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Posts posted by weeeeD

  1. 1 hour ago, BlackJack said:

    Speaking of cleef, i assume he is in your archer party right now, he and those supports have spent more time in bs to combined WS EU ally over the past 6 months.

    Do you even believe the bullshit crap you write ?


    Your boys Rosenberg and Stiba have always soe'd from LoA after winning a fight there (not saying it happens regularly, more like once every 20 days) to go back to farming bs or ab. Rosenberg 76, Stiba 75, both never really farmed loa for any relevant ammount of time.

    Meanwhile cleef's cp members farm loa every single day.

    Not to mention, how could any WS+WK war even farm BS that much in the past 6 months when you zerged the entire place up 24/7 ?

    You see, it doesn't add up, there is no alternative reality where cleef farms/farmed bs more than your main archers, in all of them Toxic's QQ from Loa and farms ab/bs.

  2. 1 hour ago, Rip said:

    It's funny SM used to cry that we have 2-3 rechargers out of party while they log 31 chars 

    Nah, it is funnier that for you your 4oop rechargers with active macros during pvp don't count, yet our main char boxes inside party (that just sit there doing nothing until we alt tab) count as a full person now :D

    1 hour ago, Stiba007 said:

    Better position, bigger numbers and win it only because enemies mages didnt have mp on next killing.

    Gf, now rest server can see SM style.xD

    31chars = 2,5pt new record in SM couting :ph34r:

    Cant speak for every other party (perhaps the fighters' was actually full) but the mage party had like 3 boxes among the 9 IN party and you still barelly touched it, i think we had only 2 deaths that entire time, maybe 3 (cant remember if sws died too), so yea, i'm pretty sure you didnt lose because of MP. I'm not sure cleef's had more than 3 or 4 actives either. So much for that 31 count, might wanna add all pp boxes to the count too if u havent yet !


    Also, as you might have noticed despite your ignorant comments, SM's style is mostly to just fight anyway, we fought your 2 full parties the day before with ~12 active people, we've fought rip repeatedly without 2k cp, with drivers on party, in awful terrain positions, we were ganking your 25+ people in BS with ~13-14  few days ago and don't get me started on china as we've fought that zerg way too many times, so "rest of server" can see what ? That we take fights and try to protect loa? Unlike you, we simply fight most of the time, we avoid very few battles. So yes server, watch how we take opportunities to have fun without our full cps online instead of PR'ing and babbling on forum like clown Stiba.


    49 minutes ago, DerMeister said:

    everytime sm they have 2-3 rechargers more out of party and more people log just for fight inside there.. 

    Lol, this is the only time i've seen DerMeister come to heart while i was there, and he brought 3 parties to fight 2, here's what happened: 


    • Like 3

  3. 10 hours ago, Stiba007 said:

    Btw. Gratz to change epics system in your ally, u will need it. Im rly surprise, that yours others pts havent idea how much epics own jerryZ. U are all so naive. He si foxy fox.xD

    Last gratz is for your zerk. Dont worry about control epics, WS dont care about epics, JF leave server and let many low pts here.

    U can continue in free farm epics, probably u can take under your wings next low pts and share epics with more and more people.

    We have perfect knowledge of each other's epics actually, what a sad attempt at disrupting our harmony :D. Unlike you, who only farmed with huge zergs, we have been stealing epics with less than 2 parties of epic chars since bizzerg was still here zerging them all. Not long ago SM and BadProducts were fighting for every single epic, oh and lets not forget about the newbie chineses trying to kill QA and looking like the worst epic farmers i've seen in this game.


    8 hours ago, 88262500 said:

    seriously without 2.0 epics means nothing 、both ws wk /es jf afked 、including me 。and if 2.0 update、i think tower epics has nothing to do with sm、and if sm can get that .it means ppl don't want to get back .and its dying .plz enjoy dying serve  epics. btw i still loveu : )no one will abuse u:)

    Is that what you tell yourself to sleep better at night after those failed QA attempts with 15+ 7x chars pking everyone that enters the cave ? And the reply above goes for you too, we didn't wait until WS pussied out from epics to try to start farming them. In fact we even helped WS get your last few epics cuz we wanted bosses to die at a certain time no matters who got it (ended up being WS cuz... zerg DPS) and you couldn't overcome rebirth's defense hahaha. 


    8 hours ago, 88262500 said:

    btw....ist L2 a game aiming at make ally more number and enemy less and less?:o

    So your aim is to recruit the entire server to control every spot and hold hands and sing songs to each other while reducing enemy's numbers ? Nice.. i play for the pvp mostly, that's the fun part, only the chinese and Stiba can handle so much PVE and allies on the map without getting bored.

    • Haha 1

  4. 2 hours ago, BlackJack said:

    not really even talking about siege numbers but eu prime, soil had more than 2-3 times the people every night and still contiuned focusing on eu prime recruitment. If you are against soils recruitment policies and couldnt do anything about it, not sure why you harras every WS member about it. Also is it WS fault , WS has been up and running forever while DL broke...? Btw when i returned playing in january sieges were 200-220 DL, 120-140 WS, 40-50 ES, so yeah the 20 people difference came after we started grouping together cuze we had no chance ( remember that DL were outleveling WS by a lot ). WS / ES broke ally and made server interesting after what? 1.5months after DL broke, while DL kept farming free epics for over 6 months and didnt mind competition on server was lacking. Hypocrisy much? Go tell Usain Bolt to run slower , or C.Ronaldo to score less so the competition gets better chance.

    How convenient to talk only about the EU prime issues you had while having 90-100% of SA/NA prime and ~70% of Asian prime (and only because china didn't have 100+ back then). 

    How convenient to talk about free farm epics when back then it was 100% WS's fault for not showing up to compete for them, just like nowadays this unorganized zerg doesn't even show up to fight for them (not surprising, there is a severe lack of leadership since biz left), oh wait, must be DramaTeam's or BP's zerg fault too :D

    And yes, it was bizzerg's fault that Soil made that big alliance, if it wasn't for biz making 3 allies, 1 per timezone and also recruiting the entire force of China, maybe DL would have stayed with those 3 main clans only (with 2 being mostly asian time players). I played at Syndicate at the time and Soil wasn't even willing to really recruit us as real allies until he saw the ammount of clans WS was building/gathering (on the other hand, despite synd being a very scrubby low level clan, biz wanted to recruit us the moment he saw us with 12+ players logged at AB, he didnt even need to see a full CP working to be interested, it was us that didn't like them and waited for Soil/kept talking with Soil.

    WS also had zero intentions of breaking ally with ES, nice try to look good there, it was actually foxylady who had the balls (lol, sry <3) to leave you trying to make the server more fun for everyone (and guess what, you started flaming them as traitors instead of being happy for the server's health), because honestly, it was dying at the time (sieges were 100% dead for a few months, gratz, our server looked pathetic with Koll streaming a zero-fights siege for 2 hours and every random viewer laughing at our server on chat) specially for them who were reaching 75-76 without having anyone to fight in their timezone. 

    And yes, you are correct that it was not your fault DL broke from the inside and ofc the main zerg creator was a better zerg leader in the end, it is not surprising, it is SoiL's fault for trying to play biz's game there (altho he did have his reasons to quit and it wasn't even about DL). But still, you were willing to continue to work with people that still had 2 sided war with you, people that you didn't really like or trust, so that's on you, you gathered for your anti-DL interests but kept going even after DL died.. 

    About the hypocrite accusation, I'd be an hypocrite if i typed all of this while encouraging our leaders to accept Perkunas' recent 69 requests (biz tried first, then left server, suddenly it is kiam trying to reach us out for 69, as if they needed more players) or something, but on the contrary, i've always pushed against that and for SM to stay small and work to build quality CPs instead, i couldn't care less if it was still just SM's 4 cps and a few extra players, despite the struggle that comes with being that small. But we recruited a few parties now and we are still small and fine.

    tl;dr: almost everything WS achieved in the server in the past year came through zerg power, since few months ago they kept trying to 69 us to make the zerg even bigger and to argue back they have to go back to darklegion days and invent numbers and dates, on top of nitpicking EU prime only and pretending that they reduced their ally size (-Rebirth) on purpose, because they actually have zero real arguments to defend themselves or even anything bad to say about our current ally.

    //bsoe after writing a bible

  5. 17 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    u didnt seem to mind the zerg part when DL was doing it.

    ? Wanna compare having 15-20 more players on very few sieges (in reality WS still had majority of the players on most sieges) to having 110 more? Well, can't expect zerg boys to be good at math.


    edit: and for the record, the mass recruit actually bothered me, Soil could have kept a higher quality alliance instead of trying to match bizzerg's number every week.

  6. If you read our server rules and think that it is allowed to shout WTS adena, maybe your english knowledge is just not very good. 


    I'm sorry that you got banned, not my fault, stop raging on me :P 


    edit: by your logic, none of the adena sellers PMing and MAILing everyone 24/7 should be banned. After all, just messages ?

  7. 1.6 Buy, sell, exchange (or try to) ingame goods/adena/accounts for real currencies.


    You tried to sell, you got banned before you sold it. It is forbidden...


    Friend of mine in 2017 also shouted !WTS glad lvl xx, yy zz gear during a moment of rage where he felt like quitting and got banned minutes later. You are both naive, but not innocent.


    Unless you can prove it was a big fking joke on chat ( a stupid one, i must say), there isn't much to cry about.

  8. 1 hour ago, Yomana said:

    Come on i have seen necro's rushing into parties A LOT of times here when its 9v9. @BlackJack used to do it so he can pass silence to key chars.

    This is a viable strategy.... I agree that stun is annoying as hell but thats the chronicle we are playing. Without stun or debuffs working as they are now mages would rule even more.

    Blackjack was a lvl 76 necro with core2, fighting mostly lvl 70-73 people (i think ad cp was literally the only 74+ party they were fighting with and AD didnt have ES at the time) with no ES in their party, having a stupidly high silence chance with no counter play, not to mention his unique role of debuffer inside an archer party where 2 PRs did the killing. So yea, in his case it was the right call 90%+ of the time. Nowadays most people have the custom ES, most people are fighting similar level parties, so things are very different than what you've seen on bjack's POV few months back, you feel pretty stupid going in to silence someone (at what, ~40% chance against same lvl mental shield4 no epics?) successfully just to have their ES remove it half a second later.

    On top of the lower range, debuffs like necro's fear/silence already have a much lower land rate than any stun (not saying they are weak skills, ofc they aren't, the main advantage over stun is the cast speed i guess), and if you are a few levels lower than your enemy the chance drops tremendously, meanwhile you can go fight some stuners 4 lvls below you and they'll still be landing stuns at a very high chance, so yea resist shock definitely feels a bit useless around here. 

    If there was still a lvl 74-76 strong melee party like soil's around here, they'd probably be beating anyone party vs party (at lvl 74 they were already trashing oppa, dee, etc, 75-76 mages stacked with epics, quite easily i must say, cuz perma stun....) despite the mage's lightsabers. Oh, and Blackjack himself started playing offi and after a few days posted here saying how much lower the stun land rate is over there if you have a little level advantage, and that was his 1st class experience with no resist shock buff. 

    But whatever, maybe nothing will ever change here cuz to begin with most of us can't even make a proper report with proofs, lets call it an unintended indirect way of balancing fighters against the +12 mage weapons for now, better get used to it guys :P. But they could at the very least fix core 3 removing stun, that would help at least the dedicated epic farmers :D 

  9. 24 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Oh please, while perkunas were still active here, both them and jungle just waited till 23.00 CEST for us to log off so they have 3 hours of free farm until Kiam logged to clean them up. That melee cp that i dont even remember the name of that rerolled to archers were the only ones playing later than that.

    Their prime starts way after EU prime, wtf are you talking about dude... That's like some asian guy calling you out for waiting for them to log off so you could log your party. They have EU allies now and still only log later on SA/NA, because that's their prime, smartass, this ain't Jungle.

  10. 59 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    yeah anathema deja-vu, spending 80% of prime protecting ppl who cant play smart and do it on their own and organizing everything for them epics/farm/ccs/sieges and after that you didnt do enough for them. I might dislike AD, but his strat to care for his own party advancement really works well in such medium pop servers, since sooner or later people you spent your time helping will turn against you. One thing i learned from this server is that it's better to have 2 self sustaining parties. than 7 - 5 of which require constant protection and cry about everything and cant fight off a single party to protect their own spot.

    They joined us knowing they'd have zero protection at SA/NA timezone and would have more wartags on the map too. So yea, keep the comparisons to yourself, they are doing fine on their own and not crying for protection.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Rip said:

    I agree, that's why i said to nerf them

    For example remove only cd/mp regen buffs and keep emp/wm/clar and cleanse or something like that

    The only thing that could arguably stay are the clarity/emp/acum buffs for a little extra utility, but i guess no one really cares about that.

    Keeping mass cleanse and/or party buffs makes no sense, that's some heavy custom shit that affects the gameplay too much.

  12. 11 minutes ago, Rip said:

    They can replace nukers but only 77+ and anyway one more nuker is still better choice than es

    Even if you think ES absolutely suck, it doesn't mean they should be allowed to make OP mages even more OP. You know very well this is broken on many levels. 

    Paladin sucks and no one is giving him balance life, body of avatar, or greater battle heal for the sake of balance.

    • Like 2

  13. 1 hour ago, Rip said:

    In my opinion it's better to nerf them instead of removing. W/o these summons summoners will be useless in any kind of pt

    Just because they won't be boosting the already overpowered mages even more, doesn't mean they become useless, at least not the Elemental Summoners (which are the majority in this server, by far). They can replace a nuker (maybe less effective in smaller pvps, i guess, but arguably stronger in mass pvps) or make an awesome summoner party like this one:




  14. 3 hours ago, Stiba007 said:

    Cry me a river little boy. B|

    Tell me more about lvls, equip players like Parasitolos, Nasujama, Slonjaboy, etc.

    I'm actually laughing since you are lvl 74 fighting many 70s in that party and still talking about levels as if you were catching up to them....Clueless clown like always :D:D 


    @Kim just wanted a hug before they left guys :(. Leaving the server and being mad that people left your clan is at the very least... weird. Cmon, let them move on, what's the issue...

    Don't be mad about the word zerg. It is not an excuse, it is just a reality of the game, things are easier to achieve if you zerg, and some people prefer the easier route than to work hard for something. And in this server, at this time, you are the zerg alliance. You have been for the past, i dunno, 9 months at least, and that's more than 1/3rd of the server's entire life, no ? Anyway, i somewhat agree that it wasn't up to you to break it, but also don't complain when people call you a zerg, because that's what you are.

  15. 45 minutes ago, Stiba007 said:

    Every week, when i see how rest server cuting lvls difference from SM, i see how players from SM are more and more nervous, agresive, losing more and more pvps. ;)

    Oh, if you knew the level of the guys you are fighting in that video.... Keep barking.

    • Like 1

  16. 19 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    all to ES but megaz0rd. so is that it total of 10 ppl is that "everyone?" Outside of megazord who went to WS everyone1 else went to ES

    Megaz0rd, lanza, coldex, pole, rok all went to ws/wk. 


    edit: anw it was a huge ally, and not only i wont remember everyone's names, there's also always a bunch of people who simply change nickname and lf cp on the "winning side" for easy farm/epics.


    edit2: add infinity, redlight, tankadin to the list.

  17. 1 hour ago, Myrtan said:

    The thing is without that zerg tactic there is no possible way to take Aden and change things which last for months now. I mean, cmon, you cannot fight double numbers in a siege and expect to take Aden castle when full force of enemies is there. Untill Aden won't be captured by other side than WS, nothing will change unfortunately. :)

    Your threats happen during epics tho :D 


    1 hour ago, BlackJack said:

    Tell me one cp that joined WS after DL was done for. Cuze I honestly don't remember anyone. The only people that i remember jumping ship instantly was zakna's trash cp but they went to ES and not WS. Tell me please who are those "everyone from DL" and no anecdotal stuff, names and cp names.

    megaz0rd, lanza, coldex, poledance, zakna, even RoK cp a little later, just to name a few. Now please name DL members that you rejected, cuz i believe you recruited every single one who were willing to move.

  18. The difference you guys are forgetting is that both WS and Rebirth were willing to recruit everything from DarkLegion when it fell down, and since many quitted/took a break, there weren't many of us left. If BP and DramaTeam were willing to recruit everyone that wants to leave WS right now, it'd be dead already, and there would be only WuKong. Luckily for the zerg team, we are not willing to mass recruit everyone, and apparently neither is BP (altho i should hold my breath for that, JF has been making zerg threats lately :D).

  19. 5 minutes ago, Stiba007 said:

    3:1?xD Koll's stream is good proof.

    ~175 CC vs ~60 cc, so yea, we fought you 1:3. Seems like BP had just 1 or 2 parties more than SM, so even against them it doesn't get to 1:2 :D. We could 69 eachother and we would still have less.


    And in past sieges when they had a little more, you would PM us to 69 you on sieges, to make sure you keep at least a 2:1 advantage. Not zerg minded at all :D:D:D 

  20. Just now, BlackJack said:

    Nothing to do with starting a sentence. In English, the nominative form of the singular first-person pronoun, "I", is capitalized.

    Every sentence should be started by a capital letter, that's 2 in 1 mistake, how can your english be so bad ??? That's also 3 unecessary comas in this reply, wow, go back to school.