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Everything posted by SOiL

  1. Who talks about forum pvp masters, 3 weeks before, siege wasnt finished and you made a thread about siege. As ganja said this thread is for fun, you started saying I didnt kill your girlfriend a year now. So who is the forum pvp master?
  2. Yep I needed 1 year to kill dee, you found it! Cause he is restarting all the time and bsoeing. o0 No I killed him many times like he did too.
  3. SOiL

    ROK Siege video

    Well played guys!
  4. ​I wanna change my vote right now
  5. San0 gave the best answer again! Go find a clan, make parties use programm like ts,vent etc listen some music talk with your ppl when you lvling and ofc choose aoe exp. 1-1 farming not that good in low lvls.
  6. Yep I agree but, I still believe it should be more defence on castle, not like old chronicles you could put 6648 guards plus the defenders. There is option lvl 1 low defence right? How low if lvl 3 are just few guards at first wooden doors and balcony? Ofc I leave some people to protect castle when we leave it but still. Maaan.. in 7' 1 dwarf can take a castle. 10 hits the outside wall, 3 hits the inside wooden door and 2' the pray, 0 guards will hit him, how is that suppose to be castle defence? Im talking without defenders. Im not talking about adding 30 guards each walls, just 5 so one person cant steal a castle in the end of the sieges.
  7. I know its a bit late about it and dont start saying we have castle etc, we have castle more than 6 sieges, im just wondering. Why defence of castles are so low? Every siege I pay 10-12kk for defence, is not that bad but one single dwarf can go inside castle easily, maybe you should add some archers in walls and balconies like 5-6 of them? Depends of the defence level you choose. Whats your opinion? (I wanna hear opinion of san0 - koll when you got time guys) Thanks
  8. Dragon valley, cruma 2nd floor aggro mobs 45+
  9. SOiL


    We have many beautiful orcs
  10. We've changed whole clan cause of ch. We made lvl 5 our academy it needs 15 days to lose a CH even withour adena in cwh. That's a bad option imo that you can't sell a CH.
  11. I dont wanna say bullsh1ts but I think and hope so they are working on 2.0 and we have some spikes, cant be 5 days now ddos or whatever else. It was the same lag before 1.3 update too
  12. Jerry is LOA -> TOI now
  13. If points goes to 0 after rr you got +45 yes! Well points are proof how your wwars going!
  14. SOiL

    2 in 1

    Lord is playing dagger very well, last video I was joking arround with him and 2.0 update is not here yet Well bisquit you just complained about boxes man. Hehe.. Some of my videos I dont like them either, they cant all of them be good. Btw I stopped clips while wars got trains in their asses doesnt feel right even if UQ pr even when we got train vs them bwahaha! (they always trying to gang on train).
  15. SOiL

    2 in 1

    Your last video was showing how you gang 62-64 lvl chars from our clan, now you telling me why I made video how 1 party gang vs 3 parties and telling me all are boxes? How is that even possible? With our deaths I think we went +27 points overall, so you telling me from 35-40 kills all were boxes. And why boxes came from 2 different spots? Find better excuses next time, I didn't come to your video saying oh we're boxes oh they are 63 lvl oh that oh this. gf ;D
  16. ​3 times more than you means we were 5 ppl active with 3 box in party and train in our ass and you prd? Oookay..
  17. IQ -32, perkunas were waiting for opportunity to log and kill us then you came. Go use some PR even with trains in our asses. I counted 5 PR's in 20 mins
  18. Don't think so Is anything wrong on the server? We tried almost all proxy and we're still lagging!
  19. Doesn't have big difference so don't worry about it.
  20. SOiL

    Warrior party

    LF BD 66+ Mail SoiL in game