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Everything posted by LuizM

  1. LuizM

    WTB DOOM H set +6

    WTB DOOM H set +6 Pm in game: Hellduelist, xgracinha, ipalusknight or DM me on forum
  2. nah .. just normal 2.5 vs 4 pts... GF bro ! until next one ! had lots of fun !
  3. Not refraining nor judging anyone here ... just laughing from your elfy cp statement ... they were the strongest NA cp for a fact ... but they weren't doing miracles ... they were playing smart, thats all ... know how to separate things. And, as I said... I Dont need to prove myself in here since i dont give a fuck about what people think ... I do my stuff, no one knows about it other than people from my ally ... and thats it. Now you can suit yourself with your delusional clothes and have it a go on Olympiads, have fun, play your game, just stop dreaming about "miracles"
  4. - My cp never goes to BS at prime ... - We cant handle anyone ganking us alone - Some players untagged to push lvl to 78 for a couple of days .. - I dont record videos, and I dont give a shit about what people think of me and my cp pvp content ... I just state the truth - For 7 months I played in perks NA prime with only my CP ... so technically everyone is "Zerg" for us... Or am I wrong ? - I dont expect anything ... I just love deconstructing biased and bad formulated posts
  5. what miracle when they were a zerg ? with 4 pts free farm for months ... then BB pack came after like 4 months ... with a bunch on lvl 65s... while my CP alone was doing 15 baiums and farming quests alone ... no hard feelings but your memory is worst then my mathematical skills =D
  6. I love when people rage this much ... OMG =D Ps: first video count how many pts come one after the other ... maybe 7 ?
  7. Since I never record videos and people dont have their forum accounts, Ill be sharing some videos with you people ! I hope you all like our point of view about some fights as well ! Thanks lMartins for recording something haha ! PS: also good to share some nice moments where we manage to win 20 vs ~60
  8. this one I agree with you ! thanks, going to tell the guy !
  9. he sleeps specific targets and control them (so doing next target sucks In this case ... it's only good for sieges) specially against Warfront cps (full of tanks), now against RF he tried the same but they resisted every sleep ... but in out experiments sleep is the most op skill. About chant of life ... it's useless mana spent that debuffs our pt, and we run our setup with 2 healers so no need for extra heal from wc. Thanks anyway, took your advice in considerantion and were going to improve
  10. me neither ... let's hope it doesn't come back
  11. ok lets pay attention during these next days to see if it still happens... if it doesn't, I guess it's fixed... thanks for the attention
  12. happens in all proxys... I'm playing in Europe now (from Europe), the others are playing from Argentina, brasil, USA, using any proxy ... it always starts at 3 am cest, lasts for 15-20 min and then stops ... happens everyday
  13. Sure.. whatever makes you feel better...
  14. classic 3 am cest lag ... happens everyday and we have to pvp like this ... nothing we can do
  15. Mind you guys that the bishop was box (as many of us) and it was his first time playing bishop ever .... Enjoy =D
  16. LuizM


    It is actually him ! no drivers ... we cannot afford that shit hahaha Sometimes he just get fucked by luck (only gets DAs and summoners) ----> thats why his points get low every second week of the month... but his improving
  17. LuizM


    HAHAHAAHAHAHA I genuinely love your comment about all this drama, that is a perfect understanding of all of it (that you cannot understand "kkkkkk", and trust me, neither we can. And I end up answering stupid comments just because it involves me and my CP) If following ally rules and giving your CP 250kk worth of marks (back then) and 200 runes for logging my CPs characters to "help" on baium is stealing from your CP then i don't know what is stealing anymore @lTommy Just because no one in my CP record videos like yours doesn't mean we don't do shit inside the game ... Ofc the rule "RECORD IT OR IT NEVER HAPPENED" is valid, but I don't really give a fuck about what others think about us ... Just the fact that we are getting heroes by ourselves (some of them ofc, and actually giving some competition against GLAD vs china and SK vs sayomi and modoy without any epics and items besides baium tali and +6 sets) shows that, at least we have a bit of organization, structure to our system, and some "OK" players ... I do recognize BB as a strong CP, and whomever underestimate us by saying "we did nothing" needs to rethink about it ... because I don't even have to prove it is not true. ?? All I remember was BB crying about it... and as always, failing OL hero even with full epics since no one can play the class in your MAGE cp (and it is sad that the only one that plays well is tommy and even so he cant compete on necro or sphhero so he needs to fight on bishop everytime with his epics)... We just retracted ourselves from doing OLY with you guys and after that you did so much shit that you got kicked/couldn't accept you're stupidity and left for not wanting to play with us.
  18. LuizM


    You guys will never learn ... only play and do things based on the rewards and not on the fun ... Always wanting to look as the best and be on top of the others ... You are strong, and no one denies it, but is it worth it to be remembered as the worst people to deal with on the server ? Everything comes and goes in Lineage, everything will be different in 1 or 2 months, besides one thing ... BB will still be playing with "whats left for them". And the only reason for that is that you all just don't get one thing: You dont play this game with only your CP, you also share your time with other people that dont want to be tricked by you ..
  19. Everyday is the same thing .... it is noticeable the the lag starts exactly at 3 am CEST and goes until 3:20 CEST every single day ! Game becomes unplayable for 20 min ( PLZ FIX IT)
  20. he didnt have full buff... wasnt in hero zerk at that specific moment and yes ... has a hero dual ... but the dmg shown is so discrepant that even with a +0 SLS dual it would be bigger ... plz stop answering with stupid arguments and accept defeat... plz learn how to read for gods sake ... wtf is wrong with you ... if you cant even argue with consistent points why do you even try ?
  21. @Rizos your argument deconstruct your whole point ... I got one example out of many ... comparing 2 perfect equal situations ... if i took, in the same way, pictures of normal hits by both classes the tyrant or glad would hit more in that situation ... thats all ... PRO tip: every character has mana regen ... same way you were able to cast skill after running out of mana... others would also do the same ..