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Everything posted by LuizM

  1. LuizM


    thank you for reminding me of my old days ... this video is so nostalgic
  2. liberate also bugs the same way some times
  3. The enjoyment of taking baium to NA was worth it though .... GF ! it was really fun
  4. Mail Mekans and join the Dark side of the Force
  5. LuizM

    WK Pvp Brazilian prime.

    Cool videos, 14 vs 9 on every pvp though ...
  6. it all depends on your equipment ... sadly if you are a dagger and you want to be competitive you will need propper dyes + +8 light set + baium talisman (minimum to be able to do any damage) and + baium ring lvl 3 if you want to be competitive in olympiads
  7. lol ... you can farm AoE in GC as fast as you do in SV
  8. LuizM


    improving rift drops and unidentified stone drop rate would be a nice change also @San0
  9. LuizM


    Join Dark Force, farm all epics with them > make your own RBJ set and maybe help them get zaken also and be happy The end .
  10. LuizM

    Macro table

    now I understand why syts and sabrina always insta die to RS on sieges
  11. omg .... long way to go to become a good tank player this pepito ... specially being a paladin ... Anyway GF to RS, at least some people are still enjoying server at its full potential (RS and DF)
  12. From what i played lately in oly .. with arrows and WASD you cant do it anymore (official you cant do it) ... but you can do it by mouse click (also on official it was never fixed, even in korean client)
  13. Necros are Tanky but not that great in pvp if you know how to counter them .,. If people learn how to do that, its the end of the necro meta in mage pts
  14. then its because im not playing anymore ... smart boy ... ops sorry that smart ...
  15. there is a way to go through it without dying ... just need to think a bit more ... Im not playing anymore but I know for a fact that BR side did it many times (they couldnt win many pvps back then but some still have brains there)
  16. I will never forget the feeling of getting into L2 classic for the first time and finally hit lvl 55+- That moment where i went with my SwS to Ancient Battlegrounds to farm with a party that I found on PT matchmaking. When i arrived there and saw them farming AoE, it blew my mind, I had never seen something like that ... was used to playing only interlude and being a lone wolf. Learning all the mechanics behind AoE farm and how much it speed up things was amazing ... A feeling i will never forget ! PS. I will also never forget DarkKnightDT (SK) for being the first tank to ever stun and kill me for mobs, dropping my full plate boots.
  17. for the ones that actually followed WC hero match ups, GG and gf to @JzOo, the guys is a monster and hero got decided in the last match on the last minute on a mirror match. Super fun, challenging and dramatic moments .. it deserved a video ... sadly i dont record =/ Now its your turn @etze ... im coming for you !
  18. also, i think i won PP and WL ... well find out on the 1 of january