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About W4N4L1

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/31/1990

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  1. Lets see what community on server think about this ... ? 🙄
  2. About the trade: I know the true now also. Rizo just try troll me - people around him said to me, that if i did this trade, he give items back. Sorry to call u scammer. Gl and Hf
  3. W4N4L1

    how to start

    If u still have problem to start play - download TeamViewer, send me PM here on forum and i will try help u. Or contact me on my skype: W4N4L1
  4. W4N4L1


    Gl, Venu CP lf mage, try pm him.
  5. New info - lf bishop 70+ and driver for our WC. PM me here Mail or PM in game - Wanali GL and HF
  6. +1 I am very happy i have in my CP very active BD! So if u like BD and u can be active a lot, u easy find CP. welcome and gl on our server
  7. Good movie Next movie craft? ?
  8. W4N4L1


    Lol podle me Ros mel nejaky duvod to dat Stibovi a ne WS! Hraju se Stibou od minuleho zari a spolupraci s nim si muzu jen pochvalovat. Co vim o vasem problemu je, ze vam pucil clanove postavy s tim, ze kdyz odejdete, tak je budete muset vratit. Nevim presne jak co bylo, ale urcite bych neexpil neco, kde hrozi, ze bych to musel vratit. btw my jsme si prevedli Lasterose/cRoo na nase maily, aby se nam nestalo neco podobneho. To co tu pisete mi prijde jako snuska blbosti. Cela moje PT se za Stibu muze jen postavit a branit ho! A Lafi? To same, oba jsou vyborni hraci a ja jim na 100% duveruju. Cleny z Apovy PT moc neznam, takze nemuzu soudit. Gl and hf A at se dari v RL
  9. Bump, lf DD, bishop and driver for our WC.
  10. Hi, little update what we looking for - SWS, tank and driver for our WC. Prime: 19-23 gtm+1 Write me here or send mail in game to Wanali. Gl and Hf
  11. Hi, still looking driver for our WC.
  12. Mopcoi : Sorted. Yes a lot of people love Stiba on this server :-D
  13. Rip: dont spam here, these questions u can pm him in game, thx