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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Dear friends! We plan to make a server restart on November 6th at 11:00 CET.   Best regards, Classic Team
  2. Koll


    Please restart your client.
  3. Koll


    You are playing on Classic. It must be hard.
  4. Koll


    We are now working on novice items. After finishing them, we will start new adv campaign.
  5. Koll


    You are now telling about server bug reports. I doesn't tell to stop giving them to us.  I told to stop telling that we don't care, cause we many times proof that we care.
  6. Hello. Please contact skype: events.classic , they will ask some questions about your payment and will check why it's not it your wallet.
  7. Koll


    Drop list will be for PA users only. Why another things must exist?
  8. Yes. Classic is Downgrade from GoD. Or you think NCsoft start making it from zero?
  9. Hello. Check if something blocking, like antivirus.
  10. Koll


    Stop telling us that we doesn't care. We proof that we care many times. But raise is not fixing the problem. We will make chat beyond to hwid. So sellers will get ban on hwid and will not able to speak for some amount of time. And players who will start new chars will able to speak from 1st level.
  11. What Hat you want? Premium account for 7 days, Offline trade for 7 days, Title color, Hair accessory by your choice. This is your prize list.
  12. Koll


    ​yes i read that. there you are talking about 2 different players. player 1 took a name but does not use it.  im in another situation. im just 1 player. 1st option is available for you too.
  13. Hello. When you making a ticket there are info how long you will get answer. You can also contact skype: events.classic
  14. Hello. 2d shops fixed with last restart. And teleporting after moving fixing with client restart. We doesn't have time for now to fix this cause of priority.
  15. Koll

    Bot Ban

    Hello. You can contact skype: events.classic or make a ticket.
  16. Dear friends! The bot problem affects all of us. And you, honest players who see people achieve something in the game with botting, and us, the administration, which sees how players, wanting to get everything at once, destroy all, where we have invested so much time and effort. And now we have to put all our strength in the fight against bots. Both you and us can see that the threads about bots are showing up very often. You telling us about the bots all the time, but as an individual reporting a bot in Skype - you can not see the whole picture of the work on erasing bots from our server. Since at the moment our defense is still in development and it is not just words, we are really working on protection and, unfortunately, as it was said previously, we can not take already someone's achievements, because they are not configured for the Classic, we declare Bot Hunter Recruitment. For users, who think that 90% of the server will be banned because of personal beliefs, etc. - don't worry. Bot Hunters won't have the option to block bots themselves. The decision to lock will be taken by the administration, after providing irrefutable evidence from the Hunter. Requirements for candidates: - High online time - Availability of Skype - Knowledge of the rules of the server and the ability to determine the violation The format of the application: - Your name - Your nickname in the game - How long you can / are willing to pay to work? - At what time of day (day / night) you can work? - Do you have experience in this area? - Your Skype All bot hunters at the beginning will pass the internship and after passing that stage successfully you will be rewarded for your work.
  17. Koll


    Please download something like https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html . With it you can make screen shots only needed area and it will be upload to imgur instantly.
  18. About riOrizOr question Why he got no response from me: It's my fault. Unfortunately a lot of people are trying to solve their problems through me or other administrators on the forum and so I was distracted and missed your message. But you must understand that your question, I would have sent to Support Center. Unfortunately I can not carry out their work and spend all my time in customer support when Support's Skype and tikket system are running. So please don't try to get an answer from the administration of a technical problem through the PM on forum. We offer you two options for getting a response from the wider support.
  19. Hello. Why do you facing these problems? This is PTS files. They were "borrowed" before beta test stage. For this reason, there is a problem with the party of 7 characters. Since NCsoft made Classic on their last client in which the number of members in the party equals 7. Unfortunately, in our case it's way more difficult as we don't have the NCsoft source code itself, and our fixes are made as an additional .dll (extender), which are correcting the errors, it is called reverse engineering. Due to the fact that the files were taken before the beta test, we are facing other deficiencies, which we will solve immediately after we will fix party bug. We have provided to everyone interested the proof that it is not Java, but PTS server. At the moment we offer the best free Classic server. Yes, it's not perfect, and some of you in anger can say - **it. But these problems arise only from the fact that we got the files in this state. But we do not try to make it an excuse, we work hard on correcting every error. But you also have to understand, a small group can not solve such problems as fast as a huge staff of the NCsoft company. We make everything to quickly and, most importantly, qualitatively perform our work.
  20. Koll

    WTF помогите

    Hello. I see in admin panel this weapon on your char. Maybe you have problems with patch?
  21. There are many programs that can decrease DPI of your mouse. Please just use them.