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Everything posted by LuizM
@Rizos Shit quality but here you can see two moments out many (besides the two rare occasions that you miraculous found) that show how much stronger a melee skill can be compared with an archer skill hit (in the video you can see they are using skills) ... both are NOT crits and both are using beer buffs ONLY, also no heroes skills at this point anymore ... so no hero zerk... no cov or anything! And, in the first picture Martins hit you 811 and hell 1554 ... In the second one 2040 by hell compared to 1003 from Foxbk... Now plz leave it ... or I can prove you wrong for years ... And i dont really want it ... I have more important shit to do. PS: Just add cooldowns to event stuff and it will be all good ... like 1 or 2 min CD...
Doesn't matter equipment ... what matter is the player, didn't we finally beat you by using +3 equipment ? =D stop underestimating your opponent..
@Rizos You guys killed us many times ... but plz stop trying to justify your loss by blaming gameplay balance things like that ... you do have a point ... archers do hit harder when they have hunters song ... but when were talking about that case scenario in witch you had valor, hero skills +full buffs with song and dances (we didnt since you killed our boxed ones in the stairs). But maybe im just blind and cant even read the info i got from your video.. This way it just gets uglier and uglier for you ... and i just waste my time trying to analyse a pvp for you so you can try and learn something
In such a closed area as TOI, archers cant run ... also you can use your rabbit spirit to catch them ... want something more OP than that ? Get one fully stack tyrant with dragon grinder +7 ... with archers using +10 bows hiting you 120 dmg ... and still shout on forums that archers hit more than you ... or that they can outrun you ... plz stop joking
archer in small group pvps are different from mass pvps ... i agree with you in a situation of mass pvp, but in small groups an archer cannot one shot anyone ... for instance, take into account Knom from the video, where even when hes not proper buffed (with beer) archers hit him 200 dmg ... while he with beer buffs can crit 1.8k. And about baluu... hes a destro fully stacked with a ++++ bow ... plz dont use such a super radical example to try and prove a point like that. Plz use the facts .. the video is there ... I dont care if you would believe me but, first of all... we only reloged to zergs as i mentioned ... TFD used to have 5 pts in NA and BB 6 pts... back then for 3 months we would obviously relog to try and ninja our objectives.. Second, we are always ganking pts in toi the same way NF ganked us ... Also this video happened at 20 pm in NA prime, which means no one is online yet since people tend to arrive at 22 pm .... We were 8 people online with the rest being boxed ... you can see in the video ... xlucius , xgracinha, sebulba, healmans, luizaM, these were all boxes ... you can clearly see in the video ... I dont even have to prove anything (just watch the video)... As I said, the pt with the biggest amount of boxes wins in these situations. And last but not least, their came again while we were all online and we won without no one dying... They only had an oportunity to kinda win this pvp because they were 6 fully stacked characters against 1.5 fully boxed pts. From this you can take your conclusions... And totally agree with you in that fact that melee DDs without mp are beasts (specially because archers wont crit at all without songs)
yeah ... sure ... These classes do not have any skills to increase their move speed (that cost basically 0 mana) to run and hit twice some archers ... (saying it because in NA prime were no afraid of doing pvp ... we have done many experiments and learned a lot by getting fucked for 3 months of playing alone against Red zerg and Blue zerg) If you can't even think about what i said, use your second gank of the night (again another fail) as example ... this time you had 2 -3 heroes and we were all out of mana ... still, our destro and glad were able to give out a lot of damage (together with archers ofc ... but while archers hit 400-600 -> video ..., melees hit 2k)
Melees counters archers... Archers counters mages... Mages counter melees ... Did you know ? it still didn't change, even though we have many bresses around
Do you know othell runes? If not ... Use them ! (During Eu prime, he got 18 pvps without any mana ... just by hitting SM plebs on next target... and that should be the same for tyrants, destros, WL, etc ) You really give away that you are only a mediocre oly player... because in normal pvps you dont seem to be able to follow the new changes ... (i say mediocre because we know who the good players are in this server ... aka modoy)
Nah... i disagree .... you still have full buffs + a lot of HP, one burst you give to the archer/mage he will be down, and you can still sustain and hold for a longer time (just look how hellduelist wipes your party, and glads are the ones that lack mana the most) ... you lost that pvp because it was a gate gank... and with this new "meta", in small groups pvp, the side with more boxes to give bress wins ... thats all !its impossible to beat us there with 6 ppl party against 8 ppl party with 4 extra boxes to give free ress .... Ive lost many just like that against 14 ppl BB CP, just watch their videos (Yes, we were only 8 active on TS ... and no ! we are not zerg at NA prime like pipiska was crying about) PS: Like JerryZ said ... keep your % low so you can delvl and get back with full mana !!
Bresses did fuck up the gameplay ... but also give a incredible edge to melee players since it doesn't matter if they run out of mana, they will still kill a lot ! ok .. maybe is just a matter of changing the meta for a while, but I don't think anyone likes this new "meta" ...
Sorry to disappoint you... but we weren't there for the priests ... Plz laugh as much as you can ! We're counting on it !
Stunning low levels on ABG just to drop items
LuizM replied to bsklakis2's topic in General Discussion
1) even though you have items put them in the WH cause you don't need them until you are lvl 72+ 2)use Zubei + no grade dagger to pull ... if you drop you won't care 3) while pulling, the tanker should spam macros with the nick of famous stunners that stun him (in that specific moment... since it changes every couple of months) 4) if you get target you Insta relog (they won't pk you ... just try and stun) 5) if you end up dying just get EE or BP ress ( you are low lvl don't be afraid of dying, you get xp really quick) 6) if you see any possible stunner coming to you just relog 7) if you get stunned while pt is killing mobs you should try and UD before stun lends and healer spam heals on you... mobs get killed and you are safe... even if you die and drop, a friend will probably pick your item ... 8) just like you know stunners, they also know who farms abg all day. If they see that you are a smart player they won't even waste their time trying it again ... so eventually they stop these are just the basics .... there are many other things that you can do ... but just these will probably help you and your friend -
Stunning low levels on ABG just to drop items
LuizM replied to bsklakis2's topic in General Discussion
z0z, DTknight, ipalus, freemind (BB currently 7SKY) , jambo(SM) , all chinese glads and WL (CHN), Ellis (BB or SM dont remember).... I can mention players that do that for ages here ... Can i tell you something ? My first character was a SWS ... I've dropped so much shit and never stopped or cried ... learn how to deal with this, if you have a brain you can totally do it ... its called strategy and there are many to counter this ... Also, people dont stop playing because they drop stuff, they stop because they cant handle how hardcore classic Lineage 2 is ... -
Forgot to mention that you had like 5 or 6 guys with you cause after I gave you hold I was blown away from this world by some mages (didnt have UD =/)... kidmumu also died.... After that i was like "fuck" hahahahaha. Ninja CP was lost and didnt know what they had to do since they were behind (dont have mounts ... so maybe lost inside the castle ?!?). Anyway, gj MoDoy for saving the day for your ally.
Isso ! tem 3 sides = Perkunas , TFD+NF, Bloodbrothers
A ally mais organizada no servidor esta a procura de CPs completas para a prime americana. Todos os nossos principais líderes da dita prime SA/NA são brasileiros e fluentes no inglês, temos jogadores capazes de liderar, além disso, @Kim Jong Un ajudará no horário nobre dos EUA, LuizM é de longe o melhor líder da prime americana =D. Quem joga conhece a situação, a principal força do Perkunas é na prime Europa, enquanto na america temos apenas 1 CP no momento, mas não será assim para sempre, quem conhece a historia sabe que sempre damos a volta por cima! Você pode não querer se juntar, ou mudar, para um lado perdedor agora, por isso eu digo - facam um teste primeiro, se você não gostar da política do nosso clã, você pode sair, sem amarras, ninguém vai ficar bravo ou zangado se você optar por sair, e os inimigos vão te recrutar, não importa quem seja, porque é isso que eles fazem. Aqui está o que nós exigimos - obediência acima de tudo. Temos regras estritas e únicas. Nós não precisamos que você seja o melhor, precisamos que você ouça e obedeça. Pm aqui no forum para @Pendragon, mail ou pm ingame Lsno. Prometemos total sigilo. Se você é novo ou já está em um lado inimigo e você quer conversar, entre em contato ! Reinforcando... TOTAL sigiolo! Vamos considerar as opções... E no fim, se as negociacoes termianrem em recrutamento ou nao, apenas voce e Lsno saberao da conversa !
Sorry ... I don't think you understand English .... I was talking about the america prime ... and In it, we have one ally composed of TFD+NF (witch for a long time was zerged, and im not talking about NF clan...) and now we have a more balanced scenario with blood ally against them ... thats all ... but sure, bring these amazing answers to the forum so everyone can see how you all lack reason in your minds when you don't even have manners when answering a forum post...
Really good answer to my post ... Classic "I know I said bullshit but I cant give a proper answer" So your only exit is to call other people retarded... Well my post is there and its the reality, dont even understand why do you bother to defend your point of view that you dont play in a zerged side ... cause if you want i can post pics of your TFD pack against tommy's pack to prove my point (but dont care really ... just posted what i did because I saw myself responsible for clearing some things out about the america prime to these people that dont play in it)
Whomever says @@elfyyy cp doesnt play on zerg side on america prime for at least half a year is idiotic.... I play for the only america prime cp in perkunas and im proud of it ! TFD+NF has always been a zerg (and a zerg with the highest lvls in our prime).... they kicked DH and even though they are still zerg ... but only for perkunas ( witch we only have 1 cp). Now lets compare the current situation >> we have TFD+NF vs Blood ally. You both have the same numbers .. 3,5 cps maybe .. i dont know, not sure ( but TFD still wins because of equips and lvls). Meanwhile you have Nighwolves cp that was playing alone all the time (Even when tommy was with us). I say that because tommy cp would help us in anything and we were forced to help them whenever we went TOI... So lets plz stop crying about zerg and shit... because in the current situation of the server Even china got kinda the same amount of ppl that SM+NF has (witch is more if not double the size of perkunas in sieges) and Sm dont win at eu prime because they dont even try ... they have more heroes and everything. And I can repeat.. im proud of my cp for playing alone in such a harsh environment and being part of perkunas, were improving, were getting stronger, and were having a lot of fun playing in a 3 sided prime (TFD vs Blood vs Perks)... even though sometimes it gets hard and we need to relog to 3 pt rush towards us ... Quoting my good friend Pendragon "Hard times, makes hard man"
Well thats called being smart .... no ? or wouldn't you use everything you have in your advantage ? well GF to them anyway and GG
Welcome to the "once a year -4 event" from NightWolves CP ! And have a good day after all ....
Just to introduce ourselves here in the forum ! =D
- 5
- nightwolves
- cp
- (and 4 more)
It will probably be CHN + BB ... they have been already playing with them even before getting kicked
I just wanted to take this moment to let you all know how interesting it was working with his CP and to say goodbye. It has been an honor working with wonderful colleagues like them these past months. Thank you BB for your help and kindness. I wish you the best of luck and continued success wherever you may find yourselves. @elfyyy nothing got stolen as I know of ... and as I understand they also go something out of all of this ... (stolen maybe !?! who knows ... until the next chapter of L2 drama) See you all in game ! Nightwolves cp