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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. ​Why you didn't ask buffs too?
  2. ​Couldn't say that much it was 3v4, they had dances from the box, that's like 3.5 vs 4 Stun is for 9 seconds if noone hits you. In fact it's a shock not stun, if someone hits you, there's a big chance that stun been removed. But guess what, you crying again!
  3. SOiL

    fighting ! xD

    Why you hit allies? Shame on you.
  4. They are 60-65 lvl and need a cool bishop from EU to start their cool party pm me here or in game bishops 58-66 lvls for more details.
  5. ​ :((
  6. SOiL

    Hello Enemies 2

    It's like there's a fly next to your ear..
  7. Didn't you join perkunas in the last 2 sieges to attack Giran? ​ We didn't ally with perkunas, but you're asking for it.. It could be fun. ​We don't even have EE in party how the hell we PR?
  8. Many of you know that perkunas in 1.0 were running and killing everyone that wasn't pay them without reason.(Then we had no cs at all). My alliance got reason for killing you. We were allies with EternalShine, we exp boosted them in aoe even if they were archers, helped them in pvps, played with them and they made ally with UQ. Tribo were playing with us too, we protected them, let them exp, then in the SIEGE joined enemy side. We got a reason to PK low lvls yes and I don't wanna hear anything else about PKing pvping in 60 lvls. I don't care of the lvl. If you want to don't get PKed don't join enemy's alt clans. I'm clear with that, I don't like seeing people that we let exp in alt clans and then hitting us in castle sieges. And if you believe I can't pvp in high lvls, then ask UQ how are using PR's all day. Also mail me for 1v1 whoever wants 72+.
  9. SOiL

    Part 9

    I'll make a post about hitting low lvls and you crying about it.
  10. ​We have orfen, that's how I made the video. The problem is, you don't get it how it works. Cause you liked it how it was before and now you feel bad that you can't exp with an bug item. Okay you got lvl 3 orfen, that's okay you have the chance to regen mp, what else do you want man? Non stop exp better than with mp pots? No. And it was too late that I heard that wasn't right like this. I should do that earlier. You were farming all day/night at bs with overlord box. I'll take hero, no need someone to give it to me.
  11. SOiL

    Trick - Switch

    Well, we tested those two skills, I didn't except the results. Mental shield really affect both of them, is that a bug or it should be like that? Thanks. (Without mental landed like 14/16, with mental landed 4/20. Tested twice).
  12. Here we go again.. 1) Defender guards are hitting pets. 2) Golems can go to pray room. Question. Why clans lvl 2 without even 15 people on it can register for a castle while even a war cannot be opened?
  13. SOiL

    Part 9

    ​Because we had 5 ppl from our party no bishop no OL and you came 2+ parties. What's the point?
  14. ​He's doing aoe and regen so low mp, here if you make aoe with 2nd or 3rd skill you go full. Monkey you restore low mp eh? Man these guys were farming for 2 months solo non stop with this bug. Damn it's so sad
  15. SOiL

    Part 9

    We were like 12 or 13 ppl, the enemies were like 20-22 + I said that so we won't stay behind, playing 1 year ofc we will have lvls.
  16. SOiL

    Part 9

    ​we where lower levels all the time bro, top level in perkunas is 1 person - 71 lvl. u just dont imagine how is it to fight higher levels. hold the online and farm fast, if we get the same level u newbs are fu cked. ​I do imagine, in 1.0 I was fighting every day 45-47 lvl vs 58-60 lvls. I did write this to congratz you, well that's an answer! ​we where low level since 45, we know better. im from perkunas, dont see where u congrats us ​Whoever you're mister, I was talking to Fun clan in first fight.
  17. SOiL

    Part 9

    ​we where lower levels all the time bro, top level in perkunas is 1 person - 71 lvl. u just dont imagine how is it to fight higher levels. hold the online and farm fast, if we get the same level u newbs are fu cked. ​I do imagine, in 1.0 I was fighting every day 45-47 lvl vs 58-60 lvls. I did write this to congratz you, well that's an answer!
  18. SOiL

    Part 9

    I wanna say gf to this clan Fun, they stood and fight while they were lower lvls than us. Not like PRkunas and PRnique. Well played guys, waiting for you to raise up and create a 4th side
  19. ​There,the chance is 50% to get 3% mp. Here the chance is 100% to get 1.5% mp. There got chance to regen 0 mp and lose 80-100 mp from spell. ​
  20. You still talk about orfen? You need 80 mp for a spell right? So -80 mp. You give let's say 4k damage, you get 65-70 mp from orfen cause of 4k dmg to monsters. With 100% chance. Why the fck that is nerfed and on meele isn't? + for giving them ban for 1 week or so for not respecting noone.
  21. SOiL

    Reflect - PvP

    ​u did literally nothing to kill him, thats why it doesnt count to you ​Well the answer is in case you're not trolling Even in clan war it says you have killed "this" guy.