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Posts posted by weeeeD

  1. Just now, BlackJack said:

    The diffence being I know who they are in game and I have no clue who the fuck you are. Says a lot doesn't it?

    Doesn`t matter, you said it yourself on a previous post that my party was one of the few who actually fought you in this server, even tho we were completely outlvled and outgeared (which are stiba`s excuses for PRìng).

  2. 21 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    Damn, you are so smart to pick on people about their english, let me take a swing as well. It's I not i, 2nd sentence makes no sense, at the very least add a comma if you are using zerg boy as an adress. Idiot.

    Should i pick on their pvp skills instead? One is a PR that never leaves BS, the other is a pathetic leader that started around same time as me and more than 1 year later is still avoiding every single PVP with party return. Basically, there is no pvp with these guys :D.  


    Edit: good job worrying about i or I (this is an informal place and there is nothing wrong with it) while defending a google translated sentence that was impossible to understand. "Gotta defend my old allies !"

  3. 1 minute ago, Stiba007 said:

    And your english is perfect?

    "Try again zerg boy" xD

    Most of us use sh.t english like me. Crybabies will have still stupid talks about zerg or english.

    Good point is that many of our enemies starting play like fair enemies.

    You wouldn't know, since your english is basic foreign-child level.


    Don`t get mad about the zerg word, you 3:1 your opponents and don`t wanna be called a zerg ?

  4. I think it is less about the "full" part and more about the fact that you put a NG helmet there to trick people into thinking your sale had Doom Helmet too, afterall it is a package sale named Doom Set Heavy.... Obvious scam attempt, stop crying. If it was your first warning, luckily for you, just make ticket and get unbanned. 

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, Stiba007 said:

    1) Most of  "Neutral" or  "No clan" players were from DL and they want only free exp on high lvl without pvp. WS politic is good for us and for server, cause people must play as party/clan. Classic is about mass grups, not for solo/selfish players.

    2)WS players were in game 1/2 time as top players from DL. WS made ally and we cant for it that DL ally broke up.

    So many players in DL were so toxic, Soil was poisoned from it , they broke up, so we must destroy our alliance? ?

    Wake up. It doesnt work like this.

    Lol at calling WS + ES an alliance. You just gathered for mutual hate against DL, while mostly hating and never trusting each other. But i guess you enjoyed being in line for free epics and castles (while taking the entire siege entertainment away from the server, gz), so why break it right? Why have wartags around the map if you can free farm in a carebear world where you're allied with everyone, who plays L2 for pvp after all :D:D:D ?

    And how does any of that excuse you guys for PMing SM recently for 69 on sieges and epics anyway, while already having the heavy majority of players ? Is it also Darklegion's fault ? Literally no shame and no excuses, is just a pure zerg mentality.

    Oh and i'm pretty sure your side recruited the most toxic DL players like zakna cp anyway, so your random toxic flame just makes us laugh. Not to mention how toxic some of your members have always been (let me know who used to play the AAAAAAAAA epic char, cuz i suppose it was the toxic leader himself :D).

  6. 2 minutes ago, vinter said:

    Are u serious? 15 players?

    It is fine, i didn't expect a zerg player to be able to count.


    Btw also about DL, my old clan wasn't even being accepted in their ally until you guys decided to make 2, 3 alliances "evolving" into a big zerg. Then Soil started recruiting some too and we got in. WickedSick has always worked to have the biggest zerg, that's just a fact. I mean even now, while having this huge zerg, you guys still tried to get SM help on sieges... They wanted our help too, but at least they lacked number so it was less embarassing for them to message us.

  7. 5 minutes ago, vinter said:

    Ex DarkLegion members speaking about zerg...

    We were just speaking about china. But if you wanna speak zerg. How is DL having ~15players more than the enemy on one siege the same thing as what you since the beginning of the year? Do you realize ES left you and you still have over 60% of the siege players ? Imagine what % you had before... Zerg Zerg Zerg

    • Like 1

  8. 1 hour ago, FinalFen said:

    You should throw in Ant nest between Partisans and AI as there's a huge jump in level and mob difficulty between those

    Ant nest is fine spot too, but i think most people really go straight to AI, even at ~32 it is already ok to go.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Myrtan said:

    Post them whenever you want, as Violence CP we played very good in both fights. Unfortunately we didn't have much support in both, when enemies where 2km away when the command was rush. Anyways, we will see when we finally do 9 v 9 if we can or can not get you down. Tbh, Im pretty confident that we have chance and not that low. ;)

    Ah yea, blame the ally, of course, been there too, being blamed for everything that happened with JF on our ally. 

    Of course you have a chance, even right now. But what would be your chances if they fixed the bugged warriors? Zero ?

  10. 1 minute ago, Myrtan said:

    And here we go again. SM forum warriors arguing about numbers. Glad to see you flaming forum nowadays much more than me. Ahh, those mature players 9_9

    Sup kid, mad that you can't beat us without zerg hordes?


    You better hope no one posts the loa heart and oren castle fights, those were very embarassing for your ally..

    • Like 2

  11. Just now, Pelocho said:

    Just because there is people from 3 cps doesn't mean there are 3 CPs. You can see in the video we were actually less than 20 including boxes...

    I never said they were full 3 cps, do you think my mage CP has archers in it? Cuz that's our second party there, mixed one with archers and a box 6x EE being drived as healer. 


    Not sure why are you even arguing when it is crystal clear that you have 3 parties, when podla uses groupheal at beginning we can see Whiteba, Linnaeus, Isno, Japo, Bloodyqueen and others (not receiving the heal...) on the 3rd party, cheers mate, learn to lie better than this, pm Myrciu for lessons.

  12. 1 minute ago, Pelocho said:

    My more sincere apologies, it won't happen again, may your farm never be disturbed. And yeah, the video shows 10 characters: 8 from CP plus 2 boxes: elder box for MP and box low level bishop that are obviously not being played.



    Oh i don't care that the pvp happened, i just wonder what are you trying to show ? Again, 3 parties vs 2 video with DramaTeam having to move from heart towards 3w for the fight to happen because you scared little rabbits wouldn't even attack us and the asian guys wanted to go to sleep. I Showed you clean 2v2 parties fight, and u lasted about 30 seconds ? :D 

  13. 16 minutes ago, BlackJack said:

    bizz party avged 8,500,000 - 12,000,000 exp per buff depending if +12 str or +12con.

    Is that what they got FC'ing with orfen 3 with only 2-4 chars leeching ?

    Cuz i've seen them aoe'ing heart and bs a couple times and they sure as fk didnt get all that xp per buff on those small trains.


    @Pelocho what is that, 10+ active players against afk people and boxes, maybe 4-5 actives who reacted after getting hit ? :D gz.