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Posts posted by weeeeD

  1. 7 hours ago, Stiba007 said:

    It was neverending pvp and we go 2 times take on Oren without nothing, just fast rush, because our "totally" blind spies give info that Oren is empty. 

    I have so big smile on my face if i ride on my mount inside oren castle alone and there was tons of NF. :D

    This CS was very good from WS and WK if we talk about pvp. I play lineage mainly for it, that i want fight in mass pvp, 1x per 14 days on CS.

    SM all time stay back and take free castles. Its cleaver from tactics side, but totaly useless for pvp players. But who is surprise, when u gank 1 DA in SV with 2 parties and fail it. xD

    Types all of this bullsh1t while avoiding every war on a daily basis since 2016. Carebear hypocrite.

  2. 4 hours ago, Stiba007 said:

    We reach ToI 10 and SMs pts were hiding like rats. xD

    You were waiting in login menu over 30mins(1/4-1/6 our prime time) awesome ? and zerking my CP with 2 your pts when we pull half floor was typical SM style. 

    Its same like farming in SV/FP, all sides farm there with small grups, only SM going there with full pt. :ph34r:

    Enjoy your sh.t style, because we are in war. We enjoy are fair play style because we have higher grade.


    Gratz on zerging 2 boxed cps and then dodging an actual mass pvp when we make parties. Stronk fair play style.

    38 minutes ago, Stiba007 said:

    I anytime leave? :|

    SV is top location for doing 77+ lvls. China know it, we know it. You know it probably too. But with full pt exp is suck there and with small grups u get rekt from everyone or u droping weapons on the ground if u running with panic in your head.xD


    SV top spot...Stiba and China knows it....  AHAHAHAHAHAHA, only Stiba can provide us these special knowledge moments... Please never leave server dude.


    12 hours ago, Myrtan said:

    You all are mega zorgzors, all continously flooding this forum with useless flame and keyboard fighting here who is better. Isn't trashtalking in game enough for you? That is getting boring rly, always the same people blah blah blah all the time.

    *Looks at his 1k+ post count and remembers how much he used to bark when his Jungle team was still around..* 9_9

  4. Tower Defense is fun ;)


    @rhaegar People don't have time to edit movies all the time, most of these fights happened past few days, maybe ete/progressive will upload different POVs later... And obviously not many people can record (very few can record high video quality). 


    Anyway you can enjoy some SE pov here on Cipka's channel:


    Also check out Shinryu's videos for a new balls-in perspective :D 

  5. 5 hours ago, Myrtan said:

    When I see bigger group like you see in the fight with TFD I don't use hide from beginning because I have chance to use hide and survive in pvp.

    Give me rational reason why shouldn't I use surprise element in pvps against one guy where I don't see the big risk of losing. 

    You don't use hide to attack 2 fear chars (and implied to me that you are so smart for holding it to escape in that situation:D), but god forbid if someone tells you that you didn't need hide to kill x, y, z SOLO FARMING players (even a freaking SH...). I see you're trying your best to keep JungleLogic alive on this server.


    Anw, my main point, from first post, is still that these hide ganks on solo players are garbage video material. And that's like 90% of your video. Second point was that you won't learn shit doing this, but i shouldn't really care about that, keep being myrciu for all i care :P . 


    And i already regret posting here, cya.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Myrtan said:

    This is how you play with TH. TH is not gladiator, you must be sneaky and attack unexpected. I can't win with Necro who see me running to him from miles away. Try to play dagger here and you will see that this class must use everything to minimize risk of losing pvp. After I get out of hide they still have chance to fight back anyway.

    No, that's how a newbie dagger plays. You have 3 skills to cancel their debuff cast (correct me if i'm wrong?), they don't have longer debuff range than your switch. It is also much better dagger practice to not rely on hide that much to go in, these aren't mass pvps where you can get blown up in 2secs and actually need hide.


  7. I'll just say that all of those clips approaching solo players on hide aren't really interesting to watch so i don't see the point of recording and uploading, specially when you didn't rly need hide to kill most of them.

  8. Farm toi/loa and your problems are over, mounts can be annoying if you don't have them but is not the end of the world at all, stop crying,


    And the actual strong 77 summoners are pve boys, i doubt they spend any relevant ammount of time ganking for this to be a problem, just saw one of them on farm-no-war clan xping in SV with his cool magnus.

  9. 20 hours ago, Reaper said:

    Only CC leader party party (or party with highest dmg in CC if they dont have enough ppl) can pick up, so its not 27 ppl. 

    Not true.


    It is obviously about organization tho, you cant have everyone picking up.

  10. 5 minutes ago, DumDum said:

    get lost on ruski newb and try join perk, lel, why do u even participate in topic to write bullsht.

    lvl 76 is custom since 1,5 year, so get lost with ur pointless comment.

    You didnt lose any xp dude, % just got readjusted to the  real xp requirement.