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Everything posted by Koll

  1. Have you download our client and used Updater?
  2. Hello. What problem you have?
  3. Can you please give date and time when your chat was banned. Don't need exact time.
  4. https://l2central.info/classic/Тотемный_Дух_Медведя_-_Монах  
  5. ​You can give us nick and we will check.
  6. ​Вы скажите мне пожалуйста пару вещей. 1) Почему меня если проверяют то сумон делают по 5-10 раз за 30 минут? 2)Интересно услышать ответ за что я получил бан чат. ​Time spending on check depends on how much you acting as bot. If we see after 1 or 2 tp that you are not bot, then we will stop checking you. About ban chat: It was make by one of our chat moderators. Because he doesn't make screen, we had a talk and warned him, that if he will make a similar mistake again, he will be deprived of the rights of moderation. We apologize for this incident.
  7. It's x3 from ru off Classic that is 1/6
  8. Koll

    7 ppl pt

    ​Sowwy but 2-3 what?  days, weeks?  p.s. 2-3 = -1 ​days.
  9. Hello. Answered in skype much time ago.
  10. You will be disconnected if you will play on vitual machine or try to pass with sendbox and etc.
  11. Hello. He have different hwid. 
  12. About chat ban - asked chat moderators to give info why you was banned. 
  13. Koresh was banned before sell any adena and now asking support to unban him cause it wasn't him. 
  14. ​koll are you kidding me? bots today can analyze images ^) you just need to have 2 machines one with client and other with remote desktop and bot ) and no protection will work ​You are now talking about bot zranger that will be blocked.
  15. Koll

    7 ppl pt

    Trying to fix this in 2 - 3 after we add bot protection. Bot protection will be at the end of this week.
  16. With banning people we show another players that if you will use bots, you can be banned too. And you will loose your char with all equip and etc if you will use bot.  At the end of the week we must finish our own bot protection. But we will still have bot hunters to check players passing this protection and will unban only after getting info how they pass and blocking it.
  17. Option for unban was made only because it will be horrible for project just ban all players that seduced to play with bot, cause there are bad protection.
  18. Hello. Please restart your client.
  19. Topics doesn't show before hunters will check it. Because if we will show them before - this chars can just stop boting for some time. So before we check them, they can't see that you reported them and will not know that they will be checked soon.
  20. Topic was deleted because there was no discussion in it. I heard you, answered you, but I think players from your party were just posting something, what doesn't belong to discussion. You can discuss it with me in skype: koll.classic
  21. You was not discussing. I can discuss with you at skype: koll.classic.
  22. ​There was more important tasks. At the end of this week we planing to finished our bot protection with blocking more then 35 bot programs ( with different adrenalin and tower versions including last version ) plus new hwid check system, protect from passing one box limit. Then if we found any other bot that passing protection or some bots make new updater, will be easier to ban new version then like now we create all from nothing. About party fix. We are hoping that we close to finish it. At the end of this week will be info about party fix too.
  23. Koll


    Hello. Please contact skype: events.classic