cannot kill DA and necro which are inside of group of classes which compete on their own level (DA, necro, summoners), and for that you want to delete circlet which makes other match ups more interesting, i see.
  10. Almost impossible is 1%, not 15%. You are changing your phrasing in every second reply to fit "remove circlets", because everytime someone sees flaw in what you say.
  11. ??? And anyway, circlet doesnt fully prevent stun, so i guess its ok as you mentioned.
  12. So olympiad is supposed to be fair unlike open pvp now? I am getting more and more surprised by this server suggestions, i am yet to see some suggestion which didnt come from mind "its my weakness, lets get rid of it"
  13. Guess what, i dont give a shit about other daggers, i care about my dagger and having those 6s more chance to do something vs most of the classes is really nice and can win me some matches. Just because you dont have castle you make this suggestion, i would bet that if JF had castle, this suggestion wouldnt even be here. Next thing i can see in suggestion is "hero skills on field" - dont you think its a bit unfair that some people can use hero skills in open field pvp? i mean, not everybody has access to them and they are quite OP and we dont have any in our clan, so i rather try get rid of them.