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Everything posted by kkthxbye

  1. kkthxbye

    Some pvp frapses

    i see no drama potential in this topic the vid is average, great job
  2. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    such a balu style for sure its just shame on admins, they know who did this got ip but they dont ban such players. Mine items got deleted on 1 january 2018, half year later again this type of action - but hey, lets them play and delete items, we can get 5 euro for investigation each time this happens - profit. P.S: any items got deleted past 2 years since some ppl is not playing? XD
  3. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    best friend would have tell u that for sure right im chilled, topic closed for me ;d
  4. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    yup, back in the days i would get myself cut for that idea and def myself, but i became one of the victims, but guess what, who cares, its his conscience of what he has done in his career hope he has great memories as we do
  5. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    Guess we got something in common in some ways placku -- @Poseidon bro, u were the only one that understood me, even if i didnt knew it yet, u knew it, u were warning me, but i false believed hes a good guy, he were not as we seem Too bad it went this way, i loved to argue with u at prime time. Love u forever! <3 Wish u best in 2021! Im turning 30, meh, still stupid
  6. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    didnt expect much from u
  7. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    y go play some game
  8. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    like i care to send u proofs since im not playing, ask Koll, or Pose or his CP itself lol. yeah, so why u re trying to protect, u wont get a blow i guess, so whos a retard, coz ur babysitting makes no sense
  9. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    guess already not here, i see Biz got famous the other way he was BTW, TL:DR?
  10. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    i quit in 2018 when Bizqquit deleted all the items from my chars new year for sure from 1-2 january smart boi new year present EDIT: ah and he accused my chars of going RMT and i was banned too, but got unbanned bcoz it was fake of course and ofc later he RMT his champs to china himself, what a coincidence atleast i saw this chars at China main clan with changed nicks Bizqquit -> ileana etc. but still gotta thank that scumbag bcoz i quited atleast just got suprised seeing u around so had to ask
  11. kkthxbye

    Skill Recovering

    hi, how long did u have break? did u bring friends? nice button combination on 1:53
  12. kkthxbye

    WTS CLAN 6lv

    u just need RMT it
  13. class quests 1, 2, 3 is a must at lvl 20, 40, 76 "the quests" in Lineage 2 dont really make sense, 90% of them is worthless on rewards and exp, L2 is missing proper quest system, u just grind forever The only quests i remember from old days worth doing is Elven Village to hunt spores at lvl 6 and Ruins of Despair at lvl 16(?) to hunt mobs for body parts and sell them to quest NPC, but it works best on x1 rates or on a new server when u need money. On old server its a waste of time.
  14. since class change went full retard u can now roll anything into anything almost, so if u see TK u cant say hes a superhero anymore
  15. kkthxbye

    WuKong Family

    RMT and boting*
  16. lol coz its not me, u confuse me. I wouldnt definelty use "tnx" as "thx" thats stupid :D and yeah, thats the reason why not using this account, simply not mine, would also use something else to be anonymous, here created fast account for fast question :) i dont even know if i really want to start playing again tbh i did already bad start choosing forum nickname i see :D
  17. so still at lost, guess i were buying them per 2,2kk before event? turned down into like 300k at event. Do they still do giveaways at events of those items?
  18. so back in the days i was buying and selling Energy of Insolence to boost my money, but then suddenly an event popped up where reward was Energy of Insolence... and i've been left with huge amount of Energy of Insolence that was worth nothing... Now i'm on the market and i see nobody buys or sells Energy of Insolence, does that mean they got value again or...? What price is per 1 right now? Thanks in advance
  19. good, cool placki Ty to zawsze nolif byłeś
  20. thank you for the welcome nothing changed, good for u