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Everything posted by Defiant

  1. Defiant

    No me deja entrar

    Por lo que yo interpreto de ahí, me parece que no te alcanza la placa de video para jugar L2...
  2. Guys, it's in the rules. You cannot use any offensive names. If you find any, just report it, don't whine about it here because you're losing your time. Use the ticket system or contact the admins on Skype. Simple
  3. LOL dammit, now I'll have to go sell the "good stuff" to the russians...
  4. If there's a clan called "KuKluxKlan" then I see nothing wrong with this. I just see a freckled fat virgin teen nerd wearing glasses and braces pretending to be tough in an online game by using words he cannot begin to understand. Sheep, follow my advice, just ignore it.
  5. Nice way of ending a post. Makes me want to sell you everything you need!
  6. Defiant

    need help

    Hola teosp, escribime por privado. Soy argentino también, capáz pueda ayudarte. Contame qué te pasó. Saludos.
  7. Defiant

    Clan "Argentos"

    Dame unos días que haya un lugar, por ahora estamos completos. Pero tengo que borrar a un par que entraron el primer día y nunca más.
  8. Defiant

    Clan "Argentos"

    Probá escribirme a "Pompon" también, ando cambiando de a ratos.
  9. Defiant

    Clan "Argentos"

    Whispeame a "Rakim". Queda 1 lugar!
  10. Hi! Anyone sells Proof of Blood / Blood Marks? What's the lowest price around? I want to get my clan to lvl 3 for once and for all
  11. People in this forum never cease to entertain me! LOL
  12. This was already mentioned. If you ever played L2 Classic you'd know it's "x1" rates are a lot lower than retail x1 rates. It's meant to be difficult.
  13. Cretu, this has happened to me too a few times. I think it's a connection problem. Which proxy do you use? And where are you connecting from?
  14. Defiant

    L2 General infos

    I tried to get this software (It's called "L2 Informer") but the hard drive of my old computer is broken (or the IDE cable is broken). I'll change the cable and then I'll try again.
  15. Defiant

    Clan "Argentos"

    Si estás online en 10' te mando invitación! Sino arreglamos por acá.
  16. Defiant


    Really...? ._.
  17. Democracy on the internet? That'd be new
  18. Hacé un netstat en el cmd (Botón de Windows + R) ahí ejecutá netstat y fijate cuantas conexiones tenés que digan ESTABLISHED. Si tenés más de 5 o 6, tenés algún problemita, demasiadas conexiones... Deberías cerrar programas o poner un firewall.
  19. Defiant

    Paris situation :(

    My deepest condolences to all french players on the server. My prayers are with you and your families. I visited France several times and I love the country and the culture, studied french for a few yeas, so I'm really saddened by these attacks. I hope you get back on your feet soon! We all need to unite against terrorism, and today more than ever: Un pour tous, tous pour un!
  20. Yo juego desde Buenos Aires, tengo TeleCentro de 10 MB y va perfecto, jugamos mi novia y yo desde 2 PCs distintas y tenemos 0 lag usando el proxy de Europa y a veces cuando ese anda medio mal usamos el de Brasil.
  21. I can't decide whether you're a genius or too naive
  22. LOL what a stupid way of getting yourself banned
  23. Well, this is Dion right now. What you think?