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Everything posted by Dafne

  1. A little bit late, no people for do a shit, i'm bored as fuck and i only put shops, or check others, also log for unity and quest mania... thats it! u.u
  2. Buenas Solo hay dual box si pagas, si vas al NPC Nostalgia puedes comprar los items para hacer premium tu cuenta. cuestan COLS: coins of luck que puedes conseguir o bien donando, o comprando a los traders que encontrarás por GH. Para temas de reclutamiento te animo que te hagas cuenta si no tienes en Discord, ahí verás que clases son las más demandadas. Un saludo.
  3. Thank you so much, and happy new year <3
  4. If i hadn't read your fabulous NPC texts, I wouldn't have gotten to that part relax!
  5. I would like to, but the quest does not appear on the list. I already updated, but will do it again ...
  6. Thanks for all! But about Apella Quest: "Dragon Scales" ?
  7. Happy 5th anniversary, and thank you!! ^^
  8. thank you! and happy birthday