Fester Adams

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Everything posted by Fester Adams

  1. Spoiling works as intented. Look at Database of the russian classic version, you will find the x1 spoil rates there (use a browser translator etc.) Spoil chance on this server is x2, Mat amount x1. All this servers where the eyes at Dion spoil insane amounts of mats etc. etc. are all custom made and FAR away from the original Lineage II. You have to spoil weapon and armor parts, enchant scrolls etc if you want to make money with a spoiler.
  2. As a shaman you should always head for a Mage AoE group. With 24 head for a fortress of resistance group. With 26+ head for an Orc barracks group. Stay there till youre fit for Cruma.
  3. Well, you should have read forums before. Daggers sucked in classic. Not even chests available. Tyrants are strong in every chronicle.
  4. 1. Did you really activate your account at the NPC (first buy the item, then further down activate it). The tool tip is WRONG. You do not need to log out. 2. if you did, then first log in your PA, then your second account;
  5. Level range? Have a Level 20 Palus knight, it will be a BD.
  6. Always the same fairy tales people come up with. This week i met Santa in game. I almost got banned, because i nearly attacked Rudolph. If you can not stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Or simply play the game as it is meant to be. Grinding is a major aspect. If you do not like it, i dare say you will not be happy with Lineage 2 in the long run.
  7. As most threads are about problems and demands , i wanted to make a different thread, to say thanks to the server officials that way. Right now, you are really giving me back the old classic feeling of Lineage 2. The shop items and the premium account system are quite reasonable and i REALLY hope they will be sufficient to enable you to pay the server and earn your share of money, so that the server will stay (that way) for quite a while.
  8. Dude look at your browser ...the "lineage2classic.com" could be a hint, . Why do you even enter a classic server and moan about the classic aspects??? To get everything the hard way, is exactly what lots of people here want. Besides, if you already moan at the very beginning, i doubt you will be happy with a classic server. I
  9. When u hand more than 100 Lion badges all at once (Quest: Vanquish remnants in Gludin) in you should get the "Black Lion Mark" to get the Lvl 25 quest in Dion. I handed it 120 and did not get it. SO: was this feature removed and everybody gets the quest in Dion or is this a bug?
  10. Well........Lineage 2 classic is all i can say......and believe me...back then its been much harder....no Lvl 10 quests with tons of soulshots etc.. As far as i remember in beta and a few weeks after it no grade soulshots didnt even exist.
  11. Erm thanks for reply (1 1/2 hours are gone though, so bvetter make an info threadfor others)
  12. Bought a 7 day ticket about 1 hour ago or even longer....still nothing happened. Does it take this long, or is something bugged?
  13. Hm...the launcher copied all files to my desktop...and i wondered why it took so long ^^ (Launcher was in L2 directory)
  14. >Mist....da wartet man ewig drauf und ist dann im Urlaub wenn der Server startet ^^. Jemand noch im low Lvl Bereich unterwegs? Habe einen 20er Spoiler und eine 20er SO Bufferin.
  15. Some guys definitely are very annoying. Botting and permaenent killstealing dwarf. No wonder...since days a russian guy permanently whispers gold spam and botsale...with dozens of different chars.
  16. And btw. you will see it yourself. If you are chaotic and have a high PK count you will drop items like a christmas tree its needles
  17. @ Fuze yes, i meant PK counts, sry. http://legacy.lineage2.com/Knowledge/cp.html Only found this old library. That's what came afterwards. I keep on searching for chronicle 1 rules.
  18. It does....from +10 o or +5 on i am not quite sure about that any more. Just because you dont know it doesnt mean it wasnt there btw.
  19. Imho this whole discussion is senseless. 1. Only very few casual will ever reach the first class change and (almost) none of them will ever reach the second class change. Those who do are hardcore players with limited time. 2. I played L2 since Beta and never lost a weapon. The chance to lose a weapon if you have no PvP counts is VERY VERY low. It gets much higher if you have 10+ PvP counts, but that is your own fault then and you deserve it (because in this constellation you will have most likely killed lots of Lowbies).
  20. Same opinion here. "...... which we believe at the end of the day will bring us as close to Classic 1.0....." that's what Draqla posted this wednesday. The first life sign after almost 2 weeks. Since that post absolutely nothing happened. To me it seems as we we were fobed off with glib promises. Maybe they want to wait, if there will be an official Europe server....then they should tell us. Maybe there are still 3 month of work, then they also should tell us. They do not owe us anything, but if they simply fob us off, they owe us our time we wasted here.
  21. Fester Adams

    Languages word

    German: longest word i know: Grund­stücks­ver­kehrs­ge­neh­mi­gungs­zu­stän­dig­keits­über­tra­gungs­ver­ord­nung
  22. There are definitely no chests. I thought about playing a dagger user on release, wanted to check the drops and searched orc camp, execution ground etc.. Did not find any chest.