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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. Dear trash, I'm asking for 2.0 cause of new stuff are coming up. Bored of owning you all the time in 1.5 and watching bsoeing/PRing all the time, so a little oly, few more areas could make it better. I'm really waiting for you to see you use PR in toi areas. (Also read better, admins said they will announce arround October, so yes we're waiting for it) Now search more threads in post to flame. Trash.
  2. It's funny how you flame people you get even like for this and san0 does nothing at all about it. You flame to my all threads, maybe you should find a life? Because I was off these days and didn't see any post about 2.0.
  3. Since summer we're talking about 2.0, I guess is hard update cause a lot of changes but you said you gonna announce the date arround October. Are you gonna announce it soon or are we going to wait until next summer?
  4. ​so i got rekt? u are the one who agrroed and blocked me in game i just want to say its not true. i died 1 time when i was vs koukou, greenlightds and soil. then i came with 5 62-65 lvl guys and made u click on bsoe. u are a clown if u cant take a lose, the thing how u guys started to trash the chat from the twinks is ugly. u are a clown, not a leader. p.s. when we level twinks we kill all the time -4 wars who come to kill our high lvl suppor, we just didnt know its such a big deal) ​Do you think because you came with 5 65 lvl I can kill them all alone? Fcking trashes.
  5. Try harder by talking, maybe you can win on this. This guy Lokiardy came to gank at EV today like 3 times and he died like all times with Lulaelf. Yesterday jacktheelpyripper did the same and were dying too, also roxthepr went -4 and he pmed all of proud that he had aden castle, like they took aden to die on 50 lvl mobs
  6. SOiL

    OOC CP

    Why I should talk less, that makes someone a bad leader? Nah.. I lost like 1 or 2% that can be made in 1 day. Yes you need luck because you got us in your asses in loa. Poor tereza.. Anyways merry x-mas, gn!
  7. SOiL

    OOC CP

    ​tell me the joke, i dont get it ​There's no joke on this, some people will need a week of farming to get back the exp that they lost on that day, good luck.
  8. SOiL


    ​Have you ever tried if this reduce critical works for skills also? Sssssh... Merry X-Mas
  9. ​ 00 :25- 00: 30 sec Pure PVP why PR 9 vs 18 or i missunderstand something ???(Double PR 4 the wwin!!!!) And also sure if we lost its 95% against zerg 5% unlucky.... OK you are pro sorry( ​00:25 - 00:30 where is my party? ​Ahhhhh so your ally are pussy...and only ur team is good ok/ ​Nah I didn't say that, you said that I'm bsoeing on pure pvp. Btw that wasn't eve a 9v18, that was 9v9 they pr'd and then 9v9 and they pr'd again. Cause if they knew allies were coming could stay and fight you.
  10. ​ 00 :25- 00: 30 sec Pure PVP why PR 9 vs 18 or i missunderstand something ???(Double PR 4 the wwin!!!!) And also sure if we lost its 95% against zerg 5% unlucky.... OK you are pro sorry( ​00:25 - 00:30 where is my party?
  11. If we couldn't lose a fight we shouldn't play here at all. People are always winning-losing that's why it's a game.
  12. Who said that we don't bsoe or PR under trains/mobs?
  13. SOiL


    Most times you're right but I think this time guys you're wrong. Having full lvl light armor mastery you will get more p.def than wearing heavy without a mastery. Also for rogue classes, light armor mastery gives a passive extra, which people think it's bad, but it's not.
  14. ​MonkeySoil tried to be salty good ​What, you don't like get rez from RezQQuit scrolls?
  15. SOiL

    OOC CP

    Nice fight even if we lost it. Maybe awaken had few -4 on this fight on his party, I'm wondering how many -4 you had on your alliance with Scroll rez from rezQQuit. Why you even need to answer to Etorasomething and datplays? They still talk about 69 while rez recruited... not just recruited, if he could take the NPC's actually, with him, he could do that too. The song suits to that, gotta catch them all! Nice vid
  16. ​Maybe it's client's bug, like core jewell o0 (Don't ask me, that's what I thought right now :P) It should remove all debuffs but it doesn't remove stun/fear/sleep etc. So maybe range of raid bosses is like that, a client bug and they cannot fix it. But they can punish people doing it.
  17. SOiL


    Didnt read all the comments, all I can are 2 things. LS paralyse has 1 or 2 seconds delay on it (Dunno the reason). 72 lvl DA can land on 75 lvl Glad with mental shield + lvl 3 orfen-core in 80% chance. Dunno if I was unlucky but few DA's from perks that are 72- were spamming on me fear after fear with those jewells on my char.
  18. ​I feel so bad for u... m2, nice plays Arm. (Dunno why but this photo is bugged and cannot remove it with any way from other post I made).
  19. ​Back to the topic then, two options are like one, means people doesn't like how is right now, so 32-19 right now. Go vote folks!
  20. ​I remember you buying top C duals +5 for 800 cols. So I guess you have much to give, that's why ​we losse 4% and we dont need scrolls we have big balls. ​That's why you gonna say all the time we're higher lvls, using simple rez in abg just to win the fight? I did take 3 pvp on tereza's body with simple rez, was funny.. Back to the topic. WickedSick alliance recruits up
  21. ​Why is that even a bug? Guards are NPC like mobs are. If you die and you're not attacker you have chance to lose items like it is from mobs. Did you really died from guards -4? Biz used scroll rez? oh wait it's siege area.
  22. ​we choose that!!! we are ally who prefer to gave castle on guys who has helped us.... and ofc we arent ally to tell to our people to cover our ass... so QQ we can kill without castle too!! ​Sorry but you dont choose, is what you can afford, you are not good enought to get a castle for vigi, but if you have a smile saying that is for the ally is okay, we want you better saying that you did it for your ally than crying on forum. ​First use something by yourself, be creative a bit. Secondly we play without 2k CP as handicap so maybe, I say maybe, you stop using PR.
  23. ​Take us in alliance to be stronger