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Piotress last won the day on February 29 2016

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13 Good

About Piotress

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  • Birthday 12/16/1970

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  1. Piotress

    Scammed account

    Your website account contains all your game accounts unless you have different website accounts, like I do. Next time don't give out your account information to anybody and you won't get it stolen, it's not the fault of the system that you handed out your information. It sucks, but you only have yourself to blame.
  2. Piotress


    Drops from Harit Lizardman Soilder and Taik Orc Warrior.
  3. Personally I don't want other players knowing things about my characters(s) that ​There is no reason for other players to know things like this so I agree with this. Nobody "needs" to know information like that about my characters except me.
  4. Sometimes it takes a day or two for the admin to authorize it as he has a lot to deal with already.
  5. Isn't there a 24 hour cool down/penalty or something? No idea, since I never use offline shop mode.
  6. PM Price here or mail Mistara in game.
  7. Piotress

    Spoil Rate

    ​if the chance is showing 1/200 in spoil, the actual rate is 1/100, simple ^^ ​exactly how do i need to use this 'patch'? ive updated my client, and shift click on a mob doesnt give me a list. (not talking bout morims mods) ​You don't do anything except left-click on the mob, click the down arrows in the upper left hand corner of the mobs name window and you will see a bunch of small icons. The two last icons on the right are the info, the adea icon is the drop list and the spoil icon is what the mob spoils. Place the point on one of the icons and a box will open up with the information and rate (1x).
  8. I've annoyed more than one PK'r by not even bothering to fight back. The best ones are the lower levels who think they can force me into a fight and when I don't fight back and they go red I've been told some really colorful and childish words. Earlier I had a player around the level of my Elf Fighter (level 11) attack me and she paused after the first hit to see what I would do, when I started heading to attack another mob they hit me again, I died and they went red she/he started screaming like a spoiled brat who had a cookie taken away. So I went straight back to continue my quest and the person was still there. When I ran by towards the mobs I needed she once again resumed a childish tantrum, I just laughed and continued my quest. A few minutes later I saw the player log out and never saw them again. I used to do that all the time back in the early days in retail and I made a lot of enemies by not fighting back and having their hard earned characters go red only to be shot down by somebody better than them; also got some decent gear that way which made them hate me all the more when I would not give it back. I play this game to enjoy myself, not go around causing grief to other players just to try and look uber and if others get upset and throw fits when I do not play along with them then they are the ones who are not having fun. :) And I agree, the PK scrolls need to be removed as soon as possible.
  9. Hi Koll ! What about players who bought pk scrolls before? I mean there will be alot of people try to stock pk scrolls before 1.3 update? What is solution about that? Can you also make a topic to discuss about that problem? And some options for players's vote ​They will just stop working. ​I love this answer! Going to be some upset PKr's when that happens. They want to feel powerful and kill low level characters then let them do the quest as is retail. This is the reason why NCSoft originally changed Cruma Tower in High Five so that anyone level 50 or higher cannot enter. Yes, I am a carebear player and do not bother with PvP except sieges and am not afraid to admit it. I player on retail since Prelude Beta and never got into PvP and it never stopped me from enjoying the game.
  10. Piotress

    Adena seller PM

    Saw this while in Dark Elf Village.    
  11. Piotress


    ​If the admins play their cards right they should have no problems getting members to spring for Premium memberships. And if players know this server has such a good anti-bot system they will become a lot more interested in playing since they won't be competing with automated players. As with any private server the entire thing depends on how good and active the owners are. If owners pay little or no attention to what's going on or not putting any effort into keeping their server players happy they will die very quickly.
  12. Piotress


    No, you are thinking of GameGuard, which has been used by NCSoft for years and is pretty much always been useless. SmartGuard is designed only for private servers, it has nothing to do with official L2 servers.
  13. Piotress


    Best protection outside of GM monitoring is an actual AntiBot protection system like SmartGuard, I would look into it. Champion mobs can be bypasses too quickly by just monitoring the packets sent by the server to the client. https://smart-guard.eu/en/ While nothing is ever 100% I have played on servers using SmartGuard and it seems to be one of the best protection systems for private L2 servers. The Start version is only $200 US and $25 license fee for 3 months. Since Dimensional Strangers (Ertheia) and Classic L2 client are identical I am sure they can tailor it for you.
  14. Everybody was a newbie at L2 once. I have been playing since Prelude Beta.
  15. The client is a slightly modified version of Dimensional Strangers so anything you can set in the current game client you can do on the Classic L2 client. There are only two things different between Dimensional Strangers and Classic clients: the protocol version and the login screen, everything else is the same. What NCSoft did was take the current server system and modify the original C1 scripts to function with it so you get everything with the modern game client running the C1 systems. Since NCSoft never removes anything from the game client, only adds new content, everything from past Chronicles is still there.