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Tiago last won the day on December 27 2020

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  1. You being depressed as a player just gives more reasons to make changes don't you think?
  2. Thats the point of this thread, normalizing catching up for everyone.
  3. So you just expect people to farm 24/7 like china, nothing should change, gotcha.
  4. Based on the google translation...I do not quite understand your point. How exactly are you even mentioning something to do with this post? China is abusing blessed scrolls and thats why we can't have a daily exp scroll?
  5. So you gonna take RS seriously and accept wars?
  6. Wake up mate, its time to start leveling to 82, 80 is minimum now. China is way ahead already, you'd think they use the daily quest but who knows? All I know is the 3 hours you just mentioned pretty much is never enough for a whole party to do the daily.
  7. Yes. Some materials will always have value, some examples being enria, mold hardener and gemstones A
  8. Of course, but thats the point of cps in this server, growing together and farming together. I think its a bit silly that one of the bonuses you get for doing daily quest is made harder to use all the bonuses because you're doing things as a cp and most of the time can't use the exp bonus. Loses its purpose
  9. The faster people get to level 80 and stop caring about dying the faster they'll run around hunting players and pvping
  10. Tiago

    Apotheosis CP

    Recruitment closed.
  11. Please no, would make people camp bosses with their mains or make/move 2nd chars, we would never get anything done in our primes
  12. Tiago

    Apotheosis CP

    No longer recruiting.
  13. I've checked in the test server, I exchanged 100 of them and got the following : 81 dyes +2 -1, 4 +3 -1, 13 +3 - 2 and 2 +4 -3. So in average you need 500 dyes to get 10 +4 -3
  14. Tiago

    Apotheosis CP

    CP Disbanded You may contact or email me ingame: Resilience Discord: TK#5398
  15. Tiago

    Drop for mobs

    Your problems are pretty much all solved as soon as you join a clan and make friends with people there. No need to play 24/7 for that, you should be able to use discord at work.